Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Save us, Joebi-Wan. You're our only hope.
Selling computers to Iran during an embargo sounds like game over to me, especially when everyone else thinks current sanctions aren't tough enough.
Why is the GOP race turning i to arrested development? First SCOTT HOLT now thisSelling computers to Iran during an embargo sounds like game over to me, especially when everyone else thinks current sanctions aren't tough enough.
It's not even her daughter, she's never had kids. The two girls were her now husbands (she was then having an affair with while both were married) and his ex-wife was awarded custody of them. (They were 9 and 13 at the divorce.)
Her "daughter" that died (in 2009 at 35) was also bulimic, so it was a shitty combination all around. Drugs weren't the root of her problems.
Its brilliant if you ask me. Say whatever wild shit about it, and there's literally no way anyone could fire back with "not ur real daughter tho". Carly will just play the victim card.It's not even her daughter, she's never had kids. The two girls were her now husbands (she was then having an affair with while both were married) and his ex-wife was awarded custody of them. (They were 9 and 13 at the divorce.)
Her "daughter" that died (in 2009 at 35) was also bulimic, so it was a shitty combination all around. Drugs weren't the root of her problems.
PAC adsIts brilliant if you ask me. Say whatever wild shit about it, and there's literally no way anyone could fire back with "not ur real daughter tho". Carly will just play the victim card.
Its brilliant if you ask me. Say whatever wild shit about it, and there's literally no way anyone could fire back with "not ur real daughter tho". Carly will just play the victim card.
When approached by Daily Mail Online, Patricia would only say: 'There are two sides to every story. That's not how I remember it. Lori was my daughter and I grieve her every day.'
According to Todd Bartlem, there is nothing surprising in Carly's tendency to place herself at the front and center of every narrative.
'She is pathologically narcissistic and all she cares about is her,' he said. 'Nothing holds together with her.
'I got kind of suspicious of her towards the end of the marriage because she had no old friends. She had nobody that she knew in the past, and I thought, "God that's kind of weird."'
Today Bartlem believes the reason lies in Carly's 'modus operandi' of 'dropping people' as soon as they have fulfilled their useful purpose in her life. Certainly it's what he believes happened to him.
'I had no utility and that's what the judgment was,' he said. 'If you aren't useful to her, your time is over. She learned that in business school. I was heartbroken. It was brutal.'
Bartlem claims that when Carly walked out on him she did so without leaving so much as a forwarding address or phone number. A year after the divorce, he claims, she pulled up in the driveway of their former home and calmly said, 'I will never see you again.'
True to her word, all contact ceased.
In the book, the former H-P CEO described the moment she and her husband discovered that Lori had passed away.
“They asked us to sit down,” Fiorina wrote. “Frank collapsed in a chair. I sat on the carpet next to him, my arms wrapped around his knees. The police officers said our daughter was dead, three thousand miles away.”
“Lori’s potential was never fulfilled but death is not the only thing that crushes potential,” Fiorina wrote. “What I also know is that Americans are failing to achieve their potential today.”
An emotional Carly Fiorina opened up Friday about the death of her step-daughter, Lori Ann, who passed away in 2009 after battling drug and alcohol addiction.
Responding to a question about drug abuse from South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley at a conservative forum in Greenville, S.C., Fiorina choked up at one point and appeared to blink back tears as she recounted the “long and painful journey” of her step-daughter’s death.
“When someone is addicted, you watch them disappear before your eyes,” the Republican presidential candidate said. “You watch the — I call them the demons of addiction, because that’s what it looks like — they’re overcome by the demons of addiction. In our daughter’s case, she simply did not have the physical strength to go on. We must invest more in the treatment of all mental illness, including addictions.”
Fiorina said she has been approached by countless supporters on the campaign trail who have shared similar stories of heartbreak.
“I realized as we went through the long painful journey with Lori Ann, I met so many other family’s going through this, but I did not realize honestly what an epidemic this has become,” Fiorina said.
She said the experience in part spurred her to run for president.
“The reason I’m running for president is because I don’t want to see hope fading from anyone’s eyes," Fiorina said. "And while there’s nothing as devastating as drug addiction, it is also true that I see too many people now in this nation that lack hope. … I know the look people get when they achieve their God-given potential. For me, that look is fuel.”
At the forum Friday, Fiorina also returned to another strong moment from Wednesday’s debate, demanding that Congress defund Planned Parenthood in the wake of the string of undercover videos that have surfaced showing officials negotiating the price of fetal tissue to be used for research purposes.
“If we will not fight for this, faced with proof positive of the butchery going on at Planned Parenthood, faced with an assault on the character of this nation - it is not actually about whether you’re pro choice or pro life - we cannot be a nation that funds this kind of barbarity, and that’s what it is,” Fiorina said.
Too late! that maybe they could serve in Congress.
Congrats to Ned nugent coming out as a gay, vegetarian pirate!
What?If Biden runs, Sanders wins. So pls run, Biden.
If Biden runs, Sanders wins. So pls run, Biden.
Andra Gillespie, an associate professor of political science at Emory University, noted there are "historic rifts" between white progressives and civil rights activists on the importance of front-loading race-related issues, as Sanders has been pushed to do. She suggested African-American voters may be hesitant to support him even if they are attracted to some elements of his platform.
"Clinton hopes to capitalize on her greater name recognition, greater familiarity and being more moderate," Gillespie added. "She's hoping to appeal to a demographic that’s probably ideologically more conservative than Sanders is. Southerners who may have heard that Bernie Sanders is a socialist may be turned off by that on the merits, or they may oppose him for strategic purposes, thinking he wouldn’t win in a general election."
Larry Sabato, the director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, echoed Gillespie's suggestion that electability is a problem for Sanders, while adding that minorities look likely to stick with Clinton unless the controversy over her use of a private email server while at the State Department takes a more serious turn. He agreed that Sanders wins in Iowa and/or New Hampshire would help the senator with minority voters, though to what degree "is anyone's guess."
"Minorities were actually pretty loyal to Hillary in 2007," he noted. "They only began to break away when they saw Obama start winning -- and realized that he might actually have a good chance to become the first African-American president. This time, it's more difficult to see a full-scale defection, unless of course Clinton were indicted or something on that scale. The Clinton name is still a revered one among minorities."
Two other factors, according to Sabato, make a firmer prediction about Sanders' chances with minorities more difficult: Whether Vice President Joe Biden decides to join the primary and how well Sanders ultimately performs in Iowa and New Hampshire.
All of those as-yet-unknown factors, Sabato said, lead back to the stand-by for political analysts: "We'll have to wait and see."
If Biden runs, Sanders wins. So pls run, Biden.
Behind the scenes with Bernie Sanders: Three days in Iowa that explain why Hillarys fading and the Dems have a new front-runnerIf Biden runs, Sanders wins. So pls run, Biden.
It's so Salon it hurts
The comments are amazing.Oh Salon, what you won't do for clicks.
johncp 15 minutes ago
Biden will give Sanders a run for his money. He has more credibility than Sanders. If Biden runs, my bet is, Sanders will fade.
It's almost amusing, that Sanders was essentially unknown before he announced for the presidency, yet republicans are enamored of him. I just heard him say, in an interview, that, "when people get to know me," I'll get more voters behind me. Strange, where is his support coming from. If he needs to get better known, how has he risen so rapidly? If Hillary is such an unpleasant choice for voters, why was she far ahead earlier on? It can't be because she wasn't known. What was it?
I'm voting for Hillary, with more intensity than ever. I vote for that person, that has received the most ferocious opposition from corporate media. Anyone that can't see what's going on, will put another destructive republican clown in power. Sanders is said to be more "authentic," a claim which is the ultimate absurdity. If Sanders is more authentic, why does he deliver almost the exact same pitch, to his followers. That doesn't sound like authenticity, that sounds like, telling people what they want to hear.
Corporate media are running this show, and a lot of people are falling for it.
Leslie 6 hours ago
“And let me echo that today. If the Koch brothers and the billionaire class hate my guts, then I welcome their hatred, because I am going to stand with working families.”
— Sanders, during a Q&A session in Boone, Iowa
Echoes of the great FDR. That's the stuff Mr Sanders! That's the attitude and leadership we need at this time.
You'll never hear anything like this out of that disgusting who*re who is competing against him for the nomination. She is a who*re too! She is terrified of the disapproval of billionaires and eagerly takes millions from them. She would much rather incur the wrath of ordinary people (who I believe she has a contempt for), than to incur the disapproval of those who are raping this country and robbing it's people blind. If this country will be dumb enough to elect her, it's over for the Democratic party and game over for this once great country.
Top Taciturn 5 hours ago
Ever since listening to Bernie on his regular Thom Hartman show call-ins, Bernie made sense. Why? Simple. The truth always makes sense. Truth's logic almost never goes unchallenged by some selfish prone person(s).
Just think. God admonished the first couple that they would die if they were to disobey Him. Satan comes along and using specious logic (untruths) tells the couple the exact opposite!
Satan falsely reasoned with Eve. She swallowed the whole load- hook, line and sinker and later, Eve (using the same logic as Satan) told Adam that God lied to them. That they would not die but would live and be able to decide issues on their very own. Who needs God she surmised from Satan's talking points.
Well as you can see. Adam and Eve died. They are not here, not anywhere and all on account of a liar- Satan. see John 8:44
We, Adam & Eve's offspring, inherited their doubtful and rebellious nature.
Bernie is saying it like it is (regarding Rich vs Poor) but the audience, ... well .... you can figure the rest out. I hope!
Lmao, just read this minutes ago independently of this page. In a perfect world I wish he had a shot, but what can you do. Will always be a fan of Bernie though.
I couldn't if i wanted. I watch this every week or two singularly for the entertainment value
And when do you wake up from this magical dream?
November 2016, when the DREAM becomes a REALITY.
He is not at 0%. He is at 0,5%.![]()
The campaign official said Carson's interview on "Meet the Press," in which the Republican said he would not support a Muslim as president, should be "watched or read carefully."
"He did not say that a Muslim should be prevented from running, or barred from running in any way," Carson campaign spokesman Doug Watts said.
Watts said the people would ultimately decide. "He [Carson] just doesn't believe the American people are ready for that," Watts said.
Responding to a question in the interview that aired Sunday, Carson said, "I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that."
Let the backtracking begin!
Sure thing, campaign manager.
Do you have an example of this?In all fairness, that is the exact same reasoning behind the "I don't support censorship I just think that [INSERT WORK] shouldn't be allowed to exist" argument that crops up sometimes in left-leaning circles. So who knows, maybe it's true. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.
Also the question wasn't "do you think America is ready" it was would you support. His answer was no. He also described them as a problem, not "something we just aren't ready for."
Do you have an example of this?
Hillary-bots argue that Sanders only appeals to white Iowa & New Hampshire voters. Here's how he proves that wrong
I don't think the video clip she cited supports the argument you say she meant, however: "She meant that the videos reveal information about Planned Parenthood that make it morally incumbent on members of Congress to fight to defund it" - yet we have no proof that this anecdote took place in a Planned Parenthood afiliated clinic. So that anecdote does not reveal any information about Planned Parenthood.
[Fiorina] meant that the videos reveal information about Planned Parenthood that make it morally incumbent on members of Congress to fight to defund it. Her example was the clip from the 7th CMP video. I assume she could cite more than just that example to make her point. In fact, I think some of her misstatements suggest some other revelations she considers sufficiently outrageous to demand congressional action: the "We have to keep it alive" part sounds inspired by the revelation that Planned Parenthood sometimes modifies its abortion procedures to make it more likely certain organs survive the procedure intact (which is illegal, btw); her use of the verb "to harvest" seems inspired by the bartering over body parts that was at least implied in some of the earliest videos released by CMP (which could show that PP is illegally profiting, but doesn't do so necessarily). However, even if we focus exclusively on the parts of the video she described that she got right, there's still an arguable basis for her outrage: Holly O'Donnell described an intact fetus whose brain was removed by cutting through his face moments after his heart was observed to be beating. For these reasons, I think the accusation she was lying or being misleading is at its weakest at this level of abstraction.
Her argument based on her evidence is for Congress to defund abortion services... but federal money already cannot be spent on abortion services. She wants to defund something that is already defunded, that doesn't make sense...
Of course, it makes sense if she ultimately desires an abortion ban, and her purpose of defunding the entirety of Planned Parenthood is to make abortions more difficult to obtain by trying to force a collapse of the organization. Her evidence is in support of an effective abortion ban, but she pretends it is a reason to defund Planned Parenthood.
I will also postulate that the reason for the other "revelations" you bring up is exactly because of the ban on federal funding for abortions. Are you surprised that a privately funded sector of an organization is acting unethically to maximize profit? If Fiorina truly only wants the morally ambiguous actions of Planned Parenthood to stop, but is not for an abortion ban, she would remove the profit incentive and ensure federal funding regulation for abortion services so they have no incentive and opportunity to act immorally to maximize profit.
Meanwhile in Greece:
Depends on the criminal and the crime, really.We don't reward criminals; we punish them.
The disembrainment of the dead baby described by O'Donnell took place at a Planned Parenthood clinic. Only if by "this anecdote," you mean "the baby-in-a-bowl footage" (which was footage, not an anecdote) would your statement that "we have no proof [it] took place in a Planned Parenthood affiliated clinic" be accurate. But even in that case, the most we could say would be that we don't know whether the footage reveals any information about Planned Parenthood. We could not say, as you do, that the footage "does not reveal any information about Planned Parenthood."
I already covered in what way(s) the video clip cited by Fiorina supported what Fiorina meant:
The argument we're discussing is that Fiorina is lying, not that she's wrong. Even if we were discussing the latter, however, she isn't wrong. She's arguing that taxpayer money shouldn't go to an organization that engages in what she considers morally reprehensible behavior. There's nothing unusual about punishing an organization for its immoral behavior. When the "punishment" in question is loss of government benefits, that immoral behavior needn't even be strictly illegal to support the punishment proposed. (For instance, the IRS was allowed to deny tax-exempt status to Bob Jones University in the 1980s because BJU excluded students who were in an interracial marriage or who advocated for interracial marriage.)
Because the clip supports the argument made by Fiorina, I see no need to entertain your fanciful theory about her secret plan to rid the world of abortion by defunding the parts of Planned Parenthood that are not related to abortion. (But if I did entertain it, I would quickly reject it since the abortion part of Planned Parenthood's business is apparently self-sustaining even in the absence of federal funding, as you noted.)
Postulate away. That's not the topic of conversation. But according to Planned Parenthood, they do not profit from their sales of baby parts. Even assuming they are illegally profiting, I don't follow your argument that the government should reward a (in-that-case) criminal organization with federal monies. We don't reward criminals; we punish them.
The disembrainment of the dead baby described by O'Donnell took place at a Planned Parenthood clinic. Only if by "this anecdote," you mean "the baby-in-a-bowl footage" (which was footage, not an anecdote) would your statement that "we have no proof [it] took place in a Planned Parenthood affiliated clinic" be accurate. But even in that case, the most we could say would be that we don't know whether the footage reveals any information about Planned Parenthood. We could not say, as you do, that the footage "does not reveal any information about Planned Parenthood."
I already covered in what way(s) the video clip cited by Fiorina supported what Fiorina meant:
The argument we're discussing is that Fiorina is lying, not that she's wrong. Even if we were discussing the latter, however, she isn't wrong. She's arguing that taxpayer money shouldn't go to an organization that engages in what she considers morally reprehensible behavior. There's nothing unusual about punishing an organization for its immoral behavior. When the "punishment" in question is loss of government benefits, that immoral behavior needn't even be strictly illegal to support the punishment proposed. (For instance, the IRS was allowed to deny tax-exempt status to Bob Jones University in the 1980s because BJU excluded students who were in an interracial marriage or who advocated for interracial marriage.)
Because the clip supports the argument made by Fiorina, I see no need to entertain your fanciful theory about her secret plan to rid the world of abortion by defunding the parts of Planned Parenthood that are not related to abortion. (But if I did entertain it, I would quickly reject it since the abortion part of Planned Parenthood's business is apparently self-sustaining even in the absence of federal funding, as you noted.)
Postulate away. That's not the topic of conversation. But according to Planned Parenthood, they do not profit from their sales of baby parts. Even assuming they are illegally profiting, I don't follow your argument that the government should reward a (in-that-case) criminal organization with federal monies. We don't reward criminals; we punish them.