I never thought I could be more disgusted in Donald Trump, but here we are.
I can sort of see his strategy, but I can see it working against both sides. This election has gotten so nauseating with his disgusting tactics, lies and parlor shows, to the point that I'm sure there are some who said "eff this" and won't pay attention.
But at the same time, he's doing those people a favor. They now know who they want to vote for, and they won't pay attention to his nonsense for the next month.
And bringing these women out are only going to leave Hillary's supporters angrier and more emboldened to vote against this nightmare of a human being, and those turned off by it are already on his side.
Depressing the vote isn't happening at this point, at least as far as I can tell. But good god, this man has no bottom of the barrel. He is a pit of hatred, and it is incredibly disturbing to witness.