Ryan StruykVerified account
Just for comparison on Clinton +7 in new Monmouth poll:
At this time in 2012...
ABC/Post: Romney +1
CNN: Tie
Fox: Romney +1
CBS: Obama +1
Yet I am sure I am diablosing more now than then.
Ryan StruykVerified account
Just for comparison on Clinton +7 in new Monmouth poll:
At this time in 2012...
ABC/Post: Romney +1
CNN: Tie
Fox: Romney +1
CBS: Obama +1
Yet I am sure I am diablosing more now than then.
Seriously. At least crop the photo. Ugh. Well you can rest assured GOPers will tie this to Hillary somehow.The issue with Wiener isn't really the sexting, it's the "Taking a dick pic when a child is in the room". Regardless of how old the child is, it's the kind of thing that leaves a bad taste in the mouth. This piece from the WaPo puts the point across nicely. It's not even that there's something dubious going on (there plainly isn't), it's just the creepiness factor of it.
Robert Costa ‏@costareports 38m38 minutes ago
New movements on the anti-Trump front this morning in Washington. Several meetings and calls, top Rs mulling options...
Robert Costa ‏@costareports 29m29 minutes ago
NEWS: Stuart Stevens meets w/ anti-Trump independent to talk strategy, RomneyWorld warming to McMullin...
Robert Costa ‏@costareports 13m13 minutes ago
What I'm hearing: McMullin, obviously, is a long shot. But many Rs looking at whether a push for him in select states is worth big $, effort
Robert Costa ‏@costareports 13m13 minutes ago
The realistic goal, per several ppl, wouldn't be McMullin winning a state but to steal votes from Trump and cripple his bid in AZ, UT, etc.
Robert Costa ‏@costareports 11m11 minutes ago
The Romney question is one that looms over next 70 days. How he and his network lean, whether they're active or quiet, is a variable...
What's the point of spending money to hurt a candidate almost certain to lose already? The only reason to back McMullin would be the hope that he prevents some Rs from staying home and helps downticket races.
What's the point of spending money to hurt a candidate almost certain to lose already? The only reason to back McMullin would be the hope that he prevents some Rs from staying home and helps downticket races.
Not going to go down well with his base.Ari Melber MSNBCVerified account
Trump may be shifting towards building more of a "virtual wall" on the border, reports @halliejackson
"He put this issue at the center of this presidential campaign in the Republican primaries," Pence told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "And his position and his principles have been absolutely consistent. We're going to secure the border. We're going to build a wall, have a physical barrier. We're going to enforce the laws of this country, end sanctuary cities, implement E-Verify."
What's the point of spending money to hurt a candidate almost certain to lose already? The only reason to back McMullin would be the hope that he prevents some Rs from staying home and helps downticket races.
Tomtom just linked me this. I am very confused.
What's the point of spending money to hurt a candidate almost certain to lose already? The only reason to back McMullin would be the hope that he prevents some Rs from staying home and helps downticket races.
Yet I am sure I am diablosing more now than then.
If they give him a push in Utah, with Romney backing, he could seriously embarrass Trump. It'd be a good show of force and scare off anyone else looking to try and build on what he did this cycle.
Yet I am sure I am diablosing more now than then.
Wait, what the fuck can RMoney do now? It's too late. Unless they're talking about endorsing McMullin.
Robert Costa ‏@costareports 3m3 minutes ago
People several people close to him, Romney is closely monitoring McMullin, keeping eye on Johnson-Weld. Still thinking thru what he'll do.
That's a tall order though. You'd need McMullin to surge really high and maybe even win the state outright as Hillary's (and historical Democratic) numbers give her a very low ceiling in the state. Arizona is more promising on that front.
He's still thinking it through, man. There's like 70 days left. That's a hundred thousand minutes. Plenty of time.
for the majority of people, if they aren't going to vote for President, they aren't going to vote.
Pushing McMullin as a "save the party" option, gets people to the polling stations, where they will hopefully vote for the down ballot races. They would need to focus this in areas where the downballot is heavily anti-Trump as well.
McMullin won't win shit, he knows it, and everyone in the GOP knows it. Its a way to reshape the party right now, remove the racists and pieces of shit from the campaign, and possibly save the house.
for the majority of people, if they aren't going to vote for President, they aren't going to vote.
Pushing McMullin as a "save the party" option, gets people to the polling stations, where they will hopefully vote for the down ballot races. They would need to focus this in areas where the downballot is heavily anti-Trump as well.
McMullin won't win shit, he knows it, and everyone in the GOP knows it. Its a way to reshape the party right now, remove the racists and pieces of shit from the campaign, and possibly save the house.
This is like pissing on a burning house just to say you tried. And they're not even doing it, they're just playing with their fly.
That the only motivation that makes sense, and even that seems like a futile gesture. McMullin won't be on many ballots and most of the votes he draws probably won't even be in places with competitive downticket races. Any money spent would be better off just being used directly in support of House races.
for the majority of people, if they aren't going to vote for President, they aren't going to vote.
Pushing McMullin as a "save the party" option, gets people to the polling stations, where they will hopefully vote for the down ballot races. They would need to focus this in areas where the downballot is heavily anti-Trump as well.
McMullin won't win shit, he knows it, and everyone in the GOP knows it. Its a way to reshape the party right now, remove the racists and pieces of shit from the campaign, and possibly save the house.
Yet I am sure I am diablosing more now than then.
Plus, holding onto local governorships and local Congress are key to the GOP's strategy.
With all these disgusting conspiracy theories about candidates' health and mental well-being, could you imagine if Roosevelt was trying to run today?
Plus, holding onto local governorships and local Congress are key to the GOP's strategy.
All Trump surrogates need to get this reaction
Media and fair and balanced reporting."Clinton, Trump target each other's health records"
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
PENSACOLA, FLAddressing recent allegations that she is physically unfit to serve in the Oval Office, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, 68, debunked rumors about her health Monday by telling the audience at a campaign rally the exact day she will die. To those who say Im not able-bodied enough to be president, let me respond: I will die on January 23, 2041, said Clinton, who then further discredited those questioning her strength and wellness by confirming she will pass away early that morning, and that the cause of death will be congestive heart failure related to her advanced age. I will die surrounded by my loved ones, who will then mourn me for an appropriate length of time. But this wont happen anytime soon; it will happen in 8,913 days. Clinton then went on to reveal to the cheering crowd that her body would lie in state at the Capitol rotunda for 45 hours for public viewing and tributes before the nation honors her with a state funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral.
Not going to click on the link, no time, but this is really surprising. Hopefully this will end the whole conversation.
Yes, hopefully!Not going to click on the link, no time, but this is really surprising. Hopefully this will end the whole conversation.
Good she's putting this to rest.
I don't know what's going on with these replies...I'm starting to get a little worried right now...
Disturbing. I'm beginning to wonder if Crooked Hillary is actually a clone.
She's so emotionless she'll even talk about her own death so casually! Robot!