That isn't an actual tweet, perhaps I should have marked it better so that it was clear it was fictional.
Yes, it was not clear at all that it was fictional. Remember that this is Trump.
That isn't an actual tweet, perhaps I should have marked it better so that it was clear it was fictional.
The fuck is a virtual wall?
It's pretty much what we have now: motion detectors, cameras and drones. I know people liked making fun of Trump's "anti-tunnel technology" but we already have that as well: seismic sensors that listen for digging underground.
Trump is just straight up cribbing Obama's border policies at this point.
It's pretty much what we have now: motion detectors, cameras and drones. I know people liked making fun of Trump's "anti-tunnel technology" but we already have that as well: seismic sensors that listen for digging underground.
Trump is just straight up cribbing Obama's border policies at this point.
FDR seems like a borderline case but well fuck Hitler.Only one of these conflicts happened post party-switch. Small sample size.
Yes, it was not clear at all that it was fictional. Remember that this is Trump.
I'm pretty sure he's going to use it as a political tool:
"Crooked Hillary has bad judgement! Her main aide married a total perv! How can she be President!" type of thing.
Further confirmation of my belief that Bush wasn't very smart, but was a decent human being who surrounded himself with some very evil people.
And of course, Trump comments on Huma/Weiner:
I would mostly say don't worry so much about individual polls
Given the R lean of Emerson, those polls seem fine to me. All robopolls are landlines only, and we know robopolls show a slight depression in Clinton's lead. Also, their LV screen and weighting against 2012 election results aren't great, I agree, since both rely on self-reported votes in 2012.
However, all of that stuff is already taken into account in the 538 bias/accuracy rankings, so trying to pull it out individually seems unproductive. The whole point of the 538 poll-ranking system (which I do think is very good) is that you don't have to try to figure out how many points of bias a particular methodology choice introduces, which is nearly impossible. Just figure out how much the poll is biased relative to the polling center of gravity and then throw it into the mix.
All polls are going to have methodological choices which are better or worse than others, many of which won't even be visible to us. For example, the Emerson College Poll is RUN BY A BUNCH OF COLLEGE STUDENTS. So stop trying to do process-based critiques and just do a results-based critique, it's a lot easier.
538's model includes a much stronger reversion to the mean component as well as a lot of projection off of national trends -- I'm pretty sure the Upshot ignores national polls and I am definitely sure that PEC does. Since there's currently a gap between national polls and state polls, it's creating a gap between the aggregators, which is exacerbated by 538's pessimistic assumption that things will mostly go back to normal by November.
I tend to think 538 is probably fine to project off national trends (although the gap is clearly worrying), but wrong to assume so much reversion to the mean. But I guess we'll see!
For the past 15 months, Trump has been building himself up as a bright guy with good brain - the only one who can solve all of the country's problems; after loudly boasting about this, it's a bit late for his team to attempt any sort of expectations-setting. He's kinda screwed.I don't think there would be a Romney moment for Trump in the debates. He's heading to a Lion's den.
I kinda also don't really believe the benefit of him "exceeding" low expectations especially when he'll show how woefully under qualified he is next to Clinton.
Of course Trump isn't doing private mock debates. Of course.
Dude doesn't want a room of people reminded how unprepared he is.
He's going to be exhausted if he doesn't at least simulate a debate.
But since he's a lazy mofo, he won't.
For the past 15 months, Trump has been building himself up as a bright guy with good brain - the only one who can solve all of the country's problems; after loudly boasting about this, it's a bit late for his team to attempt any sort of expectations-setting. He's kinda screwed.
Tomtom just linked me this. I am very confused.
![]() she imagining this stuff or is the artist trying to say they're really there? I don't get it....
Tomtom just linked me this. I am very confused.
I do find it odd he won't do at least one mock debate to prepare. Most of these debates should be centered around policy and there will be follow up questions.
He's going to look like a damn fool trying to explain himself. I hope to GOD he doesn't think he can pull that primary shit here.
And of course, Trump comments on Huma/Weiner:
Why is there a T on the bed? And that pickle looks WAY too satisfied.
....Adam, are you colorblind?Why is there a T on the bed? And that pickle looks WAY too satisfied.
The firewall just closed ten more ports!
New Monmouth national poll. Likely Voters
Clinton 46%
Trump 39%
Gary Johnson 7%
Jill Stein 2%
Hillary's lead is down from their last poll but they just switched to LV so you can't directly establish a trend there.
Why is Harambe there.
EDIT: actually don't answer this lol.
The article I read was exactly what I expected. He is sitting with Ailes and Guiliani and thinking up "zingers". This is what he's going to do, throw as many clever applause lines out as he can (even though the audience can't clap). This is how he thinks and how he thinks he'll win.
My only concern is that he will lie so many times that Hillary will be consumed with fact checking.
Is Pepe supposed to represent 4Chan? Internet Trolls in general?
I'm seriously not sure which message the comic is trying to convey...
So maybe The Running Man is a future documentary that was sent back through time to warn us of what will happen if Trump is elected?![]()
edit: This film is set in 2017
So maybe The Running Man is a future documentary that was sent back through time to warn us of what will happen if Trump is elected?
New Monmouth national poll. Likely Voters
Clinton 46%
Trump 39%
Gary Johnson 7%
Jill Stein 2%
Hillary's lead is down from their last poll but they just switched to LV so you can't directly establish a trend there.
So maybe The Running Man is a future documentary that was sent back through time to warn us of what will happen if Trump is elected?
Of course Trump isn't doing private mock debates. Of course.
Dude doesn't want a room of people reminded how unprepared he is. she imagining this stuff or is the artist trying to say they're really there? I don't get it....
What the fuck is the pickle in a jar doing there?
Pretty sure that Pepe represents that because Clinton is getting the wallstreet money she must have some incredibly rare Pepes.
The comic is pretty straightforward. The "bad" alt-right is a figment of her imagination. The proverbial bogeyman.
The execution is horrid and Harambe is disrespected. Also, a typo.
Escape From NY is set in 1997, so maybe it was a future documentary warning us about something else.I thought that's what Escape From NY was
Bush surrounded himself with war hawks and got railroaded, but we can't ignore the reality that he was a willing participant. Kinda goes back to the idea that the vast majority of presidents aren't prepared to be president, especially when it comes to foreign policy. HW Bush, Eisenhower and Nixon are major exceptions in modern history.
Obama was railroaded by the generals on Afghanistan. Clinton had a series of foreign policy blunders in his first term. It comes with the territory. But eventually the president grows into the job and starts saying "no" more often. This has been very apparent during Obama's second term, and it became clear during W's second term once he shut Cheney out.