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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Michigan billboard


"Donald Trump cant read this, but he's scared of it anyway."

I get the point of this but putting it white on black exactly like the jihadists flags is stupid and doesn't make the point they want. People are more reacting to the over symbolism which is clear, and we shouldn't be making arabic or islam scary to "prove people are racist" because its reinforcing stereotypes and not even taking anything back that's innocent.

I don't think its irrational to be a bit disturbed by someone waving a flag that looks exactly like the blag standard but says "I love puppies." This billboard doesn't do that but its not too far off.
So this kids' election electoral map is interesting.

Hillary won in states where the youth vote is waaaaay more diverse than the 18+ vote - Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina. She also won in Utah and Idaho, two states with a huge Mormon population. And losing Iowa correlates with its propable loss as a swing state after this election.




The more I think about it, the more I realize just how much historians will (justifiably) vilify Trump in the decades to come. His backwards policies and opinions aside, the guy is genuinely trying to bring down the entirety of American democracy with him now that he knows he's going to lose. He's not just going after the establishment GOP who were never on his side to begin with, but fucking everybody. No wonder Russia loves this guy, if he can't win then he'll gleefully do everything he can to demolish the US population's views of the democratic system.

Has a candidate ever lost their fucking mind quite like this after realizing they're going to lose? I half expect him to lock himself in Trump Tower on election night, nakedly peeing in mason jars, while watching CNN coverage non-stop and shouting "THEY'RE ALL AGAINST ME" to his aides. Followed by a string of barely-coherent tweets about how everyone was out to get him from the start.
This, IMO, has a lot to do with Reagan-era hangovers. Liberalism was at a low-point, the culture had embraced hyper-masculine meathead politics, and super-predatory Capitalism. They were told the culture had rejected them and that the Alex P. Keaton's of the world were our future.

It's a hard thing to shake off

I agree, and I always harp on this point. A lot of liberals live in places like Seattle or Burlington and think that the country is anywhere near them politically. It's not.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Her foundation? Who gives a crap? Her simple response would be, "Donald, one of our foundations is currently under legal investigation, and it isn't mine."


How are people falling for this ethics bullshit by orange turd? It is rampant power-grab by an individuals who claims to have the best judgement on his own. He is corruption personified.
Eh, it was consensual. Let's not kink shame.

It's the hypocrisy of conservatives. Remember when they couldn't wait to vote for Bush and "restore dignity to the Oval Office"? They complained that Clinton wore jeans and put his feet up on the desk. Now they are fully behind a serial adulterer, with five children from three wives, who brags about sexually assaulting women, a potential First Lady who has published nude photographs with another naked woman, who invites Howard Stern to participate in a three-way. It would be nice if these things no longer mattered to Republicans, but any other party candidate and these would be shameful career-ending shenanigans.


I get the point of this but putting it white on black exactly like the jihadists flags is stupid and doesn't make the point they want. People are more reacting to the over symbolism which is clear, and we shouldn't be making arabic or islam scary to "prove people are racist" because its reinforcing stereotypes and not even taking anything back that's innocent.

I don't think its irrational to be a bit disturbed by someone waving a flag that looks exactly like the blag standard but says "I love puppies." This billboard doesn't do that but its not too far off.

Reminds me of...

Really though it's pretty funny all the same.
It absolutely makes their point because things aren't always what they seem.

Its intentionally co-opting jihadi design.

People use Heuristic and aren't only responding to arabic text, its the totality. People use heuristics. And reinforcing those heuristics only to say GOTTCHA! doesn't solve anything to prevent those heuristics from being used to justify racism.

Reminds me of...

Really though it's pretty funny all the same.

that falls more into satire. its a fine line but other billboards have intentionally avoided that association because its useless and counter productive

I mean this is what normal arabic billboards look like



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I really hope this "NC GOP HQ having completed absentee ballots story picks up steam." Blatant voter fraud.
Its intentionally co-opting jihadi design.

People use Heuristic and aren't only responding to arabic text, its the totality. People use heuristics. And reinforcing those heuristics only to say GOTTCHA! doesn't solve anything to prevent those heuristics from being used to justify racism.

The totality itself is racist. Is white text on a black backdrop now locked off forever? How about flags in general? Or ski masks?

This seems silly to complain about, and I'd argue that you're making their point as well. You see that sign and get scared for no damn reason. That's the point.
Check that Scholastic Readers kid poll thread. Hillary 52 Trump 35. Scholastic polls have picked the correct winner in all but two elections since 1940.


This has zero to do with that, and everything to do with people wanting to be vindictive dicks, even if it means destroying any chance of actual progress moving forward in this country. :p

Read the OT thread about that cracked article if you need more proof. :p

I mean, that Cracked article was more apologism for white nationalism. I didn't even bother looking for the thread because I know exactly what it's going to say.

If you want me to say that it's okay for people to be Nazis because they had tough childhoods you can kick rocks, frankly.

There isn't going to be any progress in this country as long as the Republican Party has any control of political power. Fortunately, that will not be long.


I get the point of this but putting it white on black exactly like the jihadists flags is stupid and doesn't make the point they want. People are more reacting to the over symbolism which is clear, and we shouldn't be making arabic or islam scary to "prove people are racist" because its reinforcing stereotypes and not even taking anything back that's innocent.

I don't think its irrational to be a bit disturbed by someone waving a flag that looks exactly like the blag standard but says "I love puppies." This billboard doesn't do that but its not too far off.

I don't know. It's pretty far off. Like, white on black pretty common. It's how I'm reading this forum right now. There's no circle and the font isn't in what appears to be the Arabic version of comic sans.


I love liberals. We're winning by every metric you could think of. Trump's map is shrinking. Ours is expanding. We have a ground game. He has nothing. He's behind by 12 points. We're ahead everywhere that matters. (Ohio may or may not matter, it depends). We don't need more oppo to drop. It doesn't matter whatever desperate thing the deplorables cling to. We win by doing better than they do. It's all good.

I don't think anyone seriously doubts that. The point is that Trump needs to lose in such a way that it salts the earth for any who would follow in his footsteps. The GOP needs to be shown what happens when they allow vile, bigoted pieces of shit to represent them, and anything short of a curbstomping will let the next Trump get up and double down. It has to leave conservatives in this country so embarassed that Trump becomes a boogieman Republicans tell their grandkids about.
I don't trust Post-Obama liberals.

I really don't think they're electorally smart or realize that they're a small minority.

I don't know how old you are, but this is a totally natural reaction to shifts in the electoral center of gravity. If you're over 30 then you've experienced enough loss, and seen bad tactics/strategy undermine solid plans.

Despite 8/10 kids turning 18 having a magnitude more Liberal views than their parents, some will go in a variety of different ways. If the GOP really does implode, you're going to have to expect a similar shift amongst the Dem base. The radicals will see an opportunity to grab a share of the levers of power. They won't be enough to unseat the core, which in large part are women of color, and they'll split into something similar to a Liberal Tea Party, enamored by their own awesomeness and convinced with enough pithy memes they can ignite the Revolution.

This isn't unusual, and it will fail, causing them to slip off into Dr. WiFi politics. The point is that the core of modern Liberalism is far more centered, policy-wise, in American mainstream politics than ever before. So be happy about that


2012 538 is a completely different organization than 2016 538, you can't really compare the two.

really? how so?

I thought Nate Silver was pretty much the mastermind and he still runs it. How is the polling different than what they used in the past?

I know they have articles on all different topics now which I don't think was there during the last election.
Check that Scholastic Readers kid poll thread. Hillary 52 Trump 35. Scholastic polls have picked the correct winner in all but two elections since 1940.
Is anyone still really concerned at all that Clinton won't be the next president?

I mean there's always that window of doubt but it's as close to a sure thing as it gets in politics. I mean shit 2012 was "close" and yet it was always obvious Obama had it (save for immediately after the first debate, even then still ahead) and Clinton's margin in polling is twice as large as Obama's margin on election day. A great magnitude higher than polls were showing back then too (which ended up being highly skewed towards Romney, IRONY).
I mean, that Cracked article was more apologism for white nationalism. I didn't even bother looking for the thread because I know exactly what it's going to say.

If you want me to say that it's okay for people to be Nazis because they had tough childhoods you can kick rocks, frankly.

There isn't going to be any progress in this country as long as the Republican Party has any control of political power. Fortunately, that will not be long.

Hard this. Coddling racists will never change them. Shame them and move on.

I'm also a bit offended when people pull out the "they're racist because of economic hardship" line. I grew up eating donated food from churches, living below the poverty line in the poorest part of the poorest state in the nation. Fucking none of that pushed me to racism. Poor people are not backwater hicks that just don't know any better; we're just as understanding as anyone else with comparable education and yet there are racists. The two aren't related.


Murphy is a bad candidate.

Florida is an expensive market. Spending 2 million in MO vs. FL will make a big difference.

True. I meant more like... how is Murphy such a bad candidate? like what are his big weaknesses that is allowing rubio to gain separation from generic D/hillary ticket?
I really hope this "NC GOP HQ having completed absentee ballots story picks up steam." Blatant voter fraud.

I'm not sure there's any there there. An NBC News article I read yesterday evening specifically said there were not any completely ballots. I think perhaps earlier articles may have just had a typo?

Edit: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...ombed-nazi-gopers-threatened-graffiti-n667316

North Carolina Republican Party spokeswoman Emily Weeks told NBC News that the office is totally unusable and that materials inside may have been destroyed. The state party said completed absentee ballots were not stored at that office.


ugh, what happened.

It's very, very hard to unseat a sitting senator who has a massive national profile, especially a Cuban American senator in Florida. Unlike other areas he will be benefiting from split tickets a lot, and the fact is he's a slick retail politician and Murphy hasn't done well campaigning at all.

I mean, ita shocking given how BAD Rubio is, and how nakedly self serving he is, but unfortunately to be expected. Once he decided to get back in the race it was always going to be very, very hard to beat him and Murphy didn't perform strongly enough.
It's very, very hard to unseat a sitting senator who has a massive national profile, especially a Cuban American senator in Florida. Unlike other areas he will be benefiting from split tickets a lot, and the fact is he's a slick retail politician and Murphy hasn't done well campaigning at all.

I mean, ita shocking given how BAD Rubio is, and how nakedly self serving he is, but unfortunately to be expected. Once he decided to get back in the race it was always going to be very, very hard to beat him and Murphy didn't perform strongly enough.
Rubio is endorsing Trump who violated Cuban Embargo. The ads are making themselves, but florida dems are too stupid to realize it.
I'm not sure there's any there there. An NBCNews article I read yesterday evening specifically said there were not any completely ballots. I think perhaps earlier articles may have just had a typo?

Agreed, this is a typo or a weird interpretation of a reassurance that no voter registrations were lost. NC elections are super dirty but limit their filth the message on the TV and radio.
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