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PoliGAF 2016 |OT| Ask us about our performance with Latinos in Nevada

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Maybe they're so stuck on their own need to use purity tests that they can't imagine the other side being capable of nominating someone who isn't everything they want, so any nominee must secretly be everything Democrats want.

Also, there's the whole thing where Obama somehow keeps winning against them, so they're scurred. ;P

And nice to see BLM keeping the pressure on. Hillary needs to follow through.

To those of you complaining about the protester not letting Hillary speak, a protest is a protest. It's not an issue ball set up on a tee so the person being protested can knock it out of the park with some insightful off the cuff West Wing dialogue that silences the protesters and convinces everyone of their ultimate righteousness. BLM isn't in the business of getting Democrats elected, they're in the business of drawing attention to the problems black people face. And part of those problems do stem from actions taken by the Clinton administration, no matter how ignorantly well-intentioned they might have been at the time. This is the kind of thing you should expect after the Democratic party has taken minority votes for granted for so long. They're mad, and they have a right to be.

Hillary is going to have cameras following her around for the rest of her life, so she's going to have plenty of time and opportunity to respond to this protest. She's not stupid, and I'm sure she's going to continue getting better with racial justice issues. Every candidate has bad moments like this, and handling them is part of what good candidates do.

Now what you motherfuckers need to do is not flip the fuck out with the same kind of diet racist outrage that's been hurting Bernie's campaign. Those are some bad fucking optics. CALM. THE. FUCK. DOWN.

I like this post. There's no reason for people to get defensive. The incident was a bad look for Clinton and she should definitely make sure to not run from it but address head on and properly when she eventually gets asked about it. It was a tough situation and it wasn't handled in the best way - she just has to make sure she learns from it and watch her word choice. It's not the end times.


I have never understood why the others never attacked Trump. Yet allowed him to push them around. Has there been a break down on why that happen?
I have never understood why the others never attacked Trump. Yet allowed him to push them around. Has there been a break down on why that happen?

For Establishment:
They all bought into the Establishment deciding. Trump clearly wasn't going to get that. So they decided to brawl amongst themselves for it.

For Cruz:
Too much overlap between their voting base for them to get aggressive early on, they both wanted to pick up the others followers.
I have never understood why the others never attacked Trump. Yet allowed him to push them around. Has there been a break down on why that happen?
Because they truly can't stump him. B-Dubs and others said it best. He is too quick on his feet and they come at him all wrong to call out his bullshit. They saw what happened to Paul, Walker, and Fiorina.. And last but not least.. Jeb.
I have never understood why the others never attacked Trump. Yet allowed him to push them around. Has there been a break down on why that happen?

its the old saying of "nobody i know is voting for that guy" . they bought into their own spin that trump would fade, was a fad, and that he would crumble under his own noxious buffoonery.


I have never understood why the others never attacked Trump. Yet allowed him to push them around. Has there been a break down on why that happen?

They've been attacking Trump since at least the new year. Cruz especially.

These attacks from the right just aren't hurting him

e: unless you mean Marco specifically who was too busy fighting Jeb(!)
I have never understood why the others never attacked Trump. Yet allowed him to push them around. Has there been a break down on why that happen?

Perry, Graham, Pataki, Jeb, Cruz, Fiorina, and Paul spent a great deal of time and energy attacking him.

It ended poorly for all of them except Fiorina.
The "establishment" (and this includes Cruz despite what he wants you to think) always believed that voters actually wanted all of the shit they sold them forever. "Conservative values" that have gotten them nowhere, yet they bought into it for so long. Now you have a guy who says "All they've been selling you for years is complete bullshit. I'm going to do so much better" and they're ready to believe it and vote for it. The Republican Party (and in much the same way, the Democratic Party) made the mistake of believing they would always be able to control the message they were selling. They've lost it, and now they're going to deal with the consequences.

There's more to it than that, but it's what I largely believe to be the truth.


The "establishment" (and this includes Cruz despite what he wants you to think) always believed that voters actually wanted all of the shit they sold them forever. "Conservative values" that have gotten them nowhere, yet they bought into it for so long. Now you have a guy who says "All they've been selling you for yours is complete bullshit. I'm going to do so much better" and they're ready to believe it and vote for it. The Republican Party (and in much the same way, the Democratic Party) made the mistake of believing they would always be able to control the message they were selling. They've lost it, and now they're going to deal with the consequences.

There's more to it than that, but it's what I largely believe to be the truth.

Spend years telling people to hate the government, then suddenly realize you are the government. Oops.
I personally didn't find that Hillary-BLM video as bad some people made it out to be. She definitely should have explained the superpredator quote and apologize for it publicly, but she didn't immediately throw the protester out or anything. Of course, many Bernie bros will disingenuously use the selective editing of "back to the issues" as if Hillary were dismissing black issues.

Hillary don't fuck this up. Just end Bernie so we can get this over with.
With Cruz I think it's more a realization that he hasn't accomplished a thing in his entire senate career. He has lost every battle to Obama or the establishment GOP. Which makes him a loser. Trump is a winner, he wins. He can beat Obama and Hillary because he's a winner. etc
The "establishment" (and this includes Cruz despite what he wants you to think) always believed that voters actually wanted all of the shit they sold them forever. "Conservative values" that have gotten them nowhere, yet they bought into it for so long. Now you have a guy who says "All they've been selling you for years is complete bullshit. I'm going to do so much better" and they're ready to believe it and vote for it. The Republican Party (and in much the same way, the Democratic Party) made the mistake of believing they would always be able to control the message they were selling. They've lost it, and now they're going to deal with the consequences.

There's more to it than that, but it's what I largely believe to be the truth.

I always wondered why people thought Ted "I'll raise taxes on the bottom 20% while cutting welfare" Cruz was going to win in the South.

I think people actually bought into the idea that most modern Republican voters were actually strong conservatives in ideology whereas a huge portion of them, especially in the South, are just in for the racism.


The "establishment" (and this includes Cruz despite what he wants you to think) always believed that voters actually wanted all of the shit they sold them forever. "Conservative values" that have gotten them nowhere, yet they bought into it for so long. Now you have a guy who says "All they've been selling you for years is complete bullshit. I'm going to do so much better" and they're ready to believe it and vote for it. The Republican Party (and in much the same way, the Democratic Party) made the mistake of believing they would always be able to control the message they were selling. They've lost it, and now they're going to deal with the consequences.

There's more to it than that, but it's what I largely believe to be the truth.

You summed it up brilliantly.

This cycle is just highlighting the death of the policial parties in terms of control. They've given up almost all control in the nomination process, they've lost leverage with fundraising, and they are increasingly losing control with their infrastructure.
If Hillary gets the nomination (and it seems extremely likely), this is the last time you will be able to run an establishment candidate like her and be able to get it. Whether she wins the GE or not, the base of the party is going to be even hungrier to move to the extreme left the next time around. The Party would be well served to see that coming and prepare for it, because I guarantee you it's going to happen.


If Hillary gets the nomination (and it seems extremely likely), this is the last time you will be able to run an establishment candidate like her and be able to get it. Whether she wins the GE or not, the base of the party is going to be even hungrier to move to the extreme left the next time around. The Party would be well served to see that coming and prepare for it, because I guarantee you it's going to happen.

Is that good thing?


They've been attacking Trump since at least the new year. Cruz especially.

These attacks from the right just aren't hurting him

e: unless you mean Marco specifically who was too busy fighting Jeb(!)

Perry, Graham, Pataki, Jeb, Cruz, Fiorina, and Paul spent a great deal of time and energy attacking him.

It ended poorly for all of them except Fiorina.

Gotcha. Guess they really weren't that effective. I never got the impression they were.
I don't know. All I can tell you is that it's going to happen. In a sort of way, she's like the Democrat's John McCain. It just feels like it's her turn and Democrats are scared of losing more than it's what the base of the party wants. Just the sense I get.

But most of Sanders support isn't from Democrats. They're independents who are attracted to his message. Clinton has been crushing it among actual Democrats.


I always wondered why people thought Ted "I'll raise taxes on the bottom 20% while cutting welfare" Cruz was going to win in the South.

I think people actually bought into the idea that most modern Republican voters were actually strong conservatives in ideology whereas a huge portion of them, especially in the South, are just in for the racism.

I don't even think it's that the racism is the goal, it's that it's the relief valve. As much as we have issues with prejudice outside of the economic factors Bernie focuses on, it's entirely true that the sense of "there's only so much of this pie to go around, and why should those people who look differently from me get it" fuels a lot of racial antagonism. It's a pretty time-honored political trick to use racism or nationalism as an outlet for dissatisfaction instead of actually solving the real problems (poor education, access to healthcare and family planning.) But that can only work so long with the same amount of people, so you get a populist like Trump who can sweep in and harness what the Republicans have been keeping stoked.
If Hillary gets the nomination (and it seems extremely likely), this is the last time you will be able to run an establishment candidate like her and be able to get it. Whether she wins the GE or not, the base of the party is going to be even hungrier to move to the extreme left the next time around. The Party would be well served to see that coming and prepare for it, because I guarantee you it's going to happen.

An extremely left candidate could easily just lead to a Republican president after Hillary. Hopefully the primary voters would be willing to then go more moderate after a defeat like that.
If Hillary gets the nomination (and it seems extremely likely), this is the last time you will be able to run an establishment candidate like her and be able to get it. Whether she wins the GE or not, the base of the party is going to be even hungrier to move to the extreme left the next time around. The Party would be well served to see that coming and prepare for it, because I guarantee you it's going to happen.

Does an establishment candidate have to be a moderate? Are Sherrod Brown or Elizabeth Warren establishment or not?

Can't the party groom someone who is solidly to the left but undoubtedly connected to the party machine like, say, Joe Kennedy III or Kamala Harris?
I don't know. All I can tell you is that it's going to happen. In a sort of way, she's like the Democrat's John McCain. It just feels like it's her turn and Democrats are scared of losing more than it's what the base of the party wants. Just the sense I get.

Satisfying the base is about perception mostly. Lets say Obama had never passed Dodd Frank. If Bernie had been elected and passed the same exact thing he would be literally Jesus savior of the country. But wall street reform was kind of an after thought with Obama and he didn't place as much perceived value on the bill so now to people its "Not enough!11!!!"
If Hillary gets the nomination (and it seems extremely likely), this is the last time you will be able to run an establishment candidate like her and be able to get it. Whether she wins the GE or not, the base of the party is going to be even hungrier to move to the extreme left the next time around. The Party would be well served to see that coming and prepare for it, because I guarantee you it's going to happen.
I disagree, you just need a good candidate or politician. Hillary is not a particularly good candidate which is largely why she struggled. If the party was in a better position, Biden's son was still alive and certain people hadn't screwed up this could have been an interesting race. Brian Schweitzer, Deval Patrick, Biden, maybe Tom Perriello, etc could have changed the race entirely.

The other thing is that the party's governor bench has been depleted so badly that most potential presidential candidates are now senators or former senators. That's not a good thing and has to change, especially if you want outsider candidates.


If Hillary gets the nomination (and it seems extremely likely), this is the last time you will be able to run an establishment candidate like her and be able to get it. Whether she wins the GE or not, the base of the party is going to be even hungrier to move to the extreme left the next time around. The Party would be well served to see that coming and prepare for it, because I guarantee you it's going to happen.
That's the sense I get too. I could even envision a successful primary challenge in 2020 against a President Clinton. She's a placeholder between eras.
But most of Sanders support isn't from Democrats. They're independents who are attracted to his message. Clinton has been crushing it among actual Democrats.

It's a weird conundrum for Sanders. He does great with Independents which would help secure a win in the General, but Democrats insist Hillary is their best chance so overwhelmingly support her. Not the first time this has happened, but as a Sanders supporter it's frustrating.
That's the sense I get too. I could even envision a successful primary challenge in 2020 against a President Clinton. She's a placeholder between eras.

No one is going to Primary challenge Hillary. They would be exiled from the democratic party for eternity. And it also wouldn't be successful if they tried. If Ted Kennedy couldn't successfully Primary Challenge Jimmy Carter considering all that was happened than nobody can
8 years is a long time, and of course it ignores any reforms that could be set in place, but if we go the next 8 years with President Hillary Clinton without universal single payer health care or massive college debt reform, these people who want it now are not going to be happy.


8 years is a long time, and of course it ignores any reforms that could be set in place, but if we go the next 8 years with President Hillary Clinton without universal single payer health care or massive college debt reform, these people who want it now are not going to be happy.



I feel most will be surprised how sharp trump can be when he wants to be. He's the computer who beat the human at Go, he's everything you didn't want Bernie to be.

It's gonna get so filthy, so nasty. Sodium bicarbonates of chlorine dioxide emissions from the humans peoples
That's the sense I get too. I could even envision a successful primary challenge in 2020 against a President Clinton. She's a placeholder between eras.

Clinton's presidency would have to be a spectacular disaster on multiple fronts for a successful primary challenge to occur. A Vietnam level of a disaster.

And honestly I'm not sure Johnson would've lost the 1968 primaries if he wasn't spooked by RFK.


8 years is a long time, and of course it ignores any reforms that could be set in place, but if we go the next 8 years with President Hillary Clinton without universal single payer health care or massive college debt reform, these people who want it now are not going to be happy.

eh, if the disaffected young left is such a potent political force, they'll vote in the midterms. we'll see.
That's the sense I get too. I could even envision a successful primary challenge in 2020 against a President Clinton. She's a placeholder between eras.


Seriously, which politicians are going to be the more extreme left candidates? Many of the extreme candidates for the Republicans came from an anti-Obama wave that doesn't happen for parties that have the president.
Does an establishment candidate have to be a moderate? Are Sherrod Brown or Elizabeth Warren establishment or not?

Can't the party groom someone who is solidly to the left but undoubtedly connected to the party machine like, say, Joe Kennedy III or Kamala Harris?

No, the Democratic Party doesn't have to run a moderate as their preferred pick but I doubt they wouldn't.
I mean I wouldn't expect them too either. Even in countries that are more left-ish than the US it's usually the Right wing that rules the Center-Left party, they usually chuck a bone to the left by giving them Deputy and some policy wins in areas that aren't particularly controversial (and its largely this area where the Democrats suck, they'd rather pretend the economic left doesn't exist than to face Reagan's Ghost).
I feel most will be surprised how sharp trump can be when he wants to be. He's the computer who beat the human at Go, he's everything you didn't want Bernie to be.

It's gonna get so filthy, so nasty. Sodium bicarbonates of chlorine dioxide emissions from the humans peoples
Trump has a serious chance of beating Hillary.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Rubio way too close to Trump. Wtf

Again, as long as Cruz doesn't hit 50, Texas may be meaningless. The only thing that would really matter is Rubio getting a much larger amount of delegates than Trump, and I don't see that happening.

Cruz winning anything at this point is a huge benefit for Trump and a huge problem for Rubio.
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