Trump and Carson would be great together, Tango and Cash baby
Was my prediction from the beginning.
NBC poll releases at 10:30, btw.
I think the only three left with a legitimate shot at the nomination are Trump, Rubio, and Jeb.
Fiorina will drop off once people start hitting her on selling to Iran illegally (which I'm sure her response will again be "The board was dysfunctional!") and the ads about her horrific run as CEO hit the airwaves. She'll be crushed next debate. Although, if I were the left, I would be cheering her on because she has already said enough pro-war stuff in the last debate to absolute destroy her in the general election. She'd have no chance against Hillary.
Carson will remain steady and is a clear pick for VP. Again, his idiotic anti-Muslim comment will hurt him in a general election, but have no effect and may even raise his numbers in the primaries.
Everyone else will disappear, and either Carson or Trump will get their votes.
That leaves the establishment, and I think they'll all go to either Jeb or Rubio. I lean toward Rubio because I think he's clearly the better candidate, but Jeb has a boatload of cash. My guess, though? Walker's supporters and cash go to Rubio and those two go head to head over the establishment vote.