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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Sidhe / PikPok
The whole idea of Rubio framing his campaign as fresh and new and "turning the page" when all of his political views are fucking regressive as fuck sure is rich.

Yeah, Marco, let's turn the page and usher in a new era where women who've been raped can't get abortions and the U.S. has no diplomatic relations with Cuba.

He must mean "turn the page back".
Daniel B·;187438518 said:
No, the difference is, actual human responses are required for a poll, even if the results are horribly skewed, because it relies on someone who still uses technology first introduced in 1876, where as, with a climate model, you merely have to plug in an incorrect assumption (rising CO2 levels cause global warming and not, according to ice core samples, CO2 levels rise in response to global temperature increases), to get the graph that fits your agenda.

And let me guess, they use thermometers to measure temperature! A technology first introduced the 1600s!
No thank you, sir/madam! I prefer my science to be a little more recent! ;)
It's stunning seeing Obama talk about climate change while no one gives a fuck outside of some (not even all) leftists. Just strikes me as a desperate attempt to add something to his legacy.

Meanwhile the reality is that none of this matters in the grand scheme of things with multiple other countries not playing ball. It just comes off as an obsession over a ticking time clock that cannot be stopped unless you institute broad economic regulations that hurt people. Good luck with that.

Ill be dead before any of these doomsday scenarios allegedly happen so meh.
So Carter pretty much confirming boots on The ground. We won't lead and be visible but Obama wants to be able to do bin laden type raids it seems.

There's a lot of risk to that... But some upside. I think we can do damage without the propaganda victory of a western army for isis

Check out @cbsMcCormick's Tweet: https://twitter.com/cbsMcCormick/status/671711052934029312?s=09
Lol at the Twitter assholes "why are they announcing this?" Probably because you fuckwits have been sitting here complaining about no one doing anything!
It's stunning seeing Obama talk about climate change while no one gives a fuck outside of some (not even all) leftists. Just strikes me as a desperate attempt to add something to his legacy.

Meanwhile the reality is that none of this matters in the grand scheme of things with multiple other countries not playing ball. It just comes off as an obsession over a ticking time clock that cannot be stopped unless you institute broad economic regulations that hurt people. Good luck with that.

Ill be dead before any of these doomsday scenarios allegedly happen so meh.

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Obama actually cares about climate change and sees it as his duty to combat it?

Not everything is about personal motives for politics or legacy...
Rich Lowry on the PP shooter:

classic sign of mental illness, from ABC: neighbor "said that Dear rarely talked to them,and when he did,he offered unsolicited advice..1/2

This describes essentially every man in the Republican party?

Climate change is pretty easy to limit (just charge more for fossil fuels) and limiting it won't hurt economic growth by much at all based on all economic models. It's stupid not to focus on climate change.
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Obama actually cares about climate change and sees it as his duty to combat it?

Not everything is about personal motives for politics or legacy...

And, you know, there's a UN climate change conference going on right now with numerous participants. It's not like Obama is bringing up climate change now because he woke up and felt like he didn't have a legacy or whatever. It would actually be kinda weird if he didn't talk about climate change at this conference.
It's stunning seeing Obama talk about climate change while no one gives a fuck outside of some (not even all) leftists. Just strikes me as a desperate attempt to add something to his legacy.

Meanwhile the reality is that none of this matters in the grand scheme of things with multiple other countries not playing ball. It just comes off as an obsession over a ticking time clock that cannot be stopped unless you institute broad economic regulations that hurt people. Good luck with that.

Ill be dead before any of these doomsday scenarios allegedly happen so meh.
Maybe he just went to Paris to score some nice booty? You know how these conferences go right
And let me guess, they use thermometers to measure temperature! A technology first introduced the 1600s!
No thank you, sir/madam! I prefer my science to be a little more recent! ;)

I think you'll find, me old mucker, that climate models likely use temperatures taken using weather satellites, such as TIROS, which was launched in 1960 ;).


What the hell is going on here? Daniel doubting facts about global warming?

Do you just buy into all conspiracies, what do you think about UFOs?


What political instruments you should use to influence people to use fewer fossil fuels and how much these will cost financially and politically (compared to the cost of not acting also).
I guess I didn't use enough sarcasm, I mean, PD was saying it's "stunning seeing Obama talk about climate change"—what are you supposed to talk about at a climate change conference? The latest episode of The View? lol
What the hell is going on here? Daniel doubting facts about global warming?

Do you just buy into all conspiracies, what do you think about UFOs?

Almost all it took was that Ted Cruz video, the first and perhaps only one I'll probably ever see ;).

EDIT: UFO's - nah (love me some Sci-Fi though - Fox, pretty please, don't fuck up the new X-Files season); for me the distance between worlds is too immense, which is why we, as a race, should put our differences aside, and start seriously protecting our one and only planet, for now and all time.



I sense a lot of bootstraps in those red lines.
Daniel B·;187444641 said:
I think you'll find, me old mucker, that climate models likely use temperatures taken using weather satellites, such as TIROS, which was launched in 1960 ;).

Of course, how foolish of me. I just hope the climate scientists are clever enough not to communicate with that satellite using radio. Or even worse, put the data on a piece of paper. Or worst of all, communicate about it in spoken language! Because, as we're both well aware, scientific data have a usefulness that is in inverse proportion to the age of the oldest technology involved in its transmission. ;)

I hope the same doesn't apply to people, or old Bernie Sanders suddenly became a lot less trustworthy! ;3
I'm waiting for Daniel B to just go all the way and declare himself a Donald Trump/Ted Cruz/Bernie Sanders Republican.

That's not all the way. All the way is when he collapses into full on solipsism. I'm not interested until he starts referring to us as competing aspects of his own psyche. My hope is that we'll hurry that journey along if we all start posting like him.



That's not all the way. All the way is when he collapses into full on solipsism. I'm not interested until he starts referring to us as competing aspects of his own psyche. My hope is that we'll hurry that journey along if we all start posting like him.


Trump/Sanders 2016.

Tagline: Get Excited White People!
Heh, might be.

Also interesting is that the workplace standards graph is the only one where there's any kind of upward trend. Wonder why that is?

Democrats that make over $100k a year work at investment banks or as lawyers or doctors and therefore work impossibly shitty hours maybe? IDK.

Maybe they were grad students that worked horrible hours when they were getting their PhD?


I like it when Obama talks about global warming and his initiatives to combat it. He's really trying, bless him and I'm glad.
I'm waiting for Daniel B to just go all the way and declare himself a Donald Trump/Ted Cruz/Bernie Sanders Republican.
Would certainly make sense and explain some of his posts lol.
Of course, how foolish of me. I just hope the climate scientists are clever enough not to communicate with that satellite using radio. Or even worse, put the data on a piece of paper. Or worst of all, communicate about it in spoken language! Because, as we're both well aware, scientific data have a usefulness that is in inverse proportion to the age of the oldest technology involved in its transmission. ;)

I hope the same doesn't apply to people, or old Bernie Sanders suddenly became a lot less trustworthy! ;3

Haven't you been presented with one of Bernie's eye catching Internet banner ads yet (if not, I'll get right on that ;) ); Bernie (or at least his campaign) is using technology to great effect, including his highly efficient nationwide event meeting planner :).


He's just abandoned all pretense in being a contrarian troll.

The Contrarian Troll. A sophisticated breed, Contrarian Trolls frequent boards whose predominant opinions are contrary to their own. A forum dominated by those who support firearms and knife rights, for example, will invariably be visited by Contrarian Trolls espousing their beliefs in the benefits of gun control. It is important to distinguish between dissenters and actual Contrarian Trolls, however; the Contrarian is not categorized as a troll because of his or her dissenting opinions, but due to the manner in which he or she behaves:

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number One: The most important indicator of a poster's Contrarian Troll status is his constant use of subtle and not-so-subtle insults, a technique intended to make people angry. Contrarians will resist the urge to be insulting at first, but as their post count increases, they become more and more abusive of those with whom they disagree. Most often they initiate the insults in the course of what has been a civil, if heated, debate to that point.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Two: Constant references to the forum membership as monolithic. "You guys are all just [descriptor]." "You're a lynch mob." "You all just want to ridicule anyone who disagrees with you."

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Three: Intellectual dishonesty. This is only a mild indicator that is not limited to trolls, but Contrarians display it to a high degree. They will lie about things they've said, pull posts out of context in a manner that changes their meanings significantly, and generally ignore any points for which they have no ready answers.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Four: Accusing the accusers. When confronted with their trolling, trolls immediately respond that it is the accusers who are trolls (see Natural Predators below). Often the Contrarian will single out his most vocal opponent and claim that while he can respect his other opponents, this one in particular is beneath his notice.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Five: Attempts to condescend. The Contrarian will seek refuge in condescending remarks that repeatedly scorn his or her critics as beneath notice – all the while continuing to respond to them.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Six: One distinctive mark of Contrarian Trolls is that every thread in which they dissent quickly devolves into a debate about who is trolling whom. In the course of such a debate the Contrarian will display many of the other Warning Signs mentioned above.

What stage are we in?


Wary of Donald Trump, G.O.P. Leaders Are Caught in a Standoff

Decent article telling about the growing/continuing panic over Trump.

“If he carries this message into the general election in Ohio, we’ll hand this election to Hillary Clinton — and then try to salvage the rest of the ticket,” said Matt Borges, chairman of the Republican Party there, where Senator Rob Portman is facing a competitive re-election.

“Senator Portman is a great example I like to use when talking about this,” said Brian Walsh, a Senate campaign veteran. “He’s very well prepared, has tons of cash in the bank, and he got his campaign organized and up and running early. But if we nominate a bad presidential candidate like Trump, senators like Portman or Kelly Ayotte aren’t going to be able to outrun Hillary by that much. And there goes the Senate.”

Slowly, some members of the party’s establishment are reckoning with the idea of a Trump ticket. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has cautioned its incumbents in blunt terms not to let themselves be linked to him.

And finally..
And some Republicans repelled by Mr. Trump feel little urgency to attack him because, they say, he is preventing what they see as an even less desirable standard-bearer — Senator Ted Cruz of Texas — from consolidating the votes of hard-line conservatives.

“He’s keeping Cruz where he is,” Scott Reed, a veteran Republican strategist, said of Mr. Trump.

The next few months are going to be remarkable to witness, no matter how this all shakes out. I've guessed that the party would divert money and resources to salvaging as much of their legislative hold as they can, and it seems more and more likely.

This again. Does anyone honestly think Hillary will be that vocally "pro black" as president? And once she starts using the exact same language Obama does ("I don't want to speak on this because it's an ongoing DOJ investigation...") will Dyson admit he was wrong?

Am I impressed with Obama's handling on race? No. But to be fair I'm not impressed by much of anything Obama has done. I think it's all been handled in a passive, weak manner unless it's a safe moral issue he believes he can lecture opponents on (gay issues come to mind). He does not show leadership because he's not a leader. But that is a separate issue from whether Hillary will "lead" on race. She won't because it's not politically feasible with the general public. I don't fault Obama for that either.


Donald Trump proposed demanding $5 million from CNN in order for him to participate in the next Republican presidential debate during a rally in Macon, Ga. on Monday.

Trump felt the payment — which he promised to donate to “Wounded Warriors or the vets” — was in order because CNN “doesn’t treat me properly” and because he felt he was responsible for the high ratings CNN got during the GOP debate it hosted in September.

“CNN had 23 million people. It was the biggest show in the history of CNN,” Trump said. And the billionaire businessman is reopening negotiations over whether he will lend his star power to the debate the network is hosting Dec. 15.

“How about I tell CNN that I’m not gonna do the next debate?” Trump asked the crowd.

“I won’t do the debate unless they pay me $5 million, all of which money goes to the Wounded Warriors or to vets,” Trump said, following a segue into how people who are “really, really, really smart like I am,” don’t need teleprompters.

Trump was particularly stung by what he felt was unfair coverage of his closed-door meeting with African-American ministers earlier Monday.

Trump predicted the television pundits will call him “chicken” if he carries out his threat, but he attached little value to the opinions of the “talking heads, who are not smart people at all.”

“They call them elite,” Trump said. “My education is better than any of them. I’m smarter than they are.”

After saying that he didn’t want to point the finger at any specific pundits, he added:

“Guys like Karl Rove. He spends hundreds of millions of dollars on campaigns, he wins nothing. There are some people that are losers.”

I don't buy into the Donald Trump is doing The Producer's theory, but if I were trying to tank my own campaign, demanding I get paid to go to debates is a great way to do it. However, saying that the money all goes to Wounded Warrior's is a good way to mitigate how shitty that looks. I feel like he did a similar move in the first debate, right? Challenged CNN to give money to some charity, that is.


Wary of Donald Trump, G.O.P. Leaders Are Caught in a Standoff

Decent article telling about the growing/continuing panic over Trump.

And finally..

The next few months are going to be remarkable to witness, no matter how this all shakes out. I've guessed that the party would divert money and resources to salvaging as much of their legislative hold as they can, and it seems more and more likely.

Are you still going with your Trump plan? You do know you have to register as a Republican to vote for Trump.

Unlike many elections in Louisiana, presidential primaries are closed elections based on voter party registration — meaning only Democrats can vote for Democrats and Republicans can vote for Republicans. It doesn’t operate under the “jungle primary” system used in most state-wide races


Are you still going with your Trump plan? You do know you have to register as a Republican to vote for Trump.
Absolutely. Husband & I are switching registration this week. My workplace is a few blocks away from City Hall, so this isn't going to require a huge effort.


Wary of Donald Trump, G.O.P. Leaders Are Caught in a Standoff

Decent article telling about the growing/continuing panic over Trump.

And finally..

The next few months are going to be remarkable to witness, no matter how this all shakes out. I've guessed that the party would divert money and resources to salvaging as much of their legislative hold as they can, and it seems more and more likely.
lol Susan Collins. "Trump can attract new voters to the party, maybe I don't care I'm not even up next year peace out"


You missed this quote HT,
“It would be an utter, complete and total disaster,” Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, himself a presidential candidate who has tangled with Mr. Trump, said of his rival’s effect on lower-tier Republican candidates. “If you’re a xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot, you’re going to have a hard time being president of the United States, and you’re going to do irreparable damage to the party.”
I mean, come on Lindsey...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXpsDz4Ywjc said:
“I couldn’t disagree with you more. I think people like you make the world incredibly dangerous. I think people like you are radical Islam’s best hope,” he told the Code Pink activist.

He continued: “Iraq didn’t bring on radical Islam. We got attacked on Sept. 11, 2001. We didn’t have one soldier in Afghanistan; we didn’t have an embassy; we didn’t give them one dime of aid — and they hit us anyway. This is a religious war, and if you don’t understand that, you shouldn’t be president of the United States.”

Graham said radical Islamists have a “religious agenda dictated by their view of God to kill every Christian they can find; to destroy the state of Israel and come after us and take every Muslim and bend them to their will or cut their heads off.”
http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/lindsey-grahams-unfortunate-beef-the-word-the said:
“Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Al Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula… Everything that starts with ‘Al’ in the Middle East is bad news” – these were Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina words at an AIPAC New England Leadership Dinner in Boston‘s Convention Center last night.
The last place in the world you want nuclear weapons is the Mideast. Why? People over there are crazy.
Took like five seconds, I do declare.
Wary of Donald Trump, G.O.P. Leaders Are Caught in a Standoff

Decent article telling about the growing/continuing panic over Trump.

And finally..

The next few months are going to be remarkable to witness, no matter how this all shakes out. I've guessed that the party would divert money and resources to salvaging as much of their legislative hold as they can, and it seems more and more likely.

It makes sense that they don't want to go at Trump since that would mostly help him a lot. The problem is that if they don't he'll continue to gain when more candidates lose support or drop out. The GOP are in a lose-lose situation. The one solution would be to kick out establishment candidates so it will consolidate to one , but many of these candidates looks like they will be in at least to February, but that is way to late considering that Donald Trump can win IW and NH if the establishment candidates don't drop out.
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