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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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Watching the current CNN segment I wonder, what happens to these despicable trump supporters once he loses. Do they go back in hiding? These people represent the worst qualities of humanity and frankly, I agree with the assumption that they are unredeemable.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Jim Acosta
Jim Acosta‏ @Acosta

Trump on what winning election will do to news media: "We have to take it away from these dishonest characters"

So much for that First Amendment!

The parallels to oppressive governments are absolutely evident.


FGC Waterboy
Okay. Can you find me these districts where you could argue the eventual winner is anything like a Freedom Caucus member?

What House Democrats absolutely refuse to negotiate on anything? What House Democrat isn't controlled by Nancy Pelosi?

I understand your argument. And it's correct....when the base is extreme. But the Democrat base isn't. It's moderate. Still. Things can change, but we're still a ways away.

edit: Put it this way. In a major Democrat district primary, the moderate Dem beats the far left Dem in most cases. Not true on the GOP side.

I guess my argument is that if the Democrats ended up with the House in 2020 and redistricted - that said redistricting would end up leading to more extreme liberal house members (over the course of 4-8 years) because of the primary + GE process adding in with redistricting. I think that was part of why the GOP House ended up being Tea Party central, because they were in safe enough of a Republican district that they could boot out the centrists.

I see what you're saying though, that the absolute magnitude of extremism on the GOP side is heads and tails above the extremism on the Democratic side (aka, Ted Cruz versus Elizabeth Warren, as two people who would have "perfect" liberal ideology scores) - and I think that you're right - but I think if you switch who controls redistricting, that the absolute gap would shrink quicker than people would believe. Then again, I'm also skewed perspective wise because of where I have lived the last 9 years or so (Seattle). I've met the city council member who thinks any multinational company above a certain size should be nationalized and taken over. :D

I also know waaay too many Bernie or Busters (still. Still Bernie or Bust. <sigh>) out here.

Two things on this post:
1) Clinton is their opponent right now and this is the time where they're disintegrating. She's not uniting them, she's actually fracturing them faster.

2) We have Steve fucking King (a guy from Iowa who has a Confederate flag on his desk, wonder why) saying that, when the cameras are off, he can work with Hillary Clinton on governance. We've talked about this to death, but this country is built on racism. Hillary may be a woman (which they'll be irritated by), but she's not a black guy named Barack Hussein Obama, and that makes a huge fucking difference to these people.

Remember when Obama won in 2012 and people like O'Reilly were saying that the days where the "traditional" candidate could win were over? What do you think that was referring too?

1) I think Trump is the one fracturing them, not Clinton. This fracture happens regardless of who Trump faces. I think it's telling that it took this long for the civil war to completely break out, and I think that has a lot to do with Clinton being the opponent. Trump talking about grabbing women by the pussy unsolicited, deporting all illegal aliens, building a wall with Mexico...those are the things that are fracturing the GOP.

2) Maybe - but we'll see. I think the level of polarization is getting to the point that the difference between the two may be a moot point. It's also worth noting that most GOP senators and representatives expect Clinton to govern as a center right to center left president, basically being much more down the middle than she has been running as.

I think another aspect of this election that is somewhat underrated is the degree to which Hispanics are going to turn out. I honestly feel like they are going to surprise a lot of people.



This trump/surrogate talking point that the other side is too hateful and calls names and then agreeing that Hillary is the devil on CNN is gross.



La Hillary
That CNN segment with Trump's base. The Trump supporters chanting "BUILD A WALL" makes me sad. The woman saying that her dad was a basketball coach and the guys in his locker room would talk about being able to grab women because they're stars also made me sad.
That CNN segment with Trump's base. The Trump supporters chanting "BUILD A WALL" makes me sad. The woman saying that her dad was a basketball coach and the guys in his locker room would talk about being able to grab women because they're stars also made me sad.

They're literally just copy and pasting shit Trump said, obviously lying through their teeth.


Oops, no, he'll just campaign alone in NC, while Hillary is with... Gore? I think? In Florida.

Sorry, read the schedule wrong!

Still going to be epic, and no doubt they'll campaign together at least once more before election day.
Mia Love got a question about mass shootings and is screaming "ALL LIVES MATTER" in response while calling Obama a racial divider.

Mia Love is black.

Mia Love is the saddest member of government.


They're literally just copy and pasting shit Trump said, obviously lying through their teeth.

The problem is that these people don't believe that they are lying. That is why they are able to hate someone they have never met before. It is because some bastard like trump drills into their heads how every ill is brought upon by some minority.

We already know that most of these people live in predominately white communities with little if any interaction with non-whites.


Bush granddaughter endorses Clinton over Trump — and conservatives go bonkers


Lauren Bush Lauren spends her days working to help feed the poor in impoverished nations through her company FEED Projects, which makes products that engage people in the fight to end world hunger. She began the organization after serving as the World Food Program (WFP) honorary spokesperson. While she’s the granddaughter of George H.W. Bush and the niece of George W. Bush, she has decided to go with Hillary Clinton over her family’s party nominee, Donald Trump, this election.

In an Instagram photo shared yesterday, Lauren captioned a black and white photo of Clinton with an American flag emoji and the hashtag #ImWithHer. While some were supportive, many were not.

“Disgusting,” Scott Whaley began his comments. “I thought you helped the needy. How can you support this hag after what her foundation did to Haitians!?!? #CruellaDeVille”

“You are a coward and a discredit to rape victims,” he posted in another note after that.

“So terribly disappointed!” dolores_612 shouted at Lauren. “How could you possibly support this level of evil and corruption is really beyond me! She plays for cold hard cash from our enemies!!”

The comments on Facebook weren’t much better. “Don’t believe anyone from the Bush family anymore. Every bush family member’s decision is a disaster. Bush 41st, Bush 43rd, Jeb, and now this? No thank you,” said a Facebook account named “Don’t underestimate the Dutch,” which features lewd photos on its timeline.

Bush is the daughter of Neil Bush, the fourth of the six children George H.W. and Barbara Bush had. She’s married to David Lauren, the son of well-known fashion designer Ralph Lauren.
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