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PoliGAF 2015 |OT2| Pls print

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Yeah, I'm pretty 'happy' about being on the record as predicting Rubio a while back. He's certainly looking much better than Walker and Jeb, and I can't see him losing to Carson or Fiorina. The remaining question is: can he beat Trump? I still find it hard to believe The Donald can win the nomination, but with every month that passes with him on top I'm less sure of it.

I put 'happy' in quotes because I'd still be happier to be proven wrong about Rubio though. I actually think he's is a pretty dangerous opponent, second only to Kasich. What do you guys think -- is Water Boy electable or no?
It's going to go one of two ways -- Trump will keep on doing his thing and run the most masterful Republican primary campaign since Reagan, or he doesn't... and Rubio gets the nod.

Fiorina does scare me a bit, too, though. She's stark raving mad.
All the Rubio stans, how do you think he will crawl out of his immigration reform bill? Trump didn't shoot up in polls for saying we need to find a way to legalize undocumented immigrants.
Jeb! will win. Trump is a front runner candidate, the minute his poll numbers start to sink (and there is evidence of that already), his campaign begins to implode. Rapidly. He will flame out as quickly as he burst on the scene.

I'm amazed that after the last two months people are still discounting Trump. Not that he'll win necessarily but I fully expect him to carry a couple of states like South Carolina and maybe even Iowa. There is a huge portion of Republicans who really believe that their country is being destroyed and political leaders haven't stopped it. They aren't going to migrate back to Bush or Rubio easily. Honestly Cruz is the dark horse to pick them up, and yes that makes me queasy to type.


No. Fiorina and Rubio are flavors of the week/month. Ben Carson's star will begin to start fading this week. Fiorina will rise, and maybe even overtake Trumpmeister. Few weeks later, the wunderkind junior senator from Florida will take the reins. All will melt before Trump. He already ended two people's campaigns. I believe it.
I think it's incorrect to lump Rubio in with Fiorina, Carson, Trump and Cruz. You can't treat Rubio like the 'flavor of the' whatever.

Also, good riddance Scott Walker, and to a lesser extent, thank you Mr. Trump. The Midwest Dubya is a LOSER and rightfully so.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fiorina has $6.50 in campaign funds. Give Bush a little time with that big ad chest he has. Sorry, he's not never the favorite.


I'm a bit worried about Fiorina, but I still think she hasn't really been put under pressure yet. Some of my more conservative friends like her because she's a woman and "she has business experience" which has me nervous, but they also don't really care about politics
Doing business with Iran during sanctions - when this comes up, surely it's all over.
Not presidential election related, but interesting:


Speaker John Boehner's future was on Rep. Henry Cuellar's mind when he was speaking with fellow House Democrats last week.

The question they were mulling: Would they throw Boehner a lifeline and save his job if he needed their votes to survive?

"Heck yes!" Cuellar said in an interview when asked if he'd consider it.

The Texas Democrat is one of more than a dozen House Democrats who told CNN they'd be willing to vote to keep Boehner in place if he faces a rebellion from the tea party wing of his caucus this fall

In interviews, a number of Democrats said they would use the dilemma as leverage to demand Boehner take a list of unspecified actions before casting a vote to spare his speakership.

The openness of Democrats to help the Ohio Republican could give Boehner more breathing room as he faces a revolt from roughly two dozen House conservatives who are plotting how to boot him from his position because, they believe, he has not taken a more confrontational line with President Barack Obama

Kind of sad that it has to come to this; saving Boehner to keep the even-more-crazy'ies at bay.


Fuckabee wants to try to stay relevant:

Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said on Monday that President Obama's administration is "the most anti-Christian in American history," according to The Iowa Statesman.

Huckabee was upset over Obama inviting transgender activists and the first openly gay Episcopal bishop to the welcoming ceremony for the pope at the White House.
The Vatican criticized the invitations and said that photographs of the pope and these individuals might suggest approval of their decisions, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Huckabee called Obama's decision a "politicized cattle call" in his statement.

“President Obama’s classless decision to transform Pope Francis’ visit to the White House into a politicized cattle call for gay and pro-abortion activists is an insult to millions of Catholics," according to the statement. "Why is it that Obama goes to extremes to accommodate Muslim terrorists but shows nothing but disdain for Christians? This is a new low for an administration that will go down as the most anti-Christian in American history.”


Because Catholics are not Christians to Evangelicals, obviously.

I wonder what his next book is going to be called: "Child molesters, adulterers, and law breakers... Oh my! My history of support for Christians."


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yeah no offense, but no one will care. Lots of corporations deal with AML/sanctions/FCPA/AB&C issues. They deal with the DOJ and then the issues go away. Sometimes people go to jail. Fiorina obviously isn't.

Again, the line of attack on Fiorina's business experience shouldn't be that she did any one thing poorly or that she was greedy or that she was responsible for things she obviously wasn't personally responsible for, it's that she exercised bad judgment that showed she had absolutely no vision for the future. She's not an innovator. She's just an empty (pants)suit.
Nah. It's okay because it has nothing to do with Obama. That is how the game works.

Depends. She can be locked in position by first asking the candidate their position on the current Iran deal. If she opposes it and someone follows right after by pointing out her hypocrisy along with the usual dog whistles regarding Iran (that is, if someone like Trumpo goes after her on this), she's done.

Again, the line of attack on Fiorina's business experience shouldn't be that she did any one thing poorly or that she was greedy or that she was responsible for things she obviously wasn't personally responsible for, it's that she exercised bad judgment that showed she had absolutely no vision for the future. She's not an innovator. She's just an empty (pants)suit.

While i can see the sense in the strategy you propose, it seems far too complex an approach to be employed against her, given how the primary is playing out and the target audience.

I mean, she pulling from the same anti-establishment pool as Trump. These people aint exactly what i'd call prime material for looking into the future and gauging consequences, is all.

Do they not have adjectives where you're from?

It's all in the meta, Meta.
Yeah no offense, but no one will care. Lots of corporations deal with AML/sanctions/FCPA/AB&C issues. They deal with the DOJ and then the issues go away. Sometimes people go to jail. Fiorina obviously isn't.

Again, the line of attack on Fiorina's business experience shouldn't be that she did any one thing poorly or that she was greedy or that she was responsible for things she obviously wasn't personally responsible for, it's that she exercised bad judgment that showed she had absolutely no vision for the future. She's not an innovator. She's just an empty (pants)suit.

I fail to see the logic in that. It worked well for Boxer, and it was perfectly reasonable strategy. She was far worse than an empty suit, or a lackluster innovator.


Just goes to show you, that even Democrats can be shady.


PHILADELPHIA — The ability of Pennsylvania’s embattled attorney general to carry out her job was thrown into question Monday as the State Supreme Court issued a temporary suspension of her law license.

The attorney general, Kathleen G. Kane, 49, is facing a battery of criminal charges, accused of leaking grand jury information to embarrass political enemies and then committing perjury, obstruction and other crimes in a cover-up.

Ms. Kane, a Democrat, has denied the charges and said on Monday that she would not step down. But some Democratic politicians have joined Republican leaders in calling on her to do so.

Ms. Kane was seen as a rising Democratic star when she was elected in 2012, after a campaign in which she accused her predecessor of moving too slowly to indict and arrest Jerry Sandusky, the Pennsylvania State University assistant football coach who was convicted that year on dozens of counts of child abuse.
Continue reading the main story

She was both the first woman and the first Democrat to be elected attorney general in Pennsylvania since the office became elective in 1980.

But she quickly became mired in vicious disputes with some former top prosecutors, with charges flying back and forth about cases mishandled or improperly dropped. As she re-examined the handling of the Sandusky case, her investigators also discovered that numerous officials in the attorney general’s office and other state agencies had shared pornographic and racially offensive emails; a Supreme Court justice was forced to resign as a result.

But in August, the Montgomery County district attorney charged Ms. Kane with illegally leaking information to the news media about grand jury proceedings in a 2014 case, then lying about it. That case had involved former state prosecutors with whom she was feuding.


Its time for her to go before she taints the PA ticket. Impeach her.

Obsolete! Obsolete! Obsolete!
I am going to tell an awful joke in honor of our fallen comrade Phoenixdark. May he rise from the ashes one day and return to make mirthfully incorrect predictions evermore.

You can skip this if you have by now determined that I'm not funny and you will be spared

what is the eastern european name I have for my backside
Rear Admiral Arshenholevitch
Not presidential election related, but interesting:


Kind of sad that it has to come to this; saving Boehner to keep the even-more-crazy'ies at bay.
It's gonna happen


"In exchange for supporting John Boehner as Speaker, we will be holding a series of votes on immigration reform, infrastructure investment, and restoring the Voting Rights Act"


"My pen's running out of ink from signing all these damn bills!"

I am going to tell an awful joke in honor of our fallen comrade Phoenixdark. May he rise from the ashes one day and return to make mirthfully incorrect predictions evermore.

You can skip this if you have by now determined that I'm not funny and you will be spared

what is the eastern european name I have for my backside
Rear Admiral Arshenholevitch
this post was way less funny than I thought it was going to be (which wasn't very funny) but your my favorite poster in here. God bless you and may he solve your roach problems
Jeb!'s strength is that he has daddy's and bro's network of strategists. They are horrible but they are not incompetent. They know full well Jeb! can outlast all these flavor of the months, especially with his money.
My man is out. Really didn't see this coming.

Walker's fall is a wake up call imo. Bush can win this if the other "logical" candidates fall out, resulting in a Bush v Clown Car situation (ala 2012). I thought Walker had the money to at least last until Iowa - in fact I still think he did. There's a rumor that some news was about to break and thus hurt him. Anyway now looking at things...establishment wise only Rubio has good money. Kasich is betting the farm on NH, meaning he'll drop out after he loses.

Non establishment wise...Cruz has a lot of money. Actual campaign money, not just PAC stuff. And he has loyal excited followers unlike Walker/Perry. I think Cruz's staff will stay until the last dog dies.

I'll review my survivor's list. Rubio, Cruz, and Bush will be the last three. Maybe one fringe candidate can last alongside them.
My man is out. Really didn't see this coming.

Walker's fall is a wake up call imo. Bush can win this if the other "logical" candidates fall out, resulting in a Bush v Clown Car situation (ala 2012). I thought Walker had the money to at least last until Iowa - in fact I still think he did. There's a rumor that some news was about to break and thus hurt him. Anyway now looking at things...establishment wise only Rubio has good money. Kasich is betting the farm on NH, meaning he'll drop out after he loses.

Non establishment wise...Cruz has a lot of money. Actual campaign money, not just PAC stuff. And he has loyal excited followers unlike Walker/Perry. I think Cruz's staff will stay until the last dog dies.

I'll review my survivor's list. Rubio, Cruz, and Bush will be the last three. Maybe one fringe candidate can last alongside them.
Oh god.

Jeb! doesn't exist.

Please do not pick Jeb!

please pick someone else I didn't pick pls, like Rubio
Still room on the Cruz Missile if anybody wants to hop on board. Trump's going to meltdown in a way that even his sychophants won't be able to handle, Carson's a flash in the pan, and who else can say they've been in Washington and know hot it works, but has been consistent in wanting to destroy it?

Cruz '16!
Oh. I don't read urban dictionary, i got sick of all the sex position definitions that read like they were made up by giggling 12 year olds and all the preteens thinking they are clever writing, blake - fun loving,smart, cool chill guy that is the best friend you could ever have
I looked up my first name and i am supposed to be a sweet and sensitive man fucking lol
Oh well, if I have to explain the joke, then it has failed.
Silver lining, not the worst joke on that page ;)
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