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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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I'm gonna work on resizing some of the tiny photos.


Hillary Clinton


Bernie Sanders


Joe Biden


Martin O'Malley


Jim Webb

*no yearbook picture available*

Lincoln Chafee

*no yearbook picture available*

Donald Trump


Ben Carson


Jeb Bush


Ted Cruz


Marco Rubio


Mike Huckabee

*no yearbook picture available*

Scott Walker


John Kasich


Rand Paul


Carly Fiorina


Chris Christie


Rick Santorum


Bobby Jindal


Lindsey Graham


Jim Gilmore


George Pataki


Fun question:

Which graduate do you think looks the most 'presidential'?
I was socialist when I was young, but it wasn't very formed or informed, I was born to left leaning family and there was no way I was going to rebel rightward.
There were just more hot chicks on the left.

When I grew up and become a more educated and well read person I realized I bet on the right horse, and I'm still a socialist.

I stop being a zionist though, but I don't want to upset NYCmetsfan during the high holy days.
Lol I'm not religious

User 406


Maybe Walker should grow out that mullet again. Might win him a bunch of young voters because just looking at him they'll assume he's pro-legalization.
Who do you guys think made the biggest transformation?

I'd say Jim Gilmore. He looks nearly completely different now compared to when he was in high school.

Also, resizing these pictures on my phone is a bitch.
As for the most presidential looking, I'm gonna go with Jim Gilmore again. Either him or Joe Biden.

Bernie looks like a fucking nerd, lol.
Jim Gilmore looks like a reincarnated Truman.

Hillary was very attractive indeed. Hills vs Carly ain't even a contest.

Trump and Biden tied for presidential look.

Jeb is Pedo Escobar.

Walker could have a role in Pineapple Express 2.

Man, Rand with normal hair and good skin was ridonculously attractive.

Rubio is that poor kid that is technically very pretty, but looks young af so girls in his age bracket diss him.

Santorum all jelly because he didn't get a job at early apple/microsoft.


Oh my, I'm swooning over younger Joe and Rubio lol. Uh, Joe definitely wouldn't look too out of place in office, along with Jeb! Pretty cool and humanizing to see these shots!
Okay, I'll add that Hillary and Carly were super cute back then.
It's funny how in a contest of attraction, Highschool Hillary destroys Highschool Carly, but current Carly destroys current Hillary.

They completely swapped positions over the years. Who wants to bet that Carly's evil ass has been harvesting Hillary's life energy as a youth serum? I'm pretty sure that's the only explanation for this phenomenon.


It's funny how in a contest of attraction, Highschool Hillary destroys Highschool Carly, but current Carly destroys current Hillary.

They completely swapped positions over the years. Who wants to bet that Carly's evil ass has been harvesting Hillary's life energy as a youth serum? I'm pretty sure that's the only explanation for this phenomenon.

That's what the stress of a televised failed presidential marriage, New York Senator, and Secretary of State does to you.

Most attractive are Clinton, Biden, and Gilmore for me.
With a little work, Jindal can make it.
That's what the stress of a televised failed presidential marriage, New York Senator, and Secretary of State does to you.

Most attractive are Clinton, Biden, and Gilmore for me.
With a little work, Jindal can make it.

I suppose you have a point. Stress is a bitch.

Fiorina most likely had a facelift, fyi. Ain't no one at that age having skin like that.

You know, I didn't even think about that. She very well could have had a lift.

In her case, it's one of the better lifts I've seen. She actually looks good.
Biden (especially, dear god), Rubio, and Bobby looked good as fuck when they were young. Holy shit, JEB! and Walker LOL. Walker has had that fuckin face FOREVER.

Another Biden gem:

His hairline started disappearing by the 70s though.

Rubio is that poor kid that is technically very pretty, but looks young af so girls in his age bracket diss him.
This is so very true. He didn't age too badly but he looks angry a lot in the face these days.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

Can he make up his mind on whether he's campaigning on his family's "accomplishments" or not?
Sorry Jeb!, even if your father and brother had great foreign policy bonafides, you don't get to claim them those relevant skills based on those familial relationships. That's not how it works.

It's like Chet Hanks saying "of course I'm a great rapper, my dad made 'City of Crime.'"

I can't get over how poor this Jeb! campaign has been. Stunningly incapable of finding any kind of narrative or competent message.
What happened to Joe Biden? He was a very good looking guy back in the day, but now is very average. However, his charm is enough to attract people though.
Stop objectifying women.

Poe's law.

Sorry Jeb!, even if your father and brother had great foreign policy bonafides, you don't get to claim them those relevant skills based on those familial relationships. That's not how it works.

It's like Chet Hanks saying "of course I'm a great rapper, my dad made 'City of Crime.'"

I can't get over how poor this Jeb! campaign has been. Stunningly incapable of finding any kind of narrative or competent message.

Well, give who would be in his cabinet, he kinda can say that. Heck, he can say that and be correct. Gon b the same people, after all.
I started out conservative. Supported Bush, voted for Arnold.

I always thought universal healthcare was a no-brainer. In 2008 when Obama was campaigning on it, I started reading a lot of conservative writers arguing about how healthcare isn't a right, and that turned me off from their side. I still find anyone who argues that healthcare isn't a right to be a vile and despicable person.

Another thing I remember is the chain emails my conservative relatives started sending in 2008. First of all I was surprised anyone was even trying to support McCain/Palin. I thought it was a foregone conclusion we were going to have a Democrat next. I mean come on... But I saw how conservatives were trying to inspire the rabble with apocalyptic fear of Obama, and that was it. I knew I was done with a party that was associated with such ugliness.

To think I hadn't even come close to seeing the full extent of that ugliness at that point.


Let's start with your conjecture. You claim that if the baby-in-a-bowl footage was from Planned Parenthood, we would have been told it was from Planned Parenthood. I think that's a fair inference in the absence of contrary evidence, but we have contrary evidence. The organization that provided that footage to CMP claims they can't reveal the "organizational affiliation" of the abortion clinic where the footage was created, because their "access agreements forbid the disclosure of any information which might tend to identify the relevant clinics or personnel with whom we work." Presumably, this footage is obtained surreptitiously by working with personnel employed at the clinics, who would be less willing to provide assistance if they were not assured ahead of time that they would remain anonymous. Consequently, we have reason to reject your conjecture.

Second, let's talk about what was said, and what was meant (by which I mean, what was her purpose?). As to the former, I'll quote myself comparing just that with what the video referred to showed:

So we know the problems with what she said (none of which is that no such video exists, contra initial "fact" checkers' conclusions). What was meant? We know that from the context in which Fiorina spoke: she meant that the videos reveal information about Planned Parenthood that make it morally incumbent on members of Congress to fight to defund it. Her example was the clip from the 7th CMP video. I assume she could cite more than just that example to make her point. In fact, I think some of her misstatements suggest some other revelations she considers sufficiently outrageous to demand congressional action: the "We have to keep it alive" part sounds inspired by the revelation that Planned Parenthood sometimes modifies its abortion procedures to make it more likely certain organs survive the procedure intact (which is illegal, btw); her use of the verb "to harvest" seems inspired by the bartering over body parts that was at least implied in some of the earliest videos released by CMP (which could show that PP is illegally profiting, but doesn't do so necessarily). However, even if we focus exclusively on the parts of the video she described that she got right, there's still an arguable basis for her outrage: Holly O'Donnell described an intact fetus whose brain was removed by cutting through his face moments after his heart was observed to be beating. For these reasons, I think the accusation she was lying or being misleading is at its weakest at this level of abstraction.

You are correct about my conjecture being incorrect - in the interest of protecting their anonymous source and continuing to procure footage they would not breach confidentiality. That does means that the site of the footage is an effective unknown based on our knowledge and that we cannot draw a conclusion either way.

I don't think the video clip she cited supports the argument you say she meant, however: "She meant that the videos reveal information about Planned Parenthood that make it morally incumbent on members of Congress to fight to defund it" - yet we have no proof that this anecdote took place in a Planned Parenthood afiliated clinic. So that anecdote does not reveal any information about Planned Parenthood. Her argument based on her evidence is for Congress to defund abortion services... but federal money already cannot be spent on abortion services. She wants to defund something that is already defunded, that doesn't make sense...

Of course, it makes sense if she ultimately desires an abortion ban, and her purpose of defunding the entirety of Planned Parenthood is to make abortions more difficult to obtain by trying to force a collapse of the organization. Her evidence is in support of an effective abortion ban, but she pretends it is a reason to defund Planned Parenthood.

I will also postulate that the reason for the other "revelations" you bring up is exactly because of the ban on federal funding for abortions. Are you surprised that a privately funded sector of an organization is acting unethically to maximize profit? If Fiorina truly only wants the morally ambiguous actions of Planned Parenthood to stop, but is not for an abortion ban, she would remove the profit incentive and ensure federal funding regulation for abortion services so they have no incentive and opportunity to act immorally to maximize profit.

She's hiding her implicit assumptions, and her intended inferential path does not lead to her stated conclusion of "we must defund Planned Parenthood" but rather to a different one of "we must (effectively) ban abortion". She is not presenting a reason that logically supports her conclusion, but frames it to make it seem like it does.

Typing on mobile so my apology if my syntax and flow isn't clean.
I would give the garlean emperor the wedgie of a lifetime. Jeb looks intimidating, I wouldn't mess with him.
At a lecture I attended today a student asked where Hillary falls on the political spectrum and it took everything I had in me to not blurt out hillary is a neocon
Im seriously regretting the missed opportunity
Democrats on the House Veterans Affairs Committee are fuming after the panel’s ranking member declined to support their effort to extend federal benefits to the spouses of same-sex veterans on Thursday.

Rep. Corrine Brown, the top Democrat on the committee, didn’t tell her colleagues she planned to vote "present" on an amendment authored by Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.) — even though Brown voted in support of extending benefits to same-sex spouses of service members and veterans just last year.

Gwen Graham needs to primary the shit out of her. Fuck her.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ugh. Did you guys see Real Time yesterday? Maher reached a new low actually attacking that muslim clock kid. Seems he's getting more right-wing as time goes on. :/

Let's start with your conjecture. You claim that if the baby-in-a-bowl footage was from Planned Parenthood, we would have been told it was from Planned Parenthood. I think that's a fair inference in the absence of contrary evidence, but we have contrary evidence. The organization that provided that footage to CMP claims they can't reveal the "organizational affiliation" of the abortion clinic where the footage was created, because their "access agreements forbid the disclosure of any information which might tend to identify the relevant clinics or personnel with whom we work." Presumably, this footage is obtained surreptitiously by working with personnel employed at the clinics, who would be less willing to provide assistance if they were not assured ahead of time that they would remain anonymous. Consequently, we have reason to reject your conjecture.

Which leads to an interesting question. If they got this footage from a sympathetic source who (presumably) works at Planned Parenthood, why is this person still working there to begin with?
Maher simply doesn't like Islam. I don't think there's anything wrong with that - in fact he mirrors more than a few of my views on the religion in general, as well as other religions. My problem with Maher is that he shits on religion, specifically Islam, while basically being a Zionist. As if the Jewish religion doesn't house radicals and extremists who can be criticized as well. You can't treat this like a buffet IMO. All Abrahamic religions are problematic, for many of the exact same reasons.

In terms of the clock...look, I can understand why a teacher might think it looked like a bomb and question the kid. The problem is twofold:

1) If a white kid brought that in he wouldn't be questioned/abused by the police. This isn't even a hypothetical: kids bring in homemade clocks all the time and this doesn't happen.

2) If the school truly thought it was a bomb, why didn't they evacuate the school? Why did the cops ride with the potential "bomb" in their police car?

It seems more likely this kid was stereotyped, and even after it was clear it wasn't a bomb he was abused and treated like shit because he's a Muslim boy and they thought they could get away with it.


Which leads to an interesting question. If they got this footage from a sympathetic source who (presumably) works at Planned Parenthood, why is this person still working there to begin with?

I've never worked at an abortion clinic, but I have worked at a lab that did preclinical drug trials, and PETA were constantly trying to plant people. I imagine the situation is similar.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I've never worked at an abortion clinic, but I have worked at a lab that did preclinical drug trials, and PETA were constantly trying to plant people. I imagine the situation is similar.

How's that organization still legal anyway?
What happened to Joe Biden? He was a very good looking guy back in the day, but now is very average. However, his charm is enough to attract people though.

50+ years happened.

Yerp, Biden looks absolutely terrific for a 70 year old that probably didn't use sunscreen for most of his life.

Heck, just compare him to the Bern or the Turtle.

(was gon compare him to RuPaul, but that dude's god damn 80)


Gonna love all of the ads that come out after the government shuts down again due to Planned Parenthood. "Obama hates babies. Would rather shut the government down than prevent murder."


Joe Biden looks fucking amazing even today. And those teeth!

bleugh i shouldn't post too much more im a bit drunk
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