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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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Anyone got a video yet of the brianna kellyanne thing? Been reading Trump comments and I feel I need to chase them down with some good ol' ether.


In high school got a telemarketing job making around $18/hr as I was good at getting college kids and old people to hand over their credit cards. Felt like shit doing it and went back to McDonalds for $4.75/hr and was far happier. It amazes me that people can be snake oil salesmen without seemingly any qualm.

She also worked for Ted Cruz I believe. If she was with a more competent candidate she'd be doing just fine. But I couldn't get on TV and defend the shit Donald does. I would hope she has to believe half the shit he's said and done is fucking vile.
Should Trump Secede the South or Defect to Russia Before Hillary Arrests Him?

Hillary Clinton’s jackbooted thugs will likely arrest Trump sometime after the election. Will his children also be imprisoned? What about Melania? The ex-wives? We cannot be sure. They will seize his businesses and claim he’s bankrupt. There are all sorts of false flag corporate media narratives that are about to spring into the headlines.

This leaves the Trump dynasty with two options: Secede or defect.

Donald Trump does have strong support in several Southern states. He could gather up his political capital and create a United Trump States of America and force their secession from the Union. Millions of citizens would be saved from Hillary’s wrath. One imagines Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida excitedly joining. Could you imagine a more wondrous combination of America’s best and brightest states? It’s a dream for so many of us.

The other alternative is more grim, but also more strategic. Mr. Trump could defect to Moscow before he’s jailed. He has a close ally in Vladimir Putin and would be afforded the luxurious lifestyle he’s accustomed to. It would be a safe and democratic haven for his extended family. The Russians might even benefit from his golden business touch and see their economy saved from Rothschildian globalism! The grateful people there clearly know how to appreciate a masculine and forthright leader. In time, Trump could build a consensus for his return and, with the help of Putin’s forces, take control over the entire United States. This was his original destiny, after all.

In the final analysis, we Trump supporters need to prepare for a very long haul. The days ahead under Hillary’s dictatorship will be difficult and devastating. We will shed more than a few tears for our lost friend, Donald. But we must keep strong in our hearts that he has never stopped thinking about us little people. Us little white, American-born normal people. And he will return!

Hope you shitlibs are quaking!
Debt and entitlements is such a loaded question.
Entitlements will no longer be fully funded in a few years. What's Hillary's plan to save it? Triple our debt like Obummer did?


Problem about Hillary and Bill's stuff is it's all old stuff that has been hashed out. Why Kellyanne thinks she can force old info back into the fold shows a little(channel McCain) naivety. It's already priced into Hillary's political stock and peoples votes.


Problem about Hillary and Bill's stuff is it's all old stuff that has been hashed out. Why Kellyanne thinks she can force old info back into the fold shows a little(channel McCain) naivety.

Because it's all they have. At the debate Hillary shut that shit down. Bill isn't running, but it's their only play of deflection.


Conway knows she's on a sunk ship miles below the surface at this point. Anything coming out of her mouth is basically just whatever air she has left slowly leaving her along with her soul.

I'd feel bad for her if she didn't insist on sticking to the campaign. Must be tough, but you can't put a shine on a sack of shit and that's what she signed up for.

In high school got a telemarketing job making around $18/hr as I was good at getting college kids and old people to hand over their credit cards. Felt like shit doing it and went back to McDonalds for $4.75/hr and was far happier. It amazes me that people can be snake oil salesmen without seemingly any qualm.

My first job was coldcalling people to refinance their homes and help them get loans for new homes through Countrywide during the housing boom during high school, looking back I probably caused quite a few bankruptcies. Almost feels as bad as the kind of response telemarketers get in their usual calls. Shit sux fam.

When has Hillary expressed wanting to jail Trump? For this whole election cycle Trump has been saying he would jail Hillary, not the other way around. Man, his supporters are so delusional and paranoid its not funny anymore.

Then again, all the corrupt shit he has done that has only come to light because he is running could mean that he does get locked up while Hillary is President. Does not mean she is doing it, just, you know, all the laws he actually broke.
Iowa early vote update. No one is keeping up with their pace of returns from 12.

Chrome needs a "notify me when I can watch this CNN clip that everyone is talking about" plugin, badly.

I would prefer one that gave you a summary of said video instead of waiting through a dozen 'Zomg CNN right now LOL1' posts to find out what happened.
Literally every answer was why aren't you covering this Hilary Clinton hack story? As if they haven't hammered Mook every time he is on. Conway is good but there is no defending Trump right now. She's lost control so she has to soullessly defend his craziness. And she's been so angry ever since the first debate whereas she kept her calm so well before.
The old presidential debates had the third being foreign affairs, but the commission has dropped that official moniker for the first time this year. I think. So it's not Wallace ignoring orders.

"Fitness to be President," if it is the final segment in particular, is going to be the biggest fucking trainwreck in debate history. It's like 90% of Trump's anti-Clinton argument. Health! Judgment! Temperament! Jail! Emails! Beghazi! Clinton Foundation! Emails emails emails! FBI! Benghazi! LOCK HER UP! All of that.

It seems a liiiiiiiittle convenient that Trump's closing statement is being set up in advance as the Killary, The Butcher Of Benghazi story that he's been holding on to and waiting to spring, but I'm confident that Wallace isn't one to flatly accept Trump's bullshit. Pray that Clinton gets to go last or they'll go off the air in the most embarrassing manner possible. There will be no handshake.

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Secretary of State Shantel Krebs says that South Dakota voters have so far requested about 28,000 absentee ballots for the 2016 general election.

Krebs said Tuesday that citizens should take time reviewing the issues they'll be voting on before going into the voting booth.

Voters this election will have the opportunity to decide among candidates for president, U.S. House and Senate, the state Public Utilities Commission and state legislative seats.

There are also 10 ballot measures going before voters, and voters may have county office races on their ballot.

The secretary of state's office says there were 91,145 absentee ballots cast in the 2012 presidential election.

363,815 people voted in SD in 12. I don't think they cut it down by party, sadly.
I have to ask again... why do you all post contextless live tweets of your TV watching in here...


CNN right now.

She's getting hammered.

She can't answer.

CNN wow.
Ballots starting to come back in CO:

Dem: 1,330
GOP: 675
No Party: 741
Other: 47

Remember that the VAST majority of CO is going to use mail-in ballots.


Should Trump Secede the South or Defect to Russia Before Hillary Arrests Him?

Hope you shitlibs are quaking!

Entitlements will no longer be fully funded in a few years. What's Hillary's plan to save it? Triple our debt like Obummer did?

Also, be careful of voting this year.

For the laymen, this critical information suggests that the elite may try to use America’s Diebold voting machines to infect citizens with a new strain of Morgellons Brain Pox.

Some symptoms of Diebold-related Brain Disease (DBD) are as follows: anxiety, breathlessness, vague anguish, energy depletion, media fatigue, social inadequacy, political identity crisis, consumer complacency, Morgellon-related erectile dysfunction, self-aggrandizing victimology, spiritual dysmorphia, lesbianism, militant atheism, insomnia, weight gain, weight loss and critically self-organized criticality.

In other words, voting will make you very, very sick.
On Tuesday, LePage said maybe Trump needed to show "authoritarian power" as president to bring back the rule of law. At a news conference on Wednesday, LePage backtracked slightly on those comments, saying, "Yesterday, I used the word authoritarian when I meant to use the word authoritative."
At the news conference, LePage added that President Barack Obama was a dictator.

Watch the throne.

I have to ask again... why do you all post contextless live tweets of your TV watching in here...


CNN right now.

She's getting hammered.

She can't answer.

CNN wow.

I think this thread is kind of like a TV thread in these instances. I remember back in the day as the creator of weekly LOST threads, that was like their bread and butter.
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