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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Funny how this is probably the clearest divide between the Democrats and Republicans but you'll still have OT dumbshits claiming they're the same, even on LGBT issues.

Came up a while ago where some guy was trying to say "well not ALL Republicans oppose gay marriage anod not ALL Democrats support it." When I showed him that all but one of the Democratic senators supported it and all but one of the Republican senators (I believe Portman at the time, though that's expanded to 3-4 by now) he took it as "Oh see look, it's not universal!" as if that 3% margin of error is significant enough to go BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME

Weirdly, the Wikipedia article on this was fully deleted, but from memory, I believe the only (currently elected) support for gay marriage from Republicans is:


Richard Hanna
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Bob Dold
Chris Gibson


Rob Portman
Mark Kirk
Lisa Murkowski
Susan Collins


Charlie Baker

(Rauner and Hogan are like, eh!)

I might be missing someone. But like, it's not a very long list.

EDIT: Going through the amici on republicans supporting gay marriage for Obergefell and adding a few more random congressmen I didn't realize/know supported.


What gives you that impression? That's what I've thought for months, to no effect.
Latest poll shows him with a 10 point drop
Hitler comparison
Media going all out on new jersey Muslim story - e.g. Chuck Todd going HAM
Cripple impression
Black pastor endorsements evaporated
Demanding $5 million donation from CNN or he boycotts debate

I've been on the Trump train since before the first debate, but this feels like a repeat of Carson's downfall.


Latest poll shows him with a 10 point drop
Hitler comparison
Media going all out on new jersey Muslim story - e.g. Chuck Todd going HAM
Cripple impression
Black pastor endorsements evaporated
Demanding $5 million donation from CNN or he boycotts debate

I've been on the Trump train since before the first debate, but this feels like a repeat of Carson's downfall.

Let's wait on the poll results. If you recall, he dropped substantially after the first two debates and then recovered (even higher). And one poll isn't very instructive. I believe in the Reuters poll he had jumped up suddenly quite a bit, so a 10 point drop could be a return to normalcy and some random noise. Now if other polls show a sharp drop then...
I don't think Trump's anti-Muslim position really hurts him. Most Americans don't want refugees and Trump seems to be expressing their thoughts on the matter. I don't support bringing refugees here either but obviously not for Trump reasons. There's a very strong anti-Islam sentiment in this country currently.

In terms of the other stuff...I just don't see anything that he has done which divorces him from the GOP primary zeitgeist. He's leading the fascist train quite effectively.
I'm sure I don't have to remind you that Sanders called climate change "the largest national security threat facing the United States." I think he's done his homework on this one issue if he's using words like that, probably a little more than watching a couple YouTube videos.

Instability around the World, whether it's a drought in Syria or the perpetual Israel / Palestine conflict, should indeed pose a grave concern to the United States, and if we can once again become a powerhouse of activity, where all sectors of society are flourishing, we will be in a strong position to provide assistance, where needed, and a military response, where absolutely necessary.

I believe, the biggest stride in World Peace will come from the first President that sais "Enough is enough", to Israel, you either abide by International law, which inherently means no more settlements in occupied territory, or you will lose the billions in financial aid (excluding funds essential to maintain Israel's security). Together with the establishment of a Palestinian state, this would entirely remove a HUGE energy source for Worldwide conflict. This is the right thing to do, on both a humanitarian level, and fiscally, for our nation (I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the conflict has perhaps cost the U.S. taxpayers in excess of a trillion dollars). This is not about favoring either side, this is about finally bringing peace to both peoples and the wider world.


that's a whole lot of words you said to dodge a point about Da Bern falling for the global warming hoax
The irony is he tries to dodge the issue by switching topics to everything being about needing a President to stand up to Israel.

Yet Bernie Sanders is Jewish and has a very long history of backing pro-Israel policies.

After his claim the other day that I am not sure how many saw where he claimed people in retrospect would have elected McCain knowing know Obama supports TPP and that McCain would have been against it despite the fact McCain is an ardent supporter of TPP

Then now his rant on global warming and now this....Daniel has jumped the shark.
Apparently I totally glossed over the posts where PoliGAF's biggest remaining Bernie-stan revealed himself to be a CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER.

I mean...shit.


The text of the cnn comment seemed like it was a joke, although I haven't seen video. He said the money would go to charity.
Daniel B·;187480512 said:
Instability around the World, whether it's a drought in Syria or the perpetual Israel / Palestine conflict, should indeed pose a grave concern to the United States

That's not what Sanders said was the largest national security threat.


Apparently I totally glossed over the posts where PoliGAF's biggest remaining Bernie-stan revealed himself to be a CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER.

I mean...shit.

He just a few days ago claimed McCain is against TPP (except for the fact he isn't) and liberals should have voted him over Obama. This global warming isn't as crazy as that.

And again he thinks Israel is bigger than global warming. Then why support Bernie who is Jewish and has backed pro-Israel policy in congress? Dudes Bernie love is clearly just surface deep.



I took a look at our prediction standings. The deadline really matters, doesn't it? Lots of early Bush and Walker bettors.

Jeb still has a chance, but I think most of these guys regret their pick by now.

Jeb said:
NeoXChaos 8/19/15
kingkitty 8/19/15
ErasureAcer 8/19/15
titiklabingapat 8/19/15
Y2Kev 8/19/15
Trouble 8/19/15
j_k_redtail 9/22/15
SexyFish 10/2/15

Blew away all expectations. Day 1 true believer here. Interesting that a lot of the Bernie fans picked Trump.

Trump said:
Plinko 8/19/15
B-Dubs 8/19/15
Poodlestrike 8/19/15
Jack Remington 8/19/15
Makai 8/19/15
SourShoes 8/19/15
Fenderputty 8/31/15
HylianTom 8/31/15
RastaMentality 9/10/15
brainchild 9/13/15
Melkr_ 9/20/15
RustyNails 9/21/15
Avon Barksdale 9/27/15
tanod 9/28/15
eBay Huckster 9/30/15
Coriolanus 10/2/15
zou 10/2/15
NsQuote 10/2/15
Samarecarm 10/2/15
Ecotic 10/2/15
SL128 10/2/15
Brookshi 10/2/15

Picking up steam, but there may be obstacles in his way.

Rubio said:
Frank the Great 8/19/15
Farmboy 8/19/15
ItWasMeantToBe19 8/20/15
KMS 8/20/15
BertramCooper 8/31/15
NYCmetsfan 9/16/15
Black Republican 9/22/15
PantherLotus 9/23/15
Giant Panda 9/23/15
HylianHistoria 9/23/15
Diablos 9/23/15
neurosisxeno 9/24/15
Gnawtydog 9/24/15
RDreamer 9/25/15
Cheebo 9/27/15
Ignatz Mouse 9/27/15
Ivysaur12 9/27/15
Snake 9/27/15
Bronx-Man 9/27/15
Maledict 9/28/15
Roland_Gunner 10/2/15
Officerrob 10/2/15
Bowdz 10/2/15
AnotherNilks 10/2/15
Hopfrog 10/2/15
cartoon_soilder 10/2/15
pigeon 10/2/15
Yellowtall 10/2/15

Doing well. Has a shot of winning Iowa.

Cruz said:
JesseEwiak 8/19/15
Manmademan 8/20/15
PhoenixDark 9/27/15
Roland_Gunner 10/2/15

I think this was tongue-in-cheek, so no losers here.

Jindal said:
Retromelon 8/19/15
Aaron Strife 9/27/15

I like betting on the outside chance. If I bet on politics, I'd definitely be a "value investor" and Kasich's stock is undervalued on GAF. He still has a chance!

Kasich said:
thepotatoman 9/22/15


Carson said:
Joey Fox 9/27/15
FiggyCal 10/2/15
He just a few days ago claimed McCain is against TPP (except for the fact he isn't) and liberals should have voted him over Obama. This global warming isn't as crazy as that.

And again he thinks Israel is bigger than global warming. Then why support Bernie who is Jewish and has backed pro-Israel policy in congress? Dudes Bernie love is clearly just surface deep.



Wait, what???

Daniel B·;187378341 said:
I never thought I'd say this, but having spent the afternoon / evening viewing the case against human generated Global Warming (I'll perhaps share how I got onto this subject for another day; 4,900), I have to say, I now agree with Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, in calling this a hoax, of astounding proportions!

Essentially, the extra carbon dioxide produced by human activity, since the Industrial Revolution (in 1760) has not contributed to the 0.8°C increase in global temperatures recorded since 1880, and global temperature trends are due entirely to natural factors, primarily the Sun's level of activity. Even Roger Revelle PhD (Al Gore was his student), one of the scientists who co-authored the source, the 1957 research paper, entitled "Carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas that threatens our climate", wrote to Congressman Tim Bates, in 1988, stating that "we should wait another 10 or 20 years to be really convinced that the greenhouse is going to be important for human beings". Revelle died in 91, but if he had lived to witness the following decades, he would most certainly have concluded there is no link, given that there has only been a negligible increase in temperatures.

This obviously does not mean we should still be giving billions in tax breaks to Big Oil & Gas, and we should be doing everything possible to prevent further destruction of the World's precious and irreplaceable rain forests. But, the billions spent on this likely non-issue could be better spent elsewhere. If solar plants or wind farms are relatively cost effective, compared to un-subsidised fossil fuels, they should most certainly given priority as they are inherently a cleaner fuel source (air pollution (excluding CO2) is still a factor with coal - just look at the smog China is currently having to deal with).

Why has this ballooned into such a massive issue? As Cenk would say (what has happened to TYT, since first debate, as they have gone completely off the boil, with mainly fluff videos (my theory is Bernie turned down an interview and they perhaps felt a little miffed as they certainly made a significant contribution to the cause)...), "Follow the money, Lebowski" - lovely research funds and must keep the developing World under foot...

Videos used in evidence (in order viewed, recommend John Coleman's vid as it's an easy to digest summary):

The Great Global Warming Swindle Full Movie
John Coleman (founder of The Weather Channel) Global Warming Scam
Ted Cruz demolishes Sierra Club president on global warming hoax
The Global Warming Hoax Explained for Dummies



I decided to look at Daniel's post history, he is uh...interesting. He retired at 37 to live off less than 5k a year by never eating out ever, buying no clothes, etc, having NO HEALTH INSURANCE (a liberal without healthcare not signing up for Obamacare lolz).

Daniel B·;184373717 said:
$2k (0:cool:, 45, retired (@37) Software Engineer (DOS (x86, C, C++), Windows 3 through NT/XP (C++, C#, SQL), Web (ISAPI, .Net etc).

Downsized to U.S. in fall of 07 and after U.S.'s financial meltdown, when interest rates plunged from 5% to 1%, bought v. modest fully refurbished home in 08, and supplement $2k interest income, with savings, for lavish $5k / year lifestyle.

How can one live reasonably comfortably on $5k? Well first, have to deduct $1k property tax and $.5k for water / refuse = $3.5k. Comcast Budget Digital Cable (at least get On-Demand and HBO) + Basic Broadband (presently no cap and 1080p streaming) reduces this to $2.6k and with elecricity, down to around $2k. That goes on consumables, with a budget of around $38 / week. Have no car (Arnie would be impressed with my calf muscles, from walking 4.5 miles / week in Shenandoah Valley), no insurance and clothes budget is virtually $0.

I prepare all my meals (never eat out), from scratch, including whole wheat (yeast free) bread (actually quite good, toasted) and margarita pizza (use naan as base). My cooking skills have their limits, so do regularly buy Sharwoods Jalfrezi sauce, when on special for $2 at Kroger (pucker with Stonefire Tandori Naan, on clearance for $1.5, which can freeze). Also occasionally, Bertolli Portobello Mushroom Tomato Sauce (recommend) for $2.15 at Walmart, which I use with browned chicken breast chunks and Uncle Bens rice. For week's worth of semi-healthy snacks, bake batch of cookies (oatmeal craisin or crunchy peanut butter), brownies or banana bread.

When questioned about no health insurance he claims he doesn't need it because he walks and eats lots of broccoli?
Daniel B·;184427882 said:
I'm well into the "prevention is better than cure" mantra, so as well as all the power walking I do (for groceries and weekly disc golf), I am eating reasonably healthily too, with little processed junk (no soda at home (just weekly at cinema), commercial snacks etc), and a fair amount of veges: Boston lettuce in my lunch sandwich (also mix in 2 tbsp of organic crushed flax seed into my home made bread), and invariably steamed broccoli (organic, when good quality) for my evening meals.

Pro Tip: lightly steam broccoli (once steam is being produced, I turn my electric hob down to 2.5 / 9, from 5), until point when you can just prick floretes with a fork (yields crunchy texture), to preserve maximum nutrients, color and possibly added flavor (takes some practice, but you can judge how successful you've been, by color of steamer water and reduced smell; not green at all - nailed it!). WARNING: due to increased crunchiness of broccoli, you have to take extra care when cutting broccoli on your plate, because if you're not careful, you can end up launching your dinner onto surrounding area (I speak from experience) ;).


Oh, I remember reading that. That kind of retirement is common among programmers. Mr Money Moustache popularized it a few years ago.
Just to clarify my original bet was Bush, but changed it to Trump before NeoXChaos' imposed deadline - which then changed to Jindal to show solidarity with Retromelon.


Oh, I remember reading that. That kind of retirement is common among programmers. Mr Money Moustache popularized it a few years ago.

Doesn't work out too well for you if you get get sick, hurt, etc. Refusing to get health care due to budgeting your life for the rest of your days by having little to no money outside of the bare bare essentials is a recipe for disaster.

Shit ALWAYS happens.


GAF always comes through with their detective work. Cheebo and Bertram(found Erasure's previous kucinich obsession) doing GAF's work.


I decided to look at Daniel's post history, he is uh...interesting. He retired at 37 to live off less than 5k a year by never eating out ever, buying no clothes, etc, having NO HEALTH INSURANCE (a liberal without healthcare not signing up for Obamacare lolz).

When questioned about no health insurance he claims he doesn't need it because he walks and eats lots of broccoli?

I mean, aside from the no health insurance (and if something bad happens he can always dip into capital), this is pretty goddamn badass.
Detective Gaf is more like Creepy Gaf. I can't get behind searching through someone's entire posting history looking for something discrediting just because they annoy you. Unless it's someone trying to find a call-back or sourcing a blatant lie/contradiction, but then it's more finding what you already remember.

It's not like there's not recent material in the first place assuming it's not a troll.


Detective Gaf is more like Creepy Gaf. I can't get behind searching through someone's entire posting history looking for something discrediting just because they annoy you. Unless it's someone trying to find a call-back or sourcing a blatant lie/contradiction, but then it's more finding what you already remember.

It's not like there's not recent material in the first place assuming it's not a troll.
I didn't go more than a single page in his post history lol
JBE's moves have me wondering if the pragmatic path, in red states, wouldn't be to drop the social rethoric, which can be or has been bruteforced by the courts (thus allowing the candidate to weasel out with "oops, my hands are tied"), and focus instead on the economic angle.

But it demonstrates just how detached he is from the average voter.

Which is why any attempt to paint most berners as similar to him would be folly.
Now, this may just be because I'm drunk, but is Daniel really a climate change truther? I...I can't fucking believe that. I just can't.
Now, this may just be because I'm drunk, but is Daniel really a climate change truther? I...I can't fucking believe that. I just can't.

Is the person posting under that name a climate truther? Probably not. But is the forum character named Daniel B. A climate truther? Apparently, according to the author.


Detective Cheebo returns :eek:

never forget

Drinky Cow :-(

JBE's moves have me wondering if the pragmatic path, in red states, wouldn't be to drop the social rethoric, which can be or has been bruteforced by the courts (thus allowing the candidate to weasel out with "oops, my hands are tied"), and focus instead on the economic angle.

I don't think what he did would prove particularly unpopular with suburban Louisiana Republicans, which gave him the W. He's not running a Republican primary, so I don't think any of the 56% of the people who voted for him care.
JBE's moves have me wondering if the pragmatic path, in red states, wouldn't be to drop the social rethoric, which can be or has been bruteforced by the courts (thus allowing the candidate to weasel out with "oops, my hands are tied"), and focus instead on the economic angle.

Red state Dems should let the federal government spearhead social change and remain topically 'neutral" while preventing things from getting worse in their own states.
Gave a presentation about the Holodomor to 100 college students of diverse backgrounds and two of them knew about the Holodomor before my presentation?!? There were students from the U.S., El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, various European nations and two of the students knew what the Ukraine suffered through mass starvation in the 1930s.. What do they teach in high school?
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