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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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I think everyone should be very concerned if the GOP collapses completely.

The way the US presidential election is set up, its only ever going to allow 2 parties to be seriously competitive.

Now this alt-right faction could have started a new party and eventually try to replace one of the two current major parties. Which would've taken years, and certainly not guaranteed to be a successful strategy.

So they decide to take over one of the current major parties, and for obvious reasons, they're targeting the GOP.

And if the alt-right is successful in taking over the GOP, the democrats are going to have to throw out decades of tactics, research and strategies they currently employ in dealing with the GOP.

Its better to have a strong, stable enemy you know, than an unpredictable enemy you don't know.

You are probably going to be looking at the democrats being in the white house forever if the alt-right somewhow managed to take over the GOP completely unless the alt-right completely kills off the GOP and they along with the GOP become irrelevant while a moderate and sane political party forms from the GOP's and the alt rights ashes.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Speaking of leaks, it would be nice if the Media made the distinction between hacked and leaked information.
Not sure what turned the lights on for him but Beck has seen from nearly the beginning that Trump has no conservative values and is only offering muscular authoritarianism. That says a lot for all the right wingers who will take that as long as their guy has the power.

I watched a lot of Glenn Beck during the crazy chalkboard days and I remember one rant about pinko commies(aka progressives) and fascist right wingers(also aka progressives) both being out to destroy America. Haven't kept up with him since but he probably really believes Trump is that fascist wrapped in the American flag we were warned about.

I saw a thumbnail for a long vid on youtube about him reacting to Lyin' Ted backing Trump. I should watch that lol.
You are probably going to be looking at the democrats being in the white house forever if the alt-right somewhow managed to take over the GOP completely unless the alt-right completely kills off the GOP and they along with the GOP become irrelevant while a moderate and sane political party forms from the GOP's and the alt rights ashes.

I actually think the technocratic portions of the Dem party and the Progressive/Socialist wings will probably break apart themselves. The moderate Republican party will, over time, start being absorbed by the technocratic portion of the Dem party. (They already are. See Crist, Whitman, Powell, Specter) leaving a very slight left of center party and a far left party.


I actually think the technocratic portions of the Dem party and the Progressive/Socialist wings will probably break apart themselves. The moderate Republican party will, over time, start being absorbed by the technocratic portion of the Dem party. (They already are. See Crist, Whitman, Powell, Specter) leaving a very slight left of center party and a far left party.

The problem is that this assumes the crazy GOP base melts away when they're not going anywhere.

But maybe we could get the party color alignments right, with the Socalists being red and the Liberals being blue!
And that's the problem. The song didn't shoot anyone. More importantly, most of what the song/flag supposedly represents already stands in complete opposition to innocent people getting shot. That's pretty fucking unamerican in my book, the opinions of disgusting bigots and certain craven police officers notwithstanding. He's attacking (well, dissing) something that is almost completely unrelated to the thing he's upset about: "America", as the (largely aspirational) concept that the song/flag is standing in for, doesn't want people getting shot, either.

So you're advocating for Blind Nationalism? I think you missed the point of what Kaepernick was going for. He used his status as a professional athlete to draw attention to injustices within our borders. Your argument seems to be that he should have just "fallen in line" and used other means to bring attention to the issue. The problem is, other means haven't been working. Hence him doing what he did. It's easy to say he should support America when you're in a position to say the country works for everyone, but the simple fact is it doesn't. There are hundreds of reports that show blacks are stopped more frequently, blacks are charged more frequently, blacks are convicted more frequently, and the punishment for black convicts is substantially harsher than their white counterparts. Why support an idealistic version of a country that doesn't work for you?

I agree with the beginning of that, but the idea that one cannot show respect (even fake respect) for a country until and unless it a perfect utopia is just silly. Blacks getting shot is a real problem that needs to be addressed right away. So is the state of our mental health system. So is our unhealthy ground water, and our dependence of fossil fuels. Drunk drivers. Crazy Republicans. Plenty of shit is fucked up. It always has been and sadly, probably always will be. All the current stuff needs to be fixed ASAP. But saying (implying?) "fuck America" because one's personal pet issue "needs more attention" just doesn't seem like useful addition to the dialog. He's not wrong about the issue or its importance, he's just expressing himself in the most ham-handed way conceivable. (IMO)

It's not about trying to get a perfect utopia, it's about trying to get equality. There is literally nothing being done about this issue despite it being in the headlines almost constantly for the past 3 years (and a known issue since literally forever). You can call it a "pet issue" all you want, but the simple fact is there are about 42m black people in this country, and they face a constant uphill battle. All the issue you listed already have people working on them around the clock. There are lobbyists, politicians, and various special interest groups dedicated to all of those things, but when it comes to things like assessing the responsibility of ones actions as a peace officer, all of a sudden nobody can be bothered. By keeping the issue in the limelight it forces people to at the very least acknowledge it, and dare I see, even try and address it.



Alex Jones is melting down



Sam Wang's podcast (Woocast) is worth a listen as well, it's a bit dry/less flashy compared to a lot of others which I enjoy as a counter to Keepin' It 1600

In particular episode 11 which was about gender/feminism with regards to the Presidency in general and Hillary specifically is a great listen


Ana Navarro and Scottie Nell Hughes going at it again on CNN. Anderson in the middle of another heated confrontation.
Scottie actually arguing that because 50 Shades of Gray is popular, Trump bragging about sexual assault isn't notable, just part of the culture.

Ana looking smug as fuck. lol


Any political podcasts you guys recommend?

Radio Free GOP.

Former Republican ad man and Jeb! SuperPAC guy breaks down the news and then does some great 1v1 interviews with insiders and media types.

He's funny as shit as well. This was the Marco's Boots commercial guy.
It's kind of impressive that in a span of two years, the Alt-Right went from diving through Zoe Quinn's dumpster to fielding a major party's nominee.

They emerged in the mainstream due to hating a woman because of video games and two years later they have a presidential nominee who exactly represents them other than his technological illiteracy.


It's kind of impressive that in a span of two years, the Alt-Right went from driving through Zoe Quinn's dumpster to fielding a major party's nominee.

They emerged in the mainstream due to hating a woman because of video games and two years later they have a presidential nominee who exactly represents them other than his technological illiteracy.
Yeah, the Internet is good at weaponizing hate.
Rick Wilson apparently referred to someone's Twitter timeline today. Nice rant showing the frustration of a conservative woman.

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
So let me get this straight: I, a conservative female, have spent years defending the Republican Party against claims of sexism. 1/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
When I saw Republican men getting attacked I stood up for them. I came to their defense. I fought on their behalf. 2/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
I fought on behalf of a movement I believed in. I fought on behalf of my principles while other women told me I hated my own sex. 3/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
Not only charges of sexism, but I defended @marcorubio during Go8, I fought in my state to stop the @ScottWalker recall, etc...

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
Now some Trojan horse nationalist sexual predator invades the @GOP, eating it alive, and you cowards sit this one out? 5/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
He treats women like dogs, and you go against everything I – and other female conservatives – said you were & back down like cowards. 6/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
Get this straight: We don’t need you to stand up for us, YOU needed to stand up for us for YOU. For YOUR dignity. For YOUR reputation. 7/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
Jeff Sessions says that he wouldn’t “characterize” Trump’s unauthorized groping of women as “assault.” Are you kidding me?! 8/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
Others try to rebuke his comments, yet STILL choose to vote for a sexual predator - because let’s be honest, that’s what he is. 9/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
"What he said is wrong, and the way he treats women is wrong, but it’s not wrong enough for me to not vote for him." Thanks, cowards. 10/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
Various men in the movement are writing it off as normal, confirming every stereotype the left has thrown at them. So I'm done. 11/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
I'm sooo done. If you can’t stand up for women & unendorse this piece of human garbage, you deserve every charge of sexism thrown at you. 12

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
I’m just one woman, you won’t even notice my lack of presence at rallies, fair booths, etc., You won’t really care that I’m offended 13/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
by your silence, and your inability to take a stand. But one by one you’ll watch more women like me go, & you’ll watch men of 14/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
ACTUAL character follow us out the door. And what you’ll be left with are the corrupt masses that foam at the mouth every time you step 15/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
Outside the lines. Men who truly see women as lesser beings, & women without self-respect. & your “guiding faith” & "principles" will be 16/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 44 hours ago
Attached to them as well. And when it’s all said and done, all you’ll have left is the party The Left always accused you of being. Scum. 17/

Marybeth ‏@MBGlenn 4 hours ago
CC: @SpeakerRyan @tedcruz @marcorubio @SpeakerRyan @Reince And every other tool refusing to unendorse this monster. 17/X


It's kind of impressive that in a span of two years, the Alt-Right went from diving through Zoe Quinn's dumpster to fielding a major party's nominee.

They emerged in the mainstream due to hating a woman because of video games and two years later they have a presidential nominee who exactly represents them other than his technological illiteracy.

The Alt-Right is going to learn soon that they have no power to elect someone as the leader of a country as big as the US.


50 Shades of Grey is the new line now, ahaha.

Edit: And fucking TWILIGHT!

Is Scottie serious right now.

Hey reading a trashy book means you're ok with being physically assaulted, doncha know?
She's just repackaging the old "she really wanted it" excuse. She's a disgrace.
That was an awkward ending to that Cooper segment lol

Scottie actually arguing that because 50 Shades of Gray is popular, Trump bragging about sexual assault isn't notable, just part of the culture.

Ana looking smug as fuck. lol

I'm gonna argue that because Ironman can fly around and shoot rockets out of his ass, then I should be able to walk around with a grenade launcher.
Radio Free GOP.

Former Republican ad man and Jeb! SuperPAC guy breaks down the news and then does some great 1v1 interviews with insiders and media types.

He's funny as shit as well. This was the Marco's Boots commercial guy.

Yeah this one's a good listen too. Mike Murphy is one of my favorite Republicans. Steve Schmidt should get a podcast too.
Any political podcasts you guys recommend?
Sam Wang's Woocast had a episode with Rick Perlstein on the alt-right I liked a lot. Ezra Klein had one with Molly Ball recently that was very good, too. I like Brian Beutler's/New Republic's Primary Concerns, which usually has good content. I like Keepin it 1600 but lately it doesn't generally tell me a ton I dont already hear here first, but it is fun. It is at its best when they relate stuff to their experiences. 538's is even less insightful and packed with unfunny jokes.


Rick Wilson apparently referred to someone's Twitter timeline today. Nice rant showing the frustration of a conservative woman.

As excited as I am for Dems to possibly take control of the House and Senate again, this really is depressing to me. Despite all of the terrible obstructionism and horrible policy that the GOP has pushed, there are so many good, kind hearted individuals in the GOP with which I simply have policy disagreements with. Just trying to empathize with them breaks my heart. It's got to be the gut punch to end all gut punches to watch, in slow motion, the party you have loved and worked for, which you thought represented you, slowly be consumed by the antithesis of everything you believe in while the current stalwarts of the party sit by and do nothing.

I really hope the GOP is able to kick out the loons and gets back to a more rational center for these people and so I won't be in constant fear of being one coughing fit away from American Hitler and the brown shirts.


Remember that horseshit video where Trump read that "snake" poem while footage of supposed refugee violence played? The story was that the woman took in the snake that needed help and was surprised when it bit her, but it couldn't help it cause it was a snake. Someone with time on their hands really needs to make a new version with Trump starting out shaking hands with GOP leaders and end with those pics of Ryan, Cruz, etc looking like they all died inside.


Remember that horseshit video where Trump read that "snake" poem while footage of supposed refugee violence played? The story was that the woman took in the snake that needed help and was surprised when it bit her, but it couldn't help it cause it was a snake. Someone with time on their hands really needs to make a new version with Trump starting out shaking hands with GOP leaders and end with those pics of Ryan, Cruz, etc looking like they all died inside.
Just superimpose Trump and company into the scene of Natural Born Killers were the same story is read.
As excited as I am for Dems to possibly take control of the House and Senate again, this really is depressing to me. Despite all of the terrible obstructionism and horrible policy that the GOP has pushed, there are so many good, kind hearted individuals in the GOP with which I simply have policy disagreements with. Just trying to empathize with them breaks my heart. It's got to be the gut punch to end all gut punches to watch, in slow motion, the party you have loved and worked for, which you thought represented you, slowly be consumed by the antithesis of everything you believe in while the current stalwarts of the party sit by and do nothing.

I really hope the GOP is able to kick out the loons and gets back to a more rational center for these people and so I won't be in constant fear of being one coughing fit away from American Hitler and the brown shirts.

It's a nice feeling when I don't have to write a response to a thing because someone else has already done so. To wit:

The only reason the alt-right has been able to take over the Republican party is because it HAS BEEN the Republican party for the past two decades at least.

This alt-right movement is NOTHING NEW. It's white supremacy and "fiscal conservatism" under a new name. This is what the Republican party has been for decades. Minorities have been TELLING you this. In our songs, our movements, our unjustified deaths, for decades.

Own the shame that you deserve for allowing yourselves to ignore it for this long. Don't insult the collective intelligence of persecuted people in this country by pretending what you're only now seeing is new. The Republican party is the party of racism, of sexism, of white nationalism, of hate. And that's what it has been for as long as many of us have been alive.
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