Fiorina has the anchor that is HP hanging around her neck; she's done an admirable job of treading water, but sooner or later, she's gonna sink.
Rubio... Rubio is basically Trump's only real competition at this point, I'll give you that, but once Carson and Fiorina drop out I think you'll see a lot of their support move Trumpwards, which will basically make it an establishment vs. anti-establishment race, and this year... this year I'm not so sure the establishment's gonna win it.
Fiorina has looked at Romney and basically learned to deny the larger charge and just spew BS. She clearly learned from the Bain attack to own it and cut off that avenue of attack. I just saw her do it on Fallon. She spews misleading "facts" which make it seem like she actually did a good job. She says: increased sales (because they bought compaq and added their market share), increased the payroll (again compaq, missing the lay offs though), market capitalization (again compaq) while just spewing crap about everyone else failing, etc, etc. She's really good at this. She also exudes this narcissistic know it all attitude which IMO comes across as presidential and is especially likable for the GOP. She also has this really good straddling of the establishment vs anti establishment. She can attract both.
And I still don't buy trump actually having as much support as he has.
Again, support this early is cheap and easy to shed.
It costs nothing to say to a pollster your going to vote for trump to shape the debate but its not the same to actually vote for the man in February when you start caring more about beating Hillary than getting the mexicans out.
Have to agree with the others. Until we see ads with 30k jobs cut while she was at HP (or $120 million worth of computers sold to Iran, or both), I can't possibly believe Carly stands up to scrutiny. If shes still polling this well after some ads get run against her, then maybe I'll buy she has some legitimate traction.
Job cuts is the best attack but she pivots with this nebulous, 60,000 jobs saved line.
I'm not saying she's guaranteed but is silly to outright dismiss her. The believe trump still will be where he is in February is far more silly.