That Walker crater.
That Clinton crater.
Awwwww, they're kissing!
First off, "not knowing whether the footage reveals any information about Planned Parenthood" still means that we can't use to indict Planned Parenthood, because we indeed don't know if it reveals any information about Planned Parenthood.
Taxpayer money already doesn't go to funding abortion services... but then why is she calling for a funding cut to the parts of Planned Parenthood unrelated to abortion services? What exactly would that accomplish? You yourself admit that defunding the rest of Planned Parenthood would not have a noticeable impact on the independently privately funded abortion wing.
And yet, the lack of federal funding is exactly the reason why the abortion wing of Planned Parenthood is breaching ethical conduct - to make enough money to sustain the independently privately funded wing of the organization, and if allegations are true to further pocket some profit as well.
Do you understand that the clip cited by Fiorina includes two distinct aspects--(1) footage of an intact fetus in a metal bowl kicking its legs and moving its arms and (2) a narrative description by Holly O'Donnell about removing the brain of an intact fetus moments after seeing its heart beating--and that only the relationship of the footage (not the narration) to Planned Parenthood is unknown? This is like you arguing that videotaped witness testimony about a crime would tell us nothing about the criminal described if it were played over a reenactment of the crime or footage of a similar crime.
Because Planned-Parenthood-when-performing-abortions is not a different organization than Planned-Parenthood-at-all-other-times. It's just Planned Parenthood. To continue the analogy I suggested in my last post, this is like you arguing that the IRS should have only revoked the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University's admissions department, but not the rest of the University.
Prove it. Show me any evidence that supports your theory that Planned Parenthood profits off of baby parts to make up for a funding shortfall. (Not that this has anything to do with Fiorina's statement.)
Where is the part where a PP employee says they need to "keep the fetus alive in order to harvest its brain/organs"?
You were right [etc.]
who knows Oblivion. Fiorina was after a soundbite and she most certainly delivered. She can't escape her failure of a record however.
And I have to point out the obvious: If the board was wrong, the employees wrong, and the shareholders wrongas Fiorina maintainswhy in 10 years has she never been offered another public company to run?
Wow, this I did not know. Fiorina hasn't been able to get a CEO job since she left HP? LOL. Guess there's some justice in the world.
You should have stopped while you were ahead.
I don't think the lack of funding has anything to do with whether the analogy is valid. The analogy doesn't relate Planned Parenthood's reasons for selling baby parts (which sales are undeniable--the only question is whether they're profiting from the sales) with BJU's reasons for rejecting students in interracial marriages. It relates the removal of funding for Planned Parenthood on account of its conduct in violation of public policy (or the law) with removal of tax-exempt status for BJU on account of its conduct in violation of public policy (as embodied in Treasury Regulations). So even accepting your theory about a lack of funding prompting Planned Parenthood to seek additional revenue--a proposition for which you've yet to provide any evidence--the analogy holds.
What's more, the purpose of defunding Planned Parenthood is, in part, to ensure that government funding does not benefit an organization that acts contrary to law or public policy. To the extent Planned Parenthood would double down in violating federal law following defunding, then other measures that are more clearly punitive (i.e., not merely removing that to which Planned Parenthood has no claim absent congressional enactment in the first place) can be pursued. Threatening to commit more crimes if the government cuts off funding is an idiot's blackmail.
And again, punishment is typically directed at the wrongdoer, not merely the wrong done. If Company A does "this" and "that," and in doing "that" violates the law or public policy, but violates neither when doing "this," the government doesn't distinguish "this" from "that" when taking action against Company A. You keep pretending Planned Parenthood isn't Planned Parenthood when it isn't aborting children, but it still is Planned Parenthood. That really shouldn't even need to be said.
Do you understand that the clip cited by Fiorina includes two distinct aspects--(1) footage of an intact fetus in a metal bowl kicking its legs and moving its arms and (2) a narrative description by Holly O'Donnell about removing the brain of an intact fetus moments after seeing its heart beating--and that only the relationship of the footage (not the narration) to Planned Parenthood is unknown? This is like you arguing that videotaped witness testimony about a crime would tell us nothing about the criminal described if it were played over a reenactment of the crime or footage of a similar crime.
Because Planned-Parenthood-when-performing-abortions is not a different organization than Planned-Parenthood-at-all-other-times. It's just Planned Parenthood. To continue the analogy I suggested in my last post, this is like you arguing that the IRS should have only revoked the tax-exempt status of Bob Jones University's admissions department, but not the rest of the University.
First off, you're a pretty smart guy - if not to make more money, why else is Planned Parenthood altering procedures to maximize tissue yields? What other reason would they have for altering the procedure? You can't prove that their motive for illegally maximizing tissue yields is to have more illegal tissue yields to sell, but that is a very small inferential leap to make. Why else are they altering the procedures?
You yourself admit that if the defunding wouldn't work, then further action against the individuals involved would be taken - so then why defund the other branches providing a valuable public service if it won't actually be an effective punishment and you are willing to pursue punishment that actually works against those responsible without harming the general public in the process?
Then, make federal funding of abortion legal so that there is no future motivation for this wonderful new abortion service to go against protocol to maximize tissue yields - a preventative solution - and they won't even have to "sell" the tissue to make back the expensive costs of shipping and preservation.
Since Planned Parenthood IS the sector of the government concerned with reproductive health, shutting down Planned Parenthood shuts down reproductive health services, which are important for the good of the general public.
It's a fetus. There are no legal ramifications. the only fall out is political. A fetus is not a person that is protected under the constitution until it reaches viability.
To address the bolded: that is a slippery argument. You seem to be saying that it should be ok for every hospital and clinic in the US which perform abortions to be refused any and all federal funding. Note that I'm not putting words into your mouth and saying that is your stance, just, if all federal funding for planned parenthood can be banned than all federal funding for any clinic or hospital that performs abortions can be cut.
Had to put Metamucil on ignore. Got tired of seeing his essays.
If, if, if ,if. No proof.There are legal ramifications. If Planned Parenthood is profiting from the sale of fetal tissue, it's breaking the law. If Planned Parenthood is altering its procedures for procurement purposes, it's breaking the law. If Planned Parenthood is selling the tissues without patient consent, it's breaking the law. This is not a Constitutional issue.
Soul-Searching Continues for Possible Joe Biden Run
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said that he is continuing to search his soul about running for president, and he acknowledged a decision might come after it is logistically too late to make a successful bid.
In an interview with America Magazine that was conducted last week and published on Monday, Mr. Biden said that his thinking about a run had not changed since his last public statements on the question. The vice president has expressed interest in making another run for the White House but has said that he is not sure if he is emotionally ready for the rigors of a campaign after the recent death of his son.
“It comes or it doesn’t,” Mr. Biden said of entering the fray for the Democratic Party’s nomination. “I’ve just got to be certain that if I do this, I’m able to look you in the eye and everyone else and say I’ve given all my passion and all my energy and I will not be distracted.”
The vice president went on to explain that he is considering the impact that running for president would have on his family. The decision would not be based on what polling numbers say about the possibility of him winning, he said, but is more based on personal considerations.
“I just have to be comfortable that this would be good for the family,” Mr. Biden said, noting that his previous political efforts have all strengthened his family.
Still, Mr. Biden remains realistic that the political calendar is moving forward and that he might run out of time.
“It’s just not quite there yet and it might not get there in time to make it feasible to run and succeed because there are certain windows that will close,” Mr. Biden said. “If that’s it, that’s it. It’s not like I can rush it.”
Four national polls released this month (ABC News/Washington Post, CBS News/New York Times, YouGov and CNN/ORC) asked Democratic voters who they’d vote for with Biden in the race and without him. Clinton led Bernie Sanders by an average of 44 percent to 26 percent with Biden in the race. Clinton’s 19-percentage-point edge in those polls equals her lead in the Huffington Post/Pollster aggregate. Without Biden, Clinton’s lead on Sanders jumps to 28 percentage points, 57 percent to 29 percent.
In other words, almost all of Biden’s support is coming from people who, without Biden in the race, would support Clinton. So if Biden decides not to run, Clinton’s standing could snap back to where it was earlier this year.
In fact, if you look only at polls that don’t include Biden, Clinton’s margin over Sanders hasn’t changed all that much in the past couple of months. Clinton averaged a 30-percentage-point lead in such polls in August; she’s averaged a 28-point edge in them so far in September.
Still, there are a few rays of hope for the Sanders camp in these numbers, even if Biden doesn’t enter the race.
In the ABC News/Washington Post survey, Clinton’s lead among non-white voters — a group Sanders has so far failed to make any inroads with — goes from 44 percentage points over Sanders with Biden in the race to 59 percentage points over Sanders without Biden. With whites, she goes from being down 2 percentage points to Sanders to being up 2 points — a minimal difference.
PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls 3h3 hours ago
PublicPolicyPolling retweeted Ed O'Keefe
We found Hillary doing a lot better in Iowa over the weekend than other recent polling had suggested as well
Really? When did he say this?He's not running.
He's not running.
Really? When did he say this?
As stated in the non-PoliGAF thread recently, I think Rubio might end up being the nominee if Trump does in fact start to finally slow down.
Purely speaking optics, he will look young and refreshing up against anyone in the Democratic field save maybe O'Malley, but we all know he's not getting shit.
If only I knew of a GIF that could properly illustrate how Bernie must be responding to this poll...kiii that CNN poll. I knew it was coming, the hype is deflating.
I will pretend the numbers are skewed tho.
Trutherism about a 14 year-old science nerd.That Dawkins thread IS. A. MESS.
I didn't know what to expect. I am flabbergasted. How petty to you have to be over a kid, seriously.*edit* Maybe I'm not thinking clearly since it involves a child. Whatever.That Dawkins thread IS. A. MESS.
If only I knew of a GIF that could properly illustrate how Bernie must be responding to this poll...
If only I knew of a GIF that could properly illustrate how Bernie must be responding to this poll...
(probably not. Can't fall upwards. And I like Bernie, so there's a twinge of guilt for posting it.)
Hillaryrunningfrom.gif will return once the debates happen, you´ll see.
I don't think they'll attack each other on a personal basis (besides maybe O'Malley) but Bernie might try to go in on Hillary on an issue that he's really passionate about (like campaign funding).I don't even know what one could expect from the demobates. Neither is stupid enough to really have a go at each other.
I don't even know what one could expect from the demobates. Neither is stupid enough to really have a go at each other.
Ladies and gentlemen, Leader of the Free World.
I could see Rubio being dangerous because I can see Rubio exceeding expectations more easily than most other candidates. He could unite the wings of the party quickly, wouldn't depress turnout like a squishy moderate would, and can be pretty sharp on the stump or debate stage. His youth would draw an easy contrast to the older Clinton who will be portrayed as a third term. He probably comes with a two point native son bonus in Florida.I put 'happy' in quotes because I'd still be happier to be proven wrong about Rubio though. I actually think he's is a pretty dangerous opponent, second only to Kasich. What do you guys think -- is Water Boy electable or no?
As stated in the non-PoliGAF thread recently, I think Rubio might end up being the nominee if Trump does in fact start to finally slow down.
They are going be really boring. Low ratings and all. A shame.
Hillary being all like "lol nvrmind, bye bernie"
Where's the Trump Ali dodge.gif from the first debate?New Zogby poll:
Trump -- 33%
Carson -- 13%
Jeb! -- 9%
Fiorina -- 7%
New Zogby poll:
Trump -- 33%
Carson -- 13%
Jeb! -- 9%
Fiorina -- 7%