You cannot extrapolate like that from such a small sample. I don't think you guys understand statistical analysis here. Doing that opens you up to all kinds of statistical errors since a small irregularity can have large consequences. Look up Power, type I and II errors, etc. there is a reason why in research there is an attempt to have the largest sample size possible.
Clinton did not do anything differently than her predecessors, including republican loved Colin Powell. All this stuff, including Benghazi, is such a transparent attempt at fabricating a controversy since it was always clear she was going to be the likely Democratic candidate. It's a shame that the media plays right into it
I didn't extrapolate anything. It was a conditional statement. IF it's representative of a similarly proportioned amount when compared to all the emails, that would be a big deal. Not necessarily for Hillary, but for whomever would be held responsible.
As far as I can tell, this is complete nonsense. Your entire point is that you wouldn't have a problem with Hillary using her own server as long as it was a magical server from the far future which could identify and refuse to transmit classified information? How is that even worth making us think about, much less having to read paragraph upon paragraph about? No such system exists or will ever exist. And if it did exist, it would be way more insecure than what happened here, because such a server would either need to have access to all classified information or contain within itself heuristics for defining all classified information. Come on now.
It is complete nonsense. It also is not even remotely my point.
MY point was that she should have never elected to use her private server for this (nor should any government official have done so) in the first place, UNLESS her private server was incapable of transmitting classified information. Obviously since that's not possible, it means that she should just not use it.
It was the equivalent of a parenthetical statement; a tangential distinction when constructing a logical argument. Seeing as how it was misinterpreted, perhaps it would have been best if I never brought it up.