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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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"To reach back decades to smear-" is the single greatest Trump projection line I've ever heard in the context of the fact that their entire argument is based on Bill Clinton being accused of rape in 1978 (which he may or may not have committed, yes).


As Republican nominee Donald Trump’s campaign still works to move past a recently released 2005 tape of his lewd remarks about women, more and more footage of similar comments made by Trump is surfacing.

In an “Entertainment Tonight” Christmas feature in 1992, Trump looked at a group of 10-year-old girls and said he would be dating one of them in ten years. At the time, Trump would have been 46 years old.

In the clip, Trump asks one of the 10-year-old girls if she’s “going up the escalator.” When the girl replies, “yeah,” Trump turns to the camera and says: “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?”



I'm convinced at this point that Drumpf realizes he's going to lose, which naturally makes him livid. As such he's decided to just go scorched Earth to try to taint Hillary and Bill's image as much as possible before they're back in the White House. Not that anybody except is most dedicated supporters will even remember half of the stupid stunts he's been trying to pull lately by the time the inauguration comes around. I'm positive this is just him trying to throw as much shear garbage at the Clintons as he can, hoping anything will stick.
Is there any polling about how women feel about Bill's conduct and if that's effected Hillary in any way?

I mean, this is a stupid fucking tactic, but back in 2012, Romney/Ryan tried to attack Obama as the one who wanted to cut medicare, and that actually seemed to work to some degree.

Polling historically has shown that it makes Hillary more popular and sympathetic. Then again, the 1990s stuff was a time prior to there being a massive GOP campaign against Hillary specifically.
Even Erin Burnet grew some balls and grilling Falwell now.

Oh yeah, Falwell is an enabler. I hope there is a special place in hell for using the scriptures to enable a sexual predator.
I mean, we always knew it would get this ugly because Trump is Trump.

And yet, it's still shocking just how low and scummy Trump and Bannon and the rest of these animals actually are willing to go. One step below literal monkeys flinging literal shit at one another.

I can't wait for that final oppo hammer after the third debate. It's gonna be so juicy

I have the increasingly queasy feeling that it's concrete proof of Trump being a pedophile/assaulting a young girl. Which I hope to God that it isn't because I don't want something like that to have happened.
This is what I'm thinking.

I think we have to stop to consider how unprecedented the situation the DNC is facing is.

Nothing to do about it until post-election, and then I suspect everything goes super tight. No one before has ever had the backing of an enemy nation behind such efforts, and certainly no domestic group would attempt this (it could easily be spun as treason for anyone involved, and that's a charge more serious than murder).

After the election, I suspect all election groups are going to beef up electronic security, and also go offline a lot more than they do know.

The thing is that you are moving the goal post on yourself. Trump is racist as fuck, but if you insist that he's so racist that he must have called someone the N word at some point, and then you can't prove it, then he's obviously not as racist as you say he is.

And frankly this idea that white racists just can't help themselves when it comes to the N word is absurd, the vast majority of racists I've met don't use it.

There is no advantage to talking about the possibility of a tape without actually having it in hand.

The other day, there were headlines all day that Mike Pence was going to stay on the ticket after all. The thing is, he was probably never going to leave it at all, and had probably never even considered it. But a rumor got going, and had to be responded to.

This supposed tape is one of those things. If it's real, then Trump hides it as best he can. If it's not, then even though Trump himself can rest easy (knowing personally that it's not real), no one else in the GOP can do that. Every single GOP member who's still on Trump's side is quaking right now that the n-word tape is real. They're all betting that it won't come out (or that it's not real), but they're terrified in case they're wrong.

How much support do you think Trump gets if everyone around him is worried about damning oppo that's apparently worse than Pussygate? Not a lot. That fear is driving people away right now, it's just not as public.

Control of nukes going from the president to a counsel that the president nominates and congress approves (along with a no first strike policy) should really be amended to the constitution.

Decision time for a retaliatory nuclear strike would literally be just a few minutes. A council may not achieve consensus on that short of time.

Yup, if we were to go through a council or/and Congress, our ability to retaliate would be gone before the first counsel member put their shoes on.

I think the idea behind a functioning council would be to make this their permanent jobs, and this alone. Like the people in the silos themselves, this council just sits around all day on their phones until they're needed. A simple majority (so make this thing an odd number of people), and then you act on that.

Before Trump, I'd have agreed with y'all, but after Trump? I'm terrified that someone so delusional could quite literally be gifted our extinction.


I'm convinced at this point that Drumpf realizes he's going to lose, which naturally makes him livid. As such he's decided to just go scorched Earth to try to taint Hillary and Bill's image as much as possible before they're back in the White House. Not that anybody except is most dedicated supporters will even remember half of the stupid stunts he's been trying to pull lately by the time the inauguration comes around. I'm positive this is just him trying to throw as much shear garbage at the Clintons as he can, hoping anything will stick.

This tactic is great for dems though, because at this point all of these accusations sound like the same dead horse being dragged behind the Trump campaign. If this is his grand master plan for the rest of the election, then so be it. People are already sick of the Bill Clinton accuser strategy, and they're not going to get *less* sick of it between now and November
Well. Trump is giving the base what they wanted. A guttural scream at the Clintons.


Donald Trump believes his ploy at the Oct. 9th presidential debate to invite three women who claim they were assaulted by former president Bill Clinton — Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Paula Jones — has left Hillary Clinton “shaken” and helped unify Republican voters behind his embattled campaign. So he’s doubling down on the strategy, which his advisers believe will make his opponent toxic and depress turnout among a key demographic group — young women — Clinton is counting on to win. A senior Trump adviser says the campaign will soon bring forward new accusers: “Women are coming to us who have been groped or sexually abused by Bill Clinton.” Trump is considering featuring these women at campaign rallies to “give witness to what Hillary Clinton actually did.” The Republican nominee’s decision to close out his campaign by attacking what he alleges to be the Clintons’ history of sexual violence suggests the next few weeks could be among the ugliest in modern presidential history.

On Thursday night, the Trump campaign will begin a new media blitz, his advisers say, with Broaddrick, Willey, and Jones appearing together on a one-hour Fox News special hosted by Sean Hannity. Additional interviews will follow.

The move to further amplify the campaign's focus on Bill Clinton's past relationships with women comes amid fresh allegations of Trump's misbehavior.

"We have an opportunity to introduce new material into the campaign to educate voters on how they treat women.”

The New York Times reported Wednesday the stories of two women who say that Trump inappropriately touched them, charges he vehemently denies.

Trump’s strategists claim they will introduce significant new information that they hope will upend the race. “Once the campaign decided to put forward the strategy of using the victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton from the ’90s,” says deputy campaign manager David Bossie, “others came forward because they see the media coverage. Now, we have an opportunity to introduce new material into the campaign to educate voters on how they treat women.”

Bill Clinton has denied the three women's accounts, all of which have featured in inconclusive litigation. Both Clintons are battle-scarred veterans of right-wing attacks, including those surrounding the former president's infidelities, and have made a point of not engaging directly with Trump's repeated attacks. "That just shows how desperate they are," Hillary Clinton said of Trump's scorched-earth plan at a rally in Pueblo, Colorado, on Wednesday. "We have done our best to stay out of all the meanness." Spokespeople for the Clinton campaign and for Bill Clinton both declined comment.

While most polls show Trump trailing Clinton by a considerable margin, Trump’s own advisers speak confidently of his ability to prevail, even as his window narrows with Election Day approaching. One adviser cited a Sept. 26th Bloomberg Politics poll that showed Trump beating Clinton in a four-way race to emphasize how fluid the race remains. Still, Trump’s inner circle is increasingly divorced from mainstream perceptions of the state of the race, with some members rejecting public polls on the basis of their “flawed model.”

The plan to intensify the focus on the Clintons and sexual violence is being spearheaded by campaign CEO Stephen Bannon, Bossie, and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, multiple campaign officials confirm.

The purpose of Trump’s sudden, intense focus on sexual abuse is twofold. First, to distract attention away from the 2005 “Access Hollywood” tape recently obtained by the Washington Post that shows Trump making appallingly lewd remarks about women. Second is to depress enthusiasm for Clinton among a key voter bloc in her quest for the White House: millennial women.

Bannon has long believed that young, socially liberal voters unfamiliar with the Clinton scandals of the ’90s will become disillusioned if they learn more about them. ”There’s a whole generation of people who love the news but were 7 or 8 years old when this happened and have no earthly idea about the Clinton sex stuff,” Bannon told Bloomberg Businessweek last year.

That view has now become the guiding principle of Trump’s presidential campaign and explains why Trump is going to such lengths to portray Hillary Clinton as an enabler of sexual violence. On Tuesday, Bannon laid out the campaign’s argument. “She’s led a program of victim intimidation,” Bannon told Trump staffers, according to two advisers who were present. “This has nothing to do with consensual sexual affairs and infidelities. This is Bill. We’re going to turn him into Bill Cosby. He’s a violent sexual predator who physically abuses women who he assaults. And she takes the lead on the intimidation of the victims.”

Asked how the campaign would reach millennial women — few of whom watch Sean Hannity — an adviser said that Trump himself will force the national media to focus on Clinton’s alleged intimidation of sexual assault victims. “Trump’s gonna force it into the system,” one adviser said. “By tweeting, by just moving it out there. The mainstream media will be embarrassed not to cover this.”

The campaign plans to highlight a tweet from last November in which Clinton wrote: “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported.”

The juxtaposition between Clinton’s stated position and the aggressiveness with which she and her allies have attacked Bill Clinton’s accusers over the years is a glaring hypocrisy, Trump’s brain trust believes. “It’s untenable and it’s farcical,” says Bossie. “With rape culture being what it is, these facts are going to shock millennial women. There will not be a millennial woman who will want to vote for her when these facts come out.”

Bossie says the campaign plans to highlight Hillary Clinton’s treatment of her husband’s accusers: “Her history of using private investigators in the ‘80s and ‘90s to harass and intimidate victims of Bill, to flip from that to what she’s saying today about how every victim deserves to be heard — when it was about Bill, she didn’t want the victims to be heard and Hillary did everything she could to stifle their voices.” The case against Hillary Clinton is thus far even thinner than the one against her husband—Politifact rated Trump's claim that Hillary "viciously attacked" the three women as "mostly false."

It’s no accident that Trump’s strategy has ended up focusing on the Clinton scandals of the 1990s: The prospect of litigating Hillary Clinton’s culpability in a long litany of sexual and political scandals has been a right-wing fantasy for decades. What’s more, Trump’s core group of top advisers rose to prominence in conservative circles by specializing in Clinton scandals — a distinct occupational category in Republican politics. Before joining the Trump campaign, Bannon was executive chairman of Breitbart New and head of the Government Accountability Institute, where he helped conceive last year’s bestselling book by GAI’s president, Peter Schweizer, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. Bossie was most recently head of the Defeat Crooked Hillary PAC and before that head of the conservative advocacy group Citizens United, whose 2007 anti-Clinton film "Hillary: The Movie" was the basis of the 2010 Supreme Court case, Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission. (The court ruled 5-4 in Bossie’s favor, opening the floodgates for more private money in politics.) Conway first rose to prominence as a conservative pundit in the late ‘90s during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Back in those days, Trump was still supporting Democrats. But having followed an outsider’s path to capture the Republican nomination, Trump himself has become a true believer — even more so, his advisers say, after the events of the past several days. When the “Access Hollywood” tape emerged, Trump feared losing voter support, as dozens of Republican senators and congressmen abandoned him. But his debate performance on Oct. 9th, which featured steady attacks on Clinton as Broaddrick, Willey, and Jones looked on, stemmed the exodus of Republican elected officials and convinced him that seizing on the Clintons’ sexual history was his key to recovery.

At a Tuesday fundraiser, Trump declared himself “unshackled” and seemed eager to go back on the offense. With the prospect of additional Clinton victims coming forward, an adviser said, “We’re gonna go buck wild.”
Honestly. This doesn't even seem like oppo. It just seems like the media started digging after the initial tape for released.

Yeah, I agree. Looks like people hunting for more tape footage.

I think these women in the NYT story might have seriously just decided to call the media after the tape, too.

There's so much more coming. Trump's decision to run for President will go down as the dumbest business and personal move in politics...


"To reach back decades to smear-" is the single greatest Trump projection line I've ever heard in the context of the fact that their entire argument is based on Bill Clinton being accused of rape in 1978 (which he may or may not have committed, yes).


Does any human being have less self-awareness than Trump? That is hilarious.

Why even work that angle into your denial? "These allegations are categorically false. And also they happened so long ago it doesn't matter!" Can't beat that logic.
Anyone ever order anything from the Hillary store? How long does it usually take to show up w/ the standard Ground shipping?
Yes, I order a lot. Well, until my fiance took my credit card.

But, it takes a while. They're not the fastest in the world, but they got a bit better. I think you'd have it before the election.


Tonight has produced three stories thus far:
- NYT story of two women
- Trump plans to date a ten-year-old
- Miss Washington 2013 says he groped her

It almost seems coordinated - all dropping at once.


I ordered my last thing from the Hillary store this morning.. a lapel pin and a few campaign buttons. I'll see how long it takes.
Third woman now comes forward:


Watching at home in Palm Springs, McGillivray said she rose from her couch and yelled at the TV screen: “‘You liar!’’’

McGillivray, 36, said she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago 13 years ago. She said she never reported it to authorities.

But her companion that day, photographer Ken Davidoff, vividly remembers when McGillivray pulled him aside moments after the alleged incident and told him, ‘’Donald just grabbed my ass!’’

The New York Times reported Wednesday that two other women came forward to say Trump groped them — one who sat next to him on a flight 30 years ago and another who encountered him outside an elevator at Trump Tower.

The Post has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment about McGillivray’s story.
Yes, I order a lot. Well, until my fiance took my credit card.

But, it takes a while. They're not the fastest in the world, but they got a bit better. I think you'd have it before the election.

Thanks. Might pull the trigger on the supporter pack.

They have 20% off right now with FACEBOOK as the code, if anyone is interested.


Give me these leaks:

"I'm sick of all of the *******, they need to go back to Africa where they belong, and take Obama with them"
"How stupid can people in the coal industry be? Those jobs won't be worth anything anyway"
"[Definitive evidence of him sexually assaulting someone]"
"White voters are the stupidest people, they'll believe anything I say"
"I can't wait to use nukes"

I love the uneducated
Just saying...


I'm sorry I haven't been posting here much recently

My laptop broke and its harder to make lots of posts from my phone or tablet.

But I'm always reading. <3 you guys


And with Trump doing this. It's clear he won't be talking about his stances on anything. This is Bannon and this is the angle they are going with.

It's stupid but they probably know they've lost at this point.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm sorry I haven't been posting here much recently

My laptop broke and its harder to make lots of posts from my phone or tablet.

But I'm always reading. <3 you guys

I thought there was a distinct lack of coloring utensils in this thread lately.
I am sorry. I have never, ever hated someone more than I hate Donald Trump. What he said about a ten year old.....SHE IS A CHILD. What kind of man does this!?

What the actual fuck right now.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Does anybody remember crazy Sean Malstrom? This is the guy who ran a blog dedicated to talking about how great the market strategy behind the Wii was and generally just fellate the NES. His blog was pretty alright at the beginning before descending to madness about 3-4 years into the Wii's lifecycle. (I am convinced you could track him becoming unhinged up against when Other M came out, it broke him)

Well he does occasionally make politics posts, like four years ago when he made a bunch talking about why Mitt Romney would absolutely win. (whoops!) Here's the latest whopper:


Included is an opening argument about why the Trump Tape is actually bad news for the Clinton Campaign. I figure you guys could use a good laugh this morning.

lol what a blast from the past. Wii era sales age was good times.
Honestly. This doesn't even seem like oppo. It just seems like the media started digging after the initial tape for released.

I think it's classic logical fallacy from the media. They all never dug through their tapes because they assumed someone else would have done that (these tapes are just lying around various offices) and since there weren't any massive stories broken, there must've been nothing in the tapes.

But Pussygate has thrown that out. It's clear that there's hours of footage of Trump that no one's watched in years, and it's just waiting to get combed over with a fine-toothed comb.
Common guys, that's nothing but escalator talk. It's just escalator talk. Everyone has implied sexual relations with a ten year old down the line when they are on an escalator.
Miss Washington 2013 coming forward now too

As outrage grows over comments made by Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump in 2005, Miss Washington 2013 is sounding off about her run-in with Trump.

According to Yahoo! News, Cassandra Searles made a Facebook post about her time on the Miss USA pageant, where she calls Trump a "misogynist" who "treated us like cattle."

According to Rolling Stone, Searles added in a comment on her initial post's thread, "He probably doesn't want me telling the story about that time he continually grabbed my ass and invited me to his hotel room."

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