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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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Oh that poor cameraperson. This isn't what they went to film school for.

Think of the poor Trump spox and their jobs this week. I know they're working for Trump so screw them but think about it for a second. You spend years in school studying history, government, and politics. You also work on public speaking, debating, and talking in front of a camera, all the while spending what tiny amounts of free time you have maintaining your physical fitness to look good on TV.

Eventually, you've finally done it. You've reached the top of the heap. You're going to be speaking for a major party presidential candidate in an immensely consequential election. A lifetime of hard work and sacrifice has lead you right here, right now. You're trained. You're prepared. You're ready. Put me in, coach.

Then you're told to go on TV and tell CNN hosts you don't think grabbing a woman's vagina is sexual assault.


It's a nice feeling when I don't have to write a response to a thing because someone else has already done so. To wit:

I agree with royalan and you 100%. This is all of the chickens coming home to roost. The GOP, from top to bottom, has been more than complicit in not only allowing this racist and sexist cesspool fester and grow, but also in cultivating it politically since the southern strategy. They've used dog whistles for decades to rule up vicious sentiment against minority and underrepresented communities. This is on the party and their "moderate" members, 100%.

I was purely putting myself in her shoes emotionally. Hopefully she is coming to terms with how Trump's movement has been the steady undercurrent of the GOP for half a century.
Is there any chance that the people behind organizing the debates gets rid of an audience for future elections? Just keep it as the candidates and the moderators and the people selected for town hall questions?

I was really looking forward to Trump dealing with a crowd that wasnt going to whoop for everything he does but then they went and egged on his shit comments at both of his debates. It just gave me this really grave sunken feeling. I mean I know he's toast but it really bothered me that his supporters got to sneak in and treat it like it was any other rally.

It did make a good bullet point in the new Onion article at least.

I agree with royalan and you 100%. This is all of the chickens coming home to roost. The GOP, from top to bottom, has been more than complicit in not only allowing this racist and sexist cesspool fester and grow, but also in cultivating it politically since the southern strategy. They've used dog whistles for decades to rule up vicious sentiment against minority and underrepresented communities. This is on the party and their "moderate" members, 100%.

I was purely putting myself in her shoes emotionally. Hopefully she is coming to terms with how Trump's movement has been the steady undercurrent of the GOP for half a century.
Fair. And I understand that. The truth is that I am not allowing myself to feel empathy for a person who has willingly empowered a political party that has dealt so much damage to my community through decades of antagonism. I don't give a damn that it took Trump's sexism to open her eyes because what isn't being said here is the fact that his racism did not.

So cry me a river. However much sadness she feels realizing her party is shit pales in comparison to the pain black people have felt for almost a century being the target of it.


It's amazing how bad the GOP bungled the Trump phenomenon. He launches his campaign calling Mexicans rapists and pretending he's never heard of David Duke or white supremacists. And the other candidates did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why? Because they were afraid to alienate the racist, sexist, xenophobic voters who make up his core base. By the time a few of them pulled their heads out of their asses and tried to stop him it was too late.

Ironically*, had they done any oppo research at all and destroyed him early in the process like he deserved, all of his troglodytic supporters would have come back around due to the OMG KILLARY effect. But instead they decided to flush their party down the crapper instead. Which is just fine with me. My only problem now is that my face hurts from smiling so much since Friday.

*May not actually be irony who knows


This thread is moving too fast to keep up with.

Has it been posted that the defense attorney for Casey Anthony is now representing the woman who claims (with multiple witnesses) that Trump raped her when she was 13? And there is preliminary court dates set for December.

Which means Trump is going to be summoned in court for being a con man and and raping a 13 year old within roughly one month from each other?
It's amazing how bad the GOP bungled the Trump phenomenon. He launches his campaign calling Mexicans rapists and pretending he's never heard of David Duke or white supremacists. And the other candidates did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why? Because they were afraid to alienate the racist, sexist, xenophobic voters who make up his core base. By the time a few of them pulled their heads out of their asses and tried to stop him it was too late.

Ironically*, had they done any oppo research at all and destroyed him early in the process like he deserved, all of his troglodytic supporters would have come back around due to the OMG KILLARY effect. But instead they decided to flush their party down the crapper instead. Which is just fine with me. My only problem now is that my face hurts from smiling so much since Friday.

*May not actually be irony who knows
And it's happening again. They are so scared of losing the racist votes that that they still wont cut him lose after the pussy tape and certain threat of even more.


Trump surrogates going after the Beyhive seems like the single most self-destructive thing they could do.

I guess they want to get yelled at on Twitter a lot?

So by Betsy's logic, we can reverse it. Trump is pro-Putin, so anything Putin says is fair game for Trump being in agreement with, I guess.


Ironically*, had they done any oppo research at all and destroyed him early in the process like he deserved, all of his troglodytic supporters would have come back around due to the OMG KILLARY effect. But instead they decided to flush their party down the crapper instead. Which is just fine with me. My only problem now is that my face hurts from smiling so much since Friday.

The problem was that they had 800 candidates who all believed that they had a shot. At the time, they weren't concerned with alienating the base in the general, they were worried about their own chances in the primary.
This piece in Christianity Today is pretty amazing.


As a non-profit journalistic organization, Christianity Today is doubly committed to staying neutral regarding political campaigns—the law requires it, and we serve our readers best when we give them the information and analysis they need to make their own judgments.

This year’s presidential election in the United States presents Christian voters with an especially difficult choice.

The Democratic nominee has pursued unaccountable power through secrecy—most evidently in the form of an email server designed to shield her communications while in public service, but also in lavishly compensated speeches, whose transcripts she refuses to release, to some of the most powerful representatives of the world system. She exemplifies the path to power preferred by the global technocratic elite—rooted in a rigorous control of one’s image and calculated disregard for norms that restrain less powerful actors. Such concentration of power, which is meant to shield the powerful from the vulnerability of accountability, actually creates far greater vulnerabilities, putting both the leader and the community in greater danger.

But because several of the Democratic candidate’s policy positions are so manifestly incompatible with Christian reverence for the lives of the most vulnerable, and because her party is so demonstrably hostile to expressions of traditional Christian faith, there is plenty of critique and criticism of the Democratic candidate from Christians, including evangelical Christians.

But not all evangelical Christians—in fact, alas, most evangelical Christians, judging by the polls—have shown the same critical judgment when it comes to the Republican nominee. True, when given a choice, primary voters who claimed evangelical faith largely chose other candidates. But since his nomination, Donald Trump has been able to count on “the evangelicals” (in his words) for a great deal of support.

This past week, the latest (though surely not last) revelations from Trump’s past have caused many evangelical leaders to reconsider. This is heartening, but it comes awfully late. What Trump is, everyone has known and has been able to see for decades, let alone the last few months. The revelations of the past week of his vile and crude boasting about sexual conquest—indeed, sexual assault—might have been shocking, but they should have surprised no one.

To indulge in sexual immorality is to make oneself and one’s desires an idol. That Trump has been, his whole adult life, an idolater of this sort, and a singularly unrepentant one, should have been clear to everyone.

And therefore it is completely consistent that Trump is an idolater in many other ways. He has given no evidence of humility or dependence on others, let alone on God his Maker and Judge. He wantonly celebrates strongmen and takes every opportunity to humiliate and demean the vulnerable. He shows no curiosity or capacity to learn. He is, in short, the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool.

Some have compared Trump to King David, who himself committed adultery and murder. But David’s story began with a profound reliance on God who called him from the sheepfold to the kingship, and by the grace of God it did not end with his exploitation of Bathsheba and Uriah. There is no parallel in Trump’s much more protracted career of exploitation. The Lord sent his word by the prophet Nathan to denounce David’s actions—alas, many Christian leaders who could have spoken such prophetic confrontation to him personally have failed to do so. David quickly and deeply repented, leaving behind the astonishing and universally applicable lament of his own sin in Psalm 51—we have no sign that Trump ever in his life has expressed such humility. And the biblical narrative leaves no doubt that David’s sin had vast and terrible consequences for his own family dynasty and for his nation. The equivalent legacy of a Trump presidency is grievous to imagine.

Most Christians who support Trump have done so with reluctant strategic calculation, largely based on the president’s power to appoint members of the Supreme Court. Important issues are indeed at stake, including the right of Christians and adherents of other religions to uphold their vision of sexual integrity and marriage even if they are in the cultural minority.

But there is a point at which strategy becomes its own form of idolatry—an attempt to manipulate the levers of history in favor of the causes we support. Strategy becomes idolatry, for ancient Israel and for us today, when we make alliances with those who seem to offer strength—the chariots of Egypt, the vassal kings of Rome—at the expense of our dependence on God who judges all nations, and in defiance of God’s manifest concern for the stranger, the widow, the orphan, and the oppressed. Strategy becomes idolatry when we betray our deepest values in pursuit of earthly influence. And because such strategy requires capitulating to idols and princes and denying the true God, it ultimately always fails.

Enthusiasm for a candidate like Trump gives our neighbors ample reason to doubt that we believe Jesus is Lord. They see that some of us are so self-interested, and so self-protective, that we will ally ourselves with someone who violates all that is sacred to us—in hope, almost certainly a vain hope given his mendacity and record of betrayal, that his rule will save us.
Do these people have no shame? No fucking dignity or self worth? How much are they paying them, really? What's the amount of money that will compel you to make a fool of yourself for the world to see, forever?

Because they're not being paid nearly enough for this shit. They're either opportunistic morons or deluded bigots who'll defend their cult leader no matter the cost.

"I admit it, I did try and fuck her", "You can do whatever you want, grabbem by the pussy"...yeah he was just reading an erotic script with Billy Bush..#LOCKERROOMTALK.

Ana is doing a great job but those journalists need to shut these motherfuckers down cause no one is eating that bullshit.


Ana is doing a great job but those journalists need to shut these motherfuckers down cause no one is eating that bullshit.

Nobody is doing a good job, honestly. I was already pretty depressed about the state of the media going into this election, but we now have them giving equal time to people who are literally trying to defend sexual assault. Just can't allow themselves to be "biased", even against a serial sexual predator.
I agree with royalan and you 100%. This is all of the chickens coming home to roost. The GOP, from top to bottom, has been more than complicit in not only allowing this racist and sexist cesspool fester and grow, but also in cultivating it politically since the southern strategy. They've used dog whistles for decades to rule up vicious sentiment against minority and underrepresented communities. This is on the party and their "moderate" members, 100%.

I was purely putting myself in her shoes emotionally. Hopefully she is coming to terms with how Trump's movement has been the steady undercurrent of the GOP for half a century.
Don't forget homophobia! These evangelical shits are the same group of remorseless cowards who spent my childhood telling me that my mothers weren't capable of raising me and that I'd literally be better off dead than raised by treacherous queers. These people have made bigotry and hate a central plank of their worldview for decades and the idiots who got suckered in with the promise of lower taxes get no sympathy from me for not taking a closer look at who they were aligning themselves with. You don't get to handwave all that away just because the current nominee is much more forward about the evil undercurrent of modern conservatism than the last few. "Oh, we had no idea all these guys were bigots." Bullshit.
When did he do a 180 on like, everything?

Beck? When he was no longer the conductor on a million dollar conservative talk train. He played to the base for money.

Hannity is a true believe I think, but a good 60 percent of Fox News hosts, removed from their show would probably be semi-decent people. You can see if definitely in folks like Megyn Kelly or Chris Wallace. Bill O'Reilly seems to be an edge case; he rails like Hannity does on TV, but if you see him off his own show, he seems fine.

Knock any of them off Fox and fast-forward a few years and you're have a solid, sensible conservative. Someone of the Nicole Wallace ilk.


Trump is in Florida Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday. That's a lot.

He's also going to be in Bangor, Maine on Saturday. Someone warn Stephen King!


This piece in Christianity Today is pretty amazing.

Okay so it's not a really important point in this article but this is weird to me -
Strategy becomes idolatry, for ancient Israel and for us today, when we make alliances with those who seem to offer strength—the chariots of Egypt, [...]

What does he talks about specifically?
Is he talking about exodus? What alliance? with who?
Is there a new testament story I'm not thinking about?
I know Jesus was in egypt, but wasn't he like a baby? looking at his Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin about shapes and colors.
Yeah, megyn's feud with Trump made a lot of liberals and white feminists basically forget how crazy racist she is. That "For all the kids listening today, Santa is white and jesus was white, too" shit she said was just as crazy as the garbage that falls out of Trump surrogate's mouths on a daily basis.
Beck? When he was no longer the conductor on a million dollar conservative talk train. He played to the base for money.

Hannity is a true believe I think, but a good 60 percent of Fox News hosts, removed from their show would probably be semi-decent people. You can see if definitely in folks like Megyn Kelly or Chris Wallace. Bill O'Reilly seems to be an edge case; he rails like Hannity does on TV, but if you see him off his own show, he seems fine.

Knock any of them off Fox and fast-forward a few years and you're have a solid, sensible conservative. Someone of the Nicole Wallace ilk.

Hannity believes whatever Ailes tells him to believe - he was all for immigration reform after the 2012 election. Now, he'd be the guy mowing down kids at the border. Beyond a general "conservative" belief, Hannity doesn't really have core principles.

OTOH, I think O'Reilly is what he is, which is a right-wing "independent" upper middle class guy (originally) from Long Island. Which means he's reachable on a couple things, but has a lot of racism, sexism, and such baked in.


I've said it before and I'll say it again and I know I'm stealing it from somebody - the best thing JFK ever did for progress in America was get shot in the head.

Naw, the best thing JFK ever did for progress in America was to lay out an idealistic vision and inspire Americans to achieve it.

Presidents set a massive course for the country - him getting shot in the head passed Civil Rights and everything from space programs to the peace corps

Reagan getting shot turned the nation into obsessive hardliners on crime.


Naw, the best thing JFK ever did for progress in America was to lay out an idealistic vision and inspire Americans to achieve it.

Presidents set a massive course for the country - him getting shot in the head passed Civil Rights and everything from space programs to the peace corps

Reagan getting shot turned the nation into obsessive hardliners on crime.
What ideas did he have though?
He was a good orator, I'll give you that, but read LBJ's great society speech, that stuff is inspiring.
Beck? When he was no longer the conductor on a million dollar conservative talk train. He played to the base for money.

Hannity is a true believe I think, but a good 60 percent of Fox News hosts, removed from their show would probably be semi-decent people. You can see if definitely in folks like Megyn Kelly or Chris Wallace. Bill O'Reilly seems to be an edge case; he rails like Hannity does on TV, but if you see him off his own show, he seems fine.

Knock any of them off Fox and fast-forward a few years and you're have a solid, sensible conservative. Someone of the Nicole Wallace ilk.

I firmly believe that if Megyn Kelly, Shep Smith,Chris Wallace, and a few other of the Fox News hosts were elsewhere, they would not be labeled as Conservatives.


I firmly believe that if Megyn Kelly, Shep Smith,Chris Wallace, and a few other of the Fox News hosts were elsewhere, they would not be labeled as Conservatives.

Well Shep Smith isn't a conservative even on fox I thought? He's the straw man democrat they have hanging around the place to beat up on and to show they are fair and balanced?
Lol I wanted to see Morning joe to see them cover their ass and they're calling their own NBC poll cooked because it didn't include the debate.

Bye Felicia.


mika and joe: the nbc poll is rigged because they intentionally planned it to cover days from the day of the scandal to one day before the debate.

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