Say Trump did win, and he goes through with his plan to build an actual full-length border wall. Is there any way he does not get caught out influencing the awarding of contracts to businesses friendly with him or outright connected to his own enterprises?
Been thinking about this. Say Trump did win, and he goes through with his plan to build an actual full-length border wall. Is there any way he does not get caught out influencing the awarding of contracts to businesses friendly with him or outright connected to his own enterprises?
I mean, you can see that scandal coming a mile away.
"My culture is a very dominant culture, and it's imposing and it's causing problems," Marco Gutierrez of Latinos for Trump told Joy Ann Reid. "If you don't do something about it, you're going to have taco trucks on every corner."
Just catching up with the thread since yesterday and yeah, if there was any doubt that Trump is getting a free pass from the media, then this should put it to rest. This story never blew up.
But you know, let's investigate more of Hillary!
side note: Our laws are seriously fucked up if the fine is a measly $2500 for this type of thing. How would this dissuade any rich person?
Provided Congress funded the agencies, it would all actually be procured in a legit manner. Even if he stuffed the tops of the agency with his people, the inertial power of our honest bureaucracy doesn't really budge that easily.
It would take years for the wall to even get started building anywhere because of the impact study requirements and the subsequent (inevitable) lawsuits that would block most construction.
Man, it's like you guys know absolutely nothing about Trump. He makes deals happen. The best deals, everybody says it. It's not going to be like now where we don't win any more, the wall plan, the best wall, a perfect wall, will be done in ways that nobody can expect. Because this is about getting things done. He's built some of the greatest buildings, don't take his word for it, everyone agrees, they're amazing construction jobs. And he always, always gets the best deal.There is no wall, and there never actually could be. That's why he has to keep insisting that Mexico will pay for it.
Going back to the taco truck comment:
Not going to lie the bolded part of the comment is WAY worse than the taco truck part.I wish someone had asked "can you be more specific about what you mean by "my culture is a very dominant culture"? That line only has one purpose-to make white people scared.
I wonder when the Mexican/Muslim women = birth-machines dog whistles will start. It's a staple of the European Neo-Nazi movement so the alt right should already have it in their game plan.
Going back to the taco truck .
The combined the forces of the Mexican scrouge with the yellow peril got you covered with some grade A vegetarian kimchi tacos.Give me some quality vegetarian tacos I could buy and I'm in for the truck on every corner.
US healthcare system continues to be a joke.
5 year old woke up with a fever of 103. His pediatrician couldn't work him in because half days on Friday. (FYI, looking for a new pediatrician) Ended up going to a Rapid Response associated with the hospital. Took his insurance information, and didn't say anything. After the : insert severe language here :doctor finally saw him, they informed us that "We don't take his insurance, if you want this prescription for an antibiotic because he has strep, pay us $200." Which, of course we're paying...but seriously. They literally stood there with the prescription and their hand out simultaneously. The hospital the clinic is associated with takes his insurance, but the rapid response clinic does not.
We need to fix this shit. What if parents don't have $200 to get their kids medicine? What the hell do they do? Wait. I know what the hell they do, and it's ridiculous.
Well they go to the ER, get the medicine ..... and don't pay.
There is no wall, and there never actually could be. That's why he has to keep insisting that Mexico will pay for it.
#NotAllFarLeftPeopleI understand not being excited but the Far left aka "True" Left are damn right depressing. I am going to start calling them Eeyores
Well they go to the ER, get the medicine ..... and don't pay. understand not being excited but the Far left aka "True" Left are damn right depressing. I am going to start calling them Eeyores
I'll take any pinko to a communist-off or an anarchist-off, and I still think HIllary will be a fine president.
I'm also excited that the US will finally have a woman president.
Which, honestly, as long as the kid is getting the treatment they need, I don't care. But, like, I had a near panic attacking thinking about what would happen if I hadn't had $200. How many people really can just go spend $200 when they have two or three kids, working minimum wage or whatever. That wasn't even the medicine, which was covered by insurance, obviously. Even then, it was $10 copay.
REVOLUTION AND RELIGION: The Fight For Emancipation and the Role of ReligionA Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian
A film of the November 2014 historic Dialogue on a question of great importance in today's world between the Revolutionary Christian Cornel West and the Revolutionary Communist Bob Avakian.Watch
REVOLUTION AND RELIGION: The Fight For Emancipation and the Role of ReligionA Dialogue Between Cornel West and Bob Avakian
It's definitely fucked and $200 just for a prescription sounds like extortion. When my now wife and I started living together, I took her to one of those "urgent care" places a couple times when she was having severe eczema outbreaks. At the time she had no insurance and I couldn't cover her under mine, so I paid out of pocket. It was $100-200 each time, not including the actual medication. It's definitely rough to imagine not having the ability to pay and just suffering through that shit.
Adam, for real, write your representative about this. Letters matter.The funny thing is, this happened to me about six or seven years ago. I was a broke ass college student, no insurance and got a severe eye infection. Ended up costing me most of my vision in my left eye. I had my mom to help me, but we went through $1200 worth of drugs in two days. It spiraled out of control from there. And, intellectually, I knew it was a disgrace, and even to this day I know it's shitty....
But when a kid is involved? I see fucking red and go through the roof.
The fact that they sent some registration person into the room, wheeling some cart in to take the payment while holding the prescription hostage just pissed me off something fierce. Plus, they were slow as shit even though we were pre-registered, and had, theoretically, an appointment.
What I loved is [Cornel West and Bob Avakian] proved to me that people can come together to change the worldand I mean all kinds of people from all walks of life. And I think they drew the crowd they did because they weren't talking like Americans. They were talking like and for the world's people.
(A Black student from the City University of New York who brought five people to the Dialogue)
What was important was that we all need to get involved for the common good against this injustice and exploitation and oppression in America and around the world. And it takes an active understanding of knowing peoples differences as well as the common good that the masses need to agree upon.
The one thing that kind of stuck out was Bob Avakians approach to understandinga scientific approachdigging into the depths of understanding reality and the relationship of that to a scientific social agreement or unanimity agreement among the world. That is needed to be understood.
I have a fight with my faith and the church, so stepping out in the social arena and working with people against the injustices, a lot of them believe we gotta give man what is man and let God take control of what God has control of. But what I think about what Avakian is saying is God has already given us the will and the choice to stand for what he has already instituted in his word as well as in our consciousness of what is right. So we need to take that will and that choice and be active against that which we know is definitely wrong and definitely against society as a whole.
(A Black man active in the struggle against police brutality)
Ive never heard anyoneman or womantalk with such depth and concern about the conditions of women in the world like Bob Avakian did in this event. I found myself crying and standing up in applause in what seemed to be inappropriate times in recognition of this. He spoke with the same conviction in regards to Palestinians when he explained that the Democratsnot one of themsaid a word about the massacre in Gaza by the Israelis.
(A woman from Europe who was raised Muslim)
BA said something that I didnt expect, but something that touched a very unique chord in my heart. He began talking about the recent comet landing and the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake as being just as important as all of the arts.
This comparison of science and arts, placing them on equal footing and as interchangeable manifestation of human motivational needs hit me particularly close. I recall at one point trying (with little success) to convince one of my professors that science is also an art. Hearing BA validate this sentiment was refreshing and I wish I could have been as eloquent as him when addressing this professor. The creativity of the human spirit is something that needs to be allowed to flourish. Without this, we cannot be fully human. This is what a revolutionary society needs.
(White male, graduate student)
The funny thing is, this happened to me about six or seven years ago. I was a broke ass college student, no insurance and got a severe eye infection. Ended up costing me most of my vision in my left eye. I had my mom to help me, but we went through $1200 worth of drugs in two days. It spiraled out of control from there. And, intellectually, I knew it was a disgrace, and even to this day I know it's shitty....
But when a kid is involved? I see fucking red and go through the roof.
The fact that they sent some registration person into the room, wheeling some cart in to take the payment while holding the prescription hostage just pissed me off something fierce. Plus, they were slow as shit even though we were pre-registered, and had, theoretically, an appointment.
I clicked on those i on a watch list now?
Adam, for real, write your representative about this. Letters matter.
Plus, I'm not sure this is legal.
Edit: put all the details in, be thorough and specific.
Yeah, that sounds borderline discriminatory to me. I'd file a complaint with the hospital at the very least.
It's okay, he put "are you an NSA bot? you got to tell me if you're an NSA bot, it's the law" in robots.txt, you're safe.I clicked on those i on a watch list now?
Get Into BA isn't even a good slogan. It sounds like some kind of Engrish advice about going to college.
benji is my alt.Are benji and Chichikov teaming up here