Aaron Strife
Just PMed him a bit ago. He's legit shookWhere's PD
Didn't know he had a ban bet riding on this. Ouch.
Btw PD our bet on the Dem Senate in 2016 - 3 months avatar change?
Just PMed him a bit ago. He's legit shookWhere's PD
Wisconsin has no term limits for Governor for one thing.
Where's PD
Smartest thing he has done in the last year.
And those have to be fulfilled.
Plus the reasoning on why the sales of foetus organs would affect the greater market would be A Glorious Thing.
Republican candidates don’t schmooze the California GOP for votes, electoral or otherwise. They come here for the same reason Democrats who are assured of winning here do — money. There are a lot of big donors here to court, and it probably isn’t a good sign that Walker is canceling.
Also, I think NYCmetsfan has a point when he says Meta is being disingenuous in this case. Evenhandedly, he'd address the legality of the recordings as well. Meta points his legal flashlight only where he wants to.
I was totally ready to write up an in-depth analysis of which votes for Walker would go to which candidates, but then I remembered there weren't any.
This is ironincally a Metaphoreus-style argument, ignoring realpolitik for legal minutia.
They can't be that stupid.
Bet? If Jeb wins the nomination I get banned 3 months. If Jeb fails to win the nomination I get to be a mod for 3 days.
What did you think was the bloody point? But no, you just had to spell it all out.
Furthermore, defunding PP in the event of criminal activity is a standard that only appears to apply to PP. If Boeing were caught tomorrow committing <insert heinous crime here>, then the appropriate action wouldn't be to cancel all government contracts with Boeing; it would be to prosecute Boeing executives.
I didn't know if you were jabbing him intentionally or if you had got sucked into his vortex.
Second, people keep talking about the Koch's $900m, but they never committed that to support him, did they? If memory serves, that's a false meme based on Walker's victory in a straw poll at a Koch fundraising event a few months ago--i.e., he won the straw poll, and people who didn't know any better thought that meant the Kochs were throwing their weight behind him. Am I remembering wrong?
There were comments suggesting Walker was their favorite a few months before that straw poll. I don't think they committed to helping him - they said their organizations would stay neutral - but it seemed plausible that being the Koch brothers' favorite would help him get other donors.
For example: http://www.nytimes.com/politics/fir...och-brothers-signal-support-for-scott-walker/
Who cares? It's just going to be three more months of polls. He'll be back in time for IowaDamn, I'm legitimately going to miss having PD around for this upcoming block of time..
Can we make it so that all ban bets made through the election are paid-up beginning on the day after Election Day? (I know we can't ex-post-facto this specific one..)
Second, people keep talking about the Koch's $900m, but they never committed that to support him, did they? If memory serves, that's a false meme based on Walker's victory in a straw poll at a Koch fundraising event a few months ago--i.e., he won the straw poll, and people who didn't know any better thought that meant the Kochs were throwing their weight behind him. Am I remembering wrong?
PD took a 3 month ban bet? Ouch.
Surely we can request a bit of leniency, since after all, Walker's out, so everybody wins.
Who cares? It's just going to be three more months of polls. He'll be back in time for Iowa
Who cares? It's just going to be three more months of polls. He'll be back in time for Iowa
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio raised $12 million for his presidential bid in the second fundraising quarter.
Combined with the funds raised by outside groups supporting him, Rubio has hauled in almost $44 million for his White House run, putting him in third place in the GOP money race so far, after Jeb Bush (about $114 million) and Ted Cruz ($51 million.)
Rubio's campaign said that he received donations from all 50 states -- as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands -- and that the median donation was $50.
His campaign has over $10.25 million cash on hand, it said Monday.
It's easy to see Bernie supporters in that thread you made. When it comes to poll numbers, as long as Bernie is doing good, they puff up their feathers and act big.
As soon as a poll comes out showing the opposite, it becomes a "Fuck polls, no one knows" array of responses.
I wonder how many times PD clicked itIronically enough, I'm getting this ad on this page right now:
Getting ready for his ban vacation.
Ironically enough, I'm getting this ad on this page right now:
Waiiiiiit a minute, that was a ban bet?
LOL. I was just about to place my wager on Rubio when I saw the ad.
Finally, I'm on board with the position that abortion should be federally funded, just like other health services. Furthermore, defunding PP in the event of criminal activity is a standard that only appears to apply to PP. If Boeing were caught tomorrow committing <insert heinous crime here>, then the appropriate action wouldn't be to cancel all government contracts with Boeing; it would be to prosecute Boeing executives. As stated repeatedly before, PP is critical in achieving public health outcomes. Defunding may be good politics but it makes for horrible governance.
This crossed my mind earlier but I forgot to post it.
Assuming that the sting videos really do show criminal activity by Planned Parenthood staff-- then prosecute them. *Not* prosecuting them and defunding them is further fuckery.
I'm kind of surprised that ban bets are still a thing.
I think avatar or tag bets are fine, but ban bets are kind of dumb.
I kinda feel bad about shitting on Bernie supporters. It's not like I don't like the guy and don't agree with a lot of what he says...
It's just he can't win in the general against the GOP. Unfortunately, his supporters all feel PoliGAF hates him because he's not Queen Hillary or something.
It's gonna be Hillary vs Rubio when all's said and done isn't it?