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PoliGAF 2016 |OT10| Jill Stein Inflatable Love Doll

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Expect Putin's favorable number to shoot up by virtue of Republicans in the polls. He was borderline single digits last I checked but I guess this election is now about rehabilitating Putin's image in the US as well as getting elected.
Expect Putin's favorable number to shoot up by virtue of Republicans in the polls. He was borderline single digits last I checked but I guess this election is now about rehabilitating Putin's image in the US as well as getting elected.

KGB must be having one hell of a party.

Водка Кто-нибудь?
Its as much of an involvement Carter has with Carter Foundation. This "scandal" is the epitome of correlation = causation. Some rich folk contributed money to CF. One of them, Muhammad Yunus, got face time with Hillary. But guess what, Yunus is a nobel laureate and has done incredible things to turn poverty on its face in Bangladesh, so much so that his microloan program is being replicated in parts of Africa and elsewhere. But sure, such an important figure only got face time with Hillary BECAUSE he donated to Clinton foundation!

I know that the scandal is noting, but I also know that it isn't going away. And shutting down the foundation is a terrible idea. But rebranding it might not be such a bad thing.
Ted Strickland FINALLY hit back against Portman's ads.

It's actually a great ad with him talking directly to the camera. https://youtu.be/w1BhgONJDpc

It's too little too late, but it's a decent attempt...if it had been done 3 months ago.

And my bf won't let me buy star wars sheets. :(


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Poligaf, I'm deciding on whether I should donate $25 or $100 to Hillary. Please tell me which amount I should donate.

Kinda late, but unless you have quite a bit of disposable income, $25.
Frankly, I don't think money is going to do much in that race. On the other hand, you could donate toward close Senate and House races. That might do more.


So stupid
I don't think the media has necessarily _________ all year.

Their coverage of Trump has been soft. Often. He has been graded on a curve. They have been slow on things. And missing things.
And then there have also been overt combativeness, with things like editorials from WaPo.

I don't really get what the argument between lyin pidgin's media and everyone else is one way or another though.

The media is not actively trying to help Trump.
But he has also very much been given a pass.


This poll was posted to r/thedonald almost immediately and was swamped with people from there voting, multiple time in some cases, in others, not even American.

Open online polls are trash

I posted about this poll last night in this thread. Trump fans werwe trying to manipulate it. At least they can't do the same thing to the real election.
60% of murica wants to shut down an A-graded charitable foundation...

You guys suck.

You have to remember what's important here. Does the foundation do good work? Who cares, not relevant. What matters is how this looks. High profile people donating money to a charity and then meeting with the political titans who operate it? Smells like corruption to me. OPTICS. /s

All this talk about changing the name of the thing... what the fuck, why? Why are Americans this fucking stupid? Are these same people advocating Trump pry his giant gold letters off his buildings should be be elected? It's an absurd request. "We want you to change absolutely nothing about what you do, but change your name because we're paranoid." Buncha damn simpletons in this country. Democracy was a mistake.


remember me
She needs to come out and strongly defend the foundation and the good work it does, while at the same time handing it off to an unrelated party to manage while she's president, including not being involved in fundraising events. Shutting it down completely is stupid.

Me watching Trump talk in Cleveland today.


He went to a charter school to talk about how much better they are than public schools. So he went to a charter school with an F grade, while there are Cleveland public schools with far, far better grades. Hell, there are charter schools that are better than that!


Donald Trump’s newest campaign boss has some strong feelings about the 9/11 attacks. Namely, that Bill Clinton let them happen because he hated the military and loved gays.

David Bossie, who became Trump’s deputy campaign manager last week, wrote a book in 2004 arguing that the Sept. 11 terror attacks are the legacy of Bill Clinton, not George W. Bush. The book, called Intelligence Failure: How Clinton’s National Security Policy Set the Stage for 9/11—which is no longer in print and isn’t available at major bookstores—gives insight into how a top new Trump hand views national security questions and George W. Bush’s presidency.

Bossie spent much of his political career working to damage the Clintons. He investigated them as a Hill staffer for the Oversight and Government Reform committee until he was forced out after an ethical breach of his own. Since then, he’s headed Citizens United—a group dedicated to investigating the Clintons and other liberals and best known for its role in the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United campaign finance ruling.

Donald Trump’s Campaign Guru: Bill Clinton Did 9/11

Didn't realize the Citizens United guy was involved in other stupid shit besides Citizen's United and it seems likely that Citizens United cared far more that they were attacking Hilary Clinton than any campaign finance law.
Well it only took two weeks...

The AP deletes Clinton Foundation tweet.

"The Associated Press today is deleting a 2-week-old tweet about Hillary Clinton’s meetings as Cabinet secretary after concluding the tweet fell short of AP standards by omitting essential context," AP's vice president for standards John Daniszewski wrote in a blog post. "At the same time, we are revising our practices to require removal and correction of any AP tweets found not to meet AP standards, including tweets that contain information that is incorrect, misleading, unclear or could be interpreted as unfair, or having a problem in tone."


Donald Trump’s Campaign Guru: Bill Clinton Did 9/11

Didn't realize the Citizens United guy was involved in other stupid shit besides Citizen's United and it seems likely that Citizens United cared far more that they were attacking Hilary Clinton than any campaign finance law.

Maddow had a good piece on him a couple weeks ago when he joined the campaign. He's made a career out of attacking the Clintons (and taking the blame when they failed).
I have given you advice where you should and need to go.. You should take it more often.. Pls :)
If I go in there, I'm going to bitch about how my bf might go to the game on Saturday without me. :(

Edit: But I got my Star Wars sheets out of the deal!

I don't know why Hillary is running this Green energy jobs plan ad in Ohio. Like. No. Do another policy position ad or something. Please.
From what I've seen on CNN today, it seems that the media might finally be deciding that they are turning off too many viewers by going easy on Trump. (EDIT: I'm even seeing Dana Bash push back against Pence's bullshit.)

Also holy shit I just saw an ad that has a similar style to that "children watching TV" ad, but this time it's Old Vets watching Trump's disparaging words against Vets and the Khans.

That's gonna help increase the chance of "Hillary Republicans" becoming a thing this November.


She needs to come out and strongly defend the foundation and the good work it does, while at the same time handing it off to an unrelated party to manage while she's president, including not being involved in fundraising events. Shutting it down completely is stupid.

She did very good defending the Foundation during her CNN interview with Cooper. I think she just needs to lay it out to the press and people. Unlike the emails, Clinton is very confident she could hit back on this issue.
If I go in there, I'm going to bitch about how my bf might go to the game on Saturday without me. :(

Edit: But I got my Star Wars sheets out of the deal!

I don't know why Hillary is running this Green energy jobs plan ad in Ohio. Like. No. Do another policy position ad or something. Please.
No.. Not about Saturday's.. It's about Sunday's with the other team.. We need you there. Defend your power ranking or BG's gonna put a... Canadian at the top.

Don't let BG export all of our jobs. Help continue making the Browns Great again friend.


Kills Photobucket
Except if Twitter is any indication, the media is starting to realize that it's not worth pushing for a horse race if it involves doing something that pisses off a lot of your audience (that something of course being the kid gloves they're using on Trump).

So if this horse race stuff starts showing to actually hurt them, they might go back to not going easy on Trump.

Ill believe it when I see it. For now, I'm terrified they might actually push hard enough to give Trump the presidency.
I still don't understand how the media let him get away with this Iraq thing considering there's video and audio proof of his various bullshit acts. Same with Libya.
Andrea made it almost to the end of the segment without mentioning emails! She almost did it!

Oh, god, this Ohio focus group. What is the purpose of a focus group that is 6 Hillary voters and 6 Trump voters!? WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?

There are no undecided voters in the room! These people have already said who they're voting for, and that they won't change their minds. WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?


In some states, such as Indiana, Republicans believe a lack of enthusiasm among their voters could prove costly. Party operatives have polled in two conservative, GOP-held congressional districts in the state — one held by Rep. Jackie Walorski and the other by Rep. Todd Young — and found both races are surprisingly close. One prominent Republican pollster said the party was grappling with how to generate excitement from a GOP base that’s far less passionate about Trump than it was about Mitt Romney in 2012.

oh my god shoot it in my veins


Andrea made it almost to the end of the segment without mentioning emails! She almost did it!

Oh, god, this Ohio focus group. What is the purpose of a focus group that is 6 Hillary voters and 6 Trump voters!? WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?

There are no undecided voters in the room! These people have already said who they're voting for, and that they won't change their minds. WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?


For conflict, to get eyeballs and ad revenue. You're watching it, no?


remember me
Andrea made it almost to the end of the segment without mentioning emails! She almost did it!

Oh, god, this Ohio focus group. What is the purpose of a focus group that is 6 Hillary voters and 6 Trump voters!? WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?

There are no undecided voters in the room! These people have already said who they're voting for, and that they won't change their minds. WHY DOES THIS EXIST!?


Hoping an actual physical brawl breaks out.
Putin helped murder AIDS researchers (MH17) and Putin is systematically discriminating against LGBT persons so Mike Pence obviously has great admiration for Putin.
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