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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Daniel B·;187378341 said:
(in order viewed, recommend John Coleman's vid as it's an easy to digest summary)

You mean the John Coleman mentioned here? Which points out the following;

Coleman hasn’t published a single peer-reviewed paper pertaining to climate change science. His career, a successful and distinguished one, was in TV weather for over half a century

The reason most people ignore the contradictory evidence is because it's usually unrelated crap pushed by people with literally no credentials or peer-reviewed work to back up their claims. It's as good as saying "Climate Change is a myth because I fucking said so."


Climate change is a plot by the White Capitalist West to pull up the ladder they used when it's the developing brown and black nations' turn to use it.
Benji, is jason unruhe's channel a joke because i've been watching some of those vids and I can't tell. And all the comments are, like, in on it. (the comments are so good)

There is a piece on his site called "clash of clans and the inefficiency of capitalism". This isnt helping
Hah why even bother to make that video. Gametheory is presumptuous, masturbatory blathering. "Where do pokemon go inside a pokeball?!?" ugh stfu




From the intensity of the resource wars to the post post-apocalyptic wastelands of D.C. and the Mojave, political economy continues to be just as important. Being a big fan of the Fallout games I decided to analyze the political econ of the various surviving societies. This book contains an investigation into the economies of the pre-war world, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, including the mechanics of using bottle caps as a currency. This book serves to teach Marxist economics and social theory by using the Fallout universe as a tool.

Based on these videos:
A Marxist analysis of the various social and modes of production that appear in the Fallout 3 game.
As promised I deliver you a video investigating the peculiarities of having an economy where bottle caps are currency. I'll also delve a bit into Marx's writings on money. It will be a bit technical, but nothing too deep.
The third installment in my series taking a Marxist look at the Fallout universe of games. This video will be on the New California Republic and its relations economically, colonial-settlerism, and imperialism.

User 406

Look, if the Republicans start literally painting the Democratic party as worse than Hitler, that seriously undercuts our mocking hyperbole. We already lost "hurrr, well NObamacare is worse than SLAVERY!" to Dr. Carson, at this rate we'll be reduced to waving our hands around mutely when we want to parody a dittohead. :/
Kasich really fucked up with that Hitler ad because he refuses to say whether he'll support Trump in the general.

Two options:

1) He says he'll support Trump in the general, and people ask why he dared to criticize Trump in the first place. Also, he cries internally as his personal integrity is destroyed.

2) He says he won't support Trump. Trump grins smugly and metaphorically tears up that "fair play" agreement (actually, knowing him, he'll get on stage and tear up a real piece of paper), for whatever reason makes most sense to him, and even if he doesn't go independent, that option is now unlocked for him. More people flock to Trump. Kasich's political career is destroyed.

So, Kasich has to do a Schrodinger here. Will he? Won't he?
I think Kasich sees the party inevitably driving off the cliff, and he's currently positioning himself as one of its saviors when everyone comes to their senses.

I don't know if it will actually work out in his favor, but I think that's the game he's currently playing.

If Trump wins, I don't see Kasich endorsing him. I think he simply won't endorse anyone.


I think there will be a ton of Republican big-wigs who refuse to support Trump in the general and will be content in letting him lose in a landslide in hopes of hitting the reset button post 2016 if he ends up the nominee.

I do think the establishment would rather have Trump over Cruz as nominee. They hate both and know both would lose but it would be easier for them to paint Trump in a loss as not a "real Republican" and spin it as not really counting to more easily try to reset for 2018. Can't do that with Cruz.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't even see why anyone is talking to kasich. Is George pataki getting interviewed? Seems odd to me!
The New Yorker, wondering what we've been wondering for a while:
When Exactly Is Marco Rubio Supposed to Start Winning Primaries?

Might it be Nevada that mortally wounds his campaign, instead of Florida?
(Edit: I doubt it. The establishment is going to desperately cling to the first acceptable candidate to win a state.)

After hearing about it the other day, I'm fully subscribed to the idea that the GOP has a Underpants Gnome type plan for Rubio.


I just can't see him winning any of the early states unless something drastic changes and I can't imagine the establishment is going to hang their hope on him through late February when he doesn't.
Ted Cruz Talks About Condoms And His College Days

The idea that Republicans are anti-contraception is nonsense, Cruz added.

“Heidi and I, we have two little girls. I’m very glad we don’t have 17,” Cruz said with a laugh. “And it’s a great example when the war on women came up, Republicans would curl up in a ball, they’d say, 'Don’t hurt me. Jiminy Cricket!'”

Cruz went on to give some very personal examples, and those in the crowd seemed to uncomfortably shift in their seats.

“Last I checked, we don’t have a rubber shortage in America,” Cruz said. “When I was in college we had a machine in the bathroom, you put 50 cents in and voila! So yes, anyone who wants contraceptives can access them, but it’s an utterly made-up nonsense issue."
So Carter pretty much confirming boots on The ground. We won't lead and be visible but Obama wants to be able to do bin laden type raids it seems.

There's a lot of risk to that... But some upside. I think we can do damage without the propaganda victory of a western army for isis

Check out @cbsMcCormick's Tweet: https://twitter.com/cbsMcCormick/status/671711052934029312?s=09

He is not necessary confirming " boots on the ground" . Firstly, Carter already said SOF will do raids and take a little more combative role a month ago and secondly; they already done that before and SOF already been in Syria/Iraq for many months before they were official announced I think. Carter is just making it more public I think.


Maybe Hillary Clinton, the current very-early front-runner for the Democratic nomination, can break the struggles that Democrats have had trying to win a presidential election after its candidate (or his legal successor) won two prior elections.

That’s only happened twice since 1828 for the Democrats, when the modern two-party era started in earnest. In 1836, the Democratic Vice President Martin Van Buren succeeded Andrew Jackson by defeating four Whig candidates, while President Franklin D. Roosevelt succeeded himself in 1940 by running for an unprecedented third term.

The Democrats have failed in four of their last five attempts to win three consecutive terms in office after taking two elections with the same candidate (or his legal successor), with just President Roosevelt winning in 1940 under very unusual circumstances.

The failed Democratic candidates include James Cox (1920), Adlai Stevenson (1952), Hubert Humphrey (1968), and Al Gore (2000). That puts the batting average for the Democrats at .333.

man we suck lol.

“Where was God on 9/11? Where was God in Paris?” he recalled being asked.

“I said, ‘where God always is — on the throne in Heaven,'” he explained. “The question was how could God allow these bad things to happen? It always challenges us to understand that God’s ways are not our ways. What we may interpret as bad, and most certainly is in the case of Paris or 9/11, even that is part of a broader plan for the universe and for our lives that we are just not going to know the answer to. God’s ways are not our ways.”



The people that claim God makes the final decision on every event are just confusing. *Godbaseballstarvingchildren.png*


Truman should count.

Truman's surprise victory was the fifth consecutive presidential win for the Democratic Party, the longest winning streak in the history of the party, and second-longest in the history of both modern parties (surpassed only by the Republicans' six consecutive victories from 1860 to 1880).

I don't know

A two term Hillary followed by a Democratic loss would probably make that year's loser a failure to secure a third term for his party like Stevenson in 1952 even though they will have controlled the WH for four terms.
Christie's resurgence was so yesterday. It's all about Rubio today: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/marco-rubio-pivots-new-hampshire-216295

As a side note, Rubio loves to use the phrase "turn the page."

“This election,” Rubio told them, “must be a turning of a page.”
"I'm running for president, and I honestly thing we need to turn the page as a party."
Rubio Announces Boehner Resignation to Standing Ovation: 'It's Time to Turn the Page'
"the time has come to turn the page and offer new leaders, with new ideas, for a new time"
“This nation is going to turn the page”

I appreciate that it might have been the wee hours of the morning, but you must have missed me saying "prevent further destruction of the World's precious and irreplaceable rain forests" and "air pollution (excluding CO2) is still a factor with coal - just look at the smog China is currently having to deal with".

The continuing destruction of the Earth's rainforests is a tragedy on many levels, even more so, when the cleared land is used by agro-business to grow cash crops (soy, palm oil trees etc) and to graise cattle. By all accounts, the indigeoous populations are dead against it, dead being the operative word, as many protesters, both local and foreign, have been murdered in the name of naked greed :(.

It is also very rich for the developed world, to try and impose restraints on developing countries, by insisting they use possibly expensive "clean" energy sources, which would inevitably restrict their growth. If we want to provide or share economically viable clean technologies, with the third World, or cold hard cash, that's great, but us tying their hands, in the name of a crisis that we supposedly caused, smacks of ultimate hypocrisy.

What's the difference between a U.S. political poll and a climate model? One typically relies on nineteenth century technology (landlines), and the other cuts out the middleman and uses supercomputers, baby.


No Scrubs
Climate change wasn't a partisan issue in 1989:


Any stats on before that, like say before Reagan was sworn into office?

Christie's resurgence was so yesterday. It's all about Rubio today: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/marco-rubio-pivots-new-hampshire-216295

As a side note, Rubio loves to use the phrase "turn the page."

He needs to hire new writers, the line isn't that good. Pretty cliche really.

Daniel B·;187435116 said:
I appreciate that it might have been the wee hours of the morning, but you must have missed me saying "prevent further destruction of the World's precious and irreplaceable rain forests" and "air pollution (excluding CO2) is still a factor with coal - just look at the smog China is currently having to deal with".

The continuing destruction of the Earth's rainforests is a tragedy on many levels, even more so, when the cleared land is used by agro-business to grow cash crops (soy, palm oil trees etc) and to graise cattle. By all accounts, the indigeoous populations are dead against it, dead being the operative word, as many protesters, both local and foreign, have been murdered in the name of naked greed :(.

It is also very rich for the developed world, to try and impose restraints on developing countries, by insisting they use possibly expensive "clean" energy sources, which would inevitably restrict their growth. If we want to provide or share economically viable clean technologies, with the third World, or cold hard cash, that's great, but us tying their hands, in the name of a crises that we supposedly caused, smacks of ultimate hypocrisy.

What's the difference between a U.S. political poll and a climate model? One typically relies on nineteenth century technology (landlines), and the other cuts out the middleman and uses supercomputers, baby.

What the what?
The whole idea of Rubio framing his campaign as fresh and new and "turning the page" when all of his political views are fucking regressive as fuck sure is rich.

Yeah, Marco, let's turn the page and usher in a new era where women who've been raped can't get abortions and the U.S. has no diplomatic relations with Cuba.
So is this new Daniel B troll gimmick him going insane and regarding all statistics as false now that it's obviously, based on statistics, that Bernie will not be the nominee.

Any stats on before that, like say before Reagan was sworn into office?

I don't think anyone other than oil and coal companies or academics were that interested in climate change back in the 70s. I have to think the Republican party as a whole was fairly environmental though because Dick Nixon did start the EPA.

Weird how the Republican Party becoming the super religious party also involved them swearing off all environmental concerns...
Daniel B·;187435116 said:
What's the difference between a U.S. political poll and a climate model? One typically relies on nineteenth century technology (landlines), and the other cuts out the middleman and uses supercomputers, baby.

The difference is, you don't believe that polling predicts outcomes, but when it comes to super computer models you...oh, no wait. That's not a difference.
Daniel B·;187435116 said:
What's the difference between a U.S. political poll and a climate model? One typically relies on nineteenth century technology (landlines), and the other cuts out the middleman and uses supercomputers, baby.
The difference is, you don't believe that polling predicts outcomes, but when it comes to super computer models you...oh, no wait. That's not a difference.

No, the difference is, actual human responses are required for a poll, even if the results are horribly skewed, because it relies on someone who still uses technology first introduced in 1876, where as, with a climate model, you merely have to plug in an incorrect assumption (rising CO2 levels cause global warming and not, according to ice core samples, CO2 levels rise in response to global temperature increases), to get the graph that fits your agenda.


No Scrubs
Daniel B·;187438518 said:
No, the difference is, actual human responses are required for a poll, even if the results are horribly skewed, because it relies on someone who still uses technology first introduced in 1876, where as, with a climate model, you merely have to plug in an incorrect assumption (rising CO2 levels cause global warming and not, according to ice core samples, CO2 levels rise in response to global temperature increases), to get the graph that fits your agenda.

So the difference is that you're ignorant on how both of them work? That sounds more like a similarity than a difference...


Climate change is the modern day eugenics and cranial capacity theory. Rich white capitalist westerners making decisions for the mongrel classes that just happen to benefit the entrenched former because settled science.

Don't fall for yet another racist scam progressives.
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