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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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I really hope this "NC GOP HQ having completed absentee ballots story picks up steam." Blatant voter fraud.

Honestly, I think whoever said that was just bullshitting trying to drum up sympathy by saying this incident affected everyday voters and wasn't thinking about any legal implications with what was said. I hope it's at least looked into though.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Chris Cillizza :gifofbasketballplayersayinggethimout.gif

Why is his editor not like "you might want to step back from this"
The totality itself is racist. Is white text on a black backdrop now locked off forever? How about flags in general? Or ski masks?

This seems silly to complain about, and I'd argue that you're making their point as well. You see that sign and get scared for no damn reason. That's the point.

I don't know. It's pretty far off. Like, white on black pretty common. It's how I'm reading this forum right now. There's no circle and the font isn't in what appears to be the Arabic version of comic sans.

Solid black isn't standard on billboards.

And you are scared for a reason, the only other time you've seen that is from Islamic terrorism. You can't read it or uncover its message. How are you supposed to?

Who is this helping? How does this stop fear? I mean I don't think we need to take back black standards, they've been negative since piracy. We're not trying to take back swastikas or white hoods.

I mean if we want to stop Islamophobia we can't reinforce peoples reactions (which that billboard intentionally does!). And again the billboard offers no context. Why are we trying to fight people's association of arabic with terrorism by continuing its association? When I've been to arabic speaking places I don't see that around. I see normal advertisements.

It sounds like well meaning people who don't understand how people think or come to their ideas.

I don't think in jokes among liberals are how to reach out to the people who need to change their views.
Rubio is endorsing Trump who violated Cuban Embargo. The ads are making themselves, but florida dems are too stupid to realize it.

It's a very fractured state, with multiple power-bases that don't work together. It's why we nominate GOP retreads like Crist, instead of actual Liberals.

With that said, no one gives a shit about Murphy, he was a tool to rebuke a fascist like Allen West who snuck in during the Tea Party wave. He's bland and doesn't really have a constituency in his district, let alone the rest of Florida. Especially not in heavy military and rural areas.

But yeah, we're a bit slow here in Floriduh


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
has it been reported anywhere reputable though? the NBC article says the GOP said there were no absentee ballots there.

Fox News had it in their original report. If others confirmed they weren't there, then that would be that.


Obama on Trump's rigged claims: ""He's started whining before the game is over? He doesn't have what it takes for this job. I'd invite Mr Trump to stop whining and make his case to get votes."
Toomey has made a clear comeback in Pennsylvania. Damn, I hope McGinty can close strong.

I would be pissed if McGinty lost, but the last public polls have been Tie, McGinty +4, Tie, Toomey +4, McGinty +2, and now Toomey +4. It's been sort of muddled for a while.
I'm not entirely sure the GOP will be able to fix their party in 4 or maybe 8 years time. A new party may be required because the GOP may end up being to tainted by donald trump.What I am saying is that the GOP may end up bieng so weak after thus election that their is a chance they may never recover like what happened to the PC's in Canada after the infamous 1993 election.
I think it's pretty easy to imagine a scenario in which Republicans don't reform much at all and still win back power in congress and the White House. Say Clinton gets hit with a recession and Speaker Ryan refuses to allow a stimulus. We're already prepping to lose the Senate in 2018. Maybe Hillary gets tarred with a dumb scandal or does poorly on some international issue. Maybe the GOP does reform its primary rules to screen out the psychos and they produce a challenger in 2020 who's somewhat young, charismatic, and with little baggage, like say, Nikki Haley. Speaker Gohmert and Mitch McConnell then nuke Medicaid completely, and Social Security and Medicare get privatized. I like the Dem coalition as currently constituted, but even assuming the GOP pays a heavy price after all this and we do get another magical period where we control White House and Congress soon afterwards, what are the chances that our Dem coalition will really go to the mat to restore Medicaid? Not good, IMO. The asymmetry favors the barbarians at the gate, not the Romans.


Not sure how old this news is here, but I saw it while I was out for lunch...according to EMAILS, Hillary considered Bill Gates, Tim Cook and Michael Bloomberg as potential running mates.


Not sure how old this news is here, but I saw it while I was out for lunch...according to EMAILS, Hillary considered Bill Gates, Tim Cook and Michael Bloomberg as potential running mates.

Look how out of touch she is with poor people. Sad!

Q has been consistently WAY too R leaning In the toomey/mcginty race. The dude is finished and everyone knows it.

Democratic registration in my particular Philly suburban county just broke records. 1 out of 3 voters in the state are in the Philly metro and trump is losing that area by 70/30 margins. There aren't enough ticket splitters in the world to save Toomey's ass.

If their take on the FL Senate race is anywhere near as off as PA is, Florida is extremely winnable.


whats everyone prediction on the election?

Here's mine:



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Not sure how old this news is here, but I saw it while I was out for lunch...according to EMAILS, Hillary considered Bill Gates, Tim Cook and Michael Bloomberg as potential running mates.

When, like two years ago?
What would be the angle of them keeping these ballots?

Honestly, probably gross incompetence. But you could imagine a scenario where the ballots were filled out in the presence of a volunteer who maybe snuck a peek at the ballot. The ones they didn't feel confident about might have been collected and they wouldn't have been in any hurry to send those on.

Curt Schilling is going to run against Elizabeth Warren for Senate in 2018 in my state. BAHAHAHAHA!

He is setting up for a 2020 Presidential run. All he needs to do is use this race to get a national profile. He gets to pick a big fight with one of the GOP base's top boogeymen. He doesn't need to win. He just needs to show and he will start raising decent money.

I have said it for 6 months now. Schilling is my pick for the 2020 nominee. He has all the elements needed to succeed.
More reason to not buy those QPac polls: DSCC just announced it's pulling out of Florida. Murphy, Sad!

Honestly there's not much point to spending money to pump up Murphy. He's too low profile.

That race is going to be won or lost based on how poorly trump is received.
Solid black isn't standard on billboards.

And you are scared for a reason, the only other time you've seen that is from Islamic terrorism. You can't read it or uncover its message. How are you supposed to?

Who is this helping? How does this stop fear? I mean I don't think we need to take back black standards, they've been negative since piracy. We're not trying to take back swastikas or white hoods.

I mean if we want to stop Islamophobia we can't reinforce peoples reactions (which that billboard intentionally does!). And again the billboard offers no context. Why are we trying to fight people's association of arabic with terrorism by continuing its association? When I've been to arabic speaking places I don't see that around. I see normal advertisements.

It sounds like well meaning people who don't understand how people think or come to their ideas.

I don't think in jokes among liberals are how to reach out to the people who need to change their views.

You're scared for a racist reason, no differently than being scared of a black person in a hoodie. The association you have is bad.

That billboard does the opposite of reinforces that association! A billboard with Arabic on it that didn't look like that would reinforce it. "White text on black background means terrorist! Otherwise, okay" is not a good thing! Instead this billboard sends the message that "White Arabic on black background doesn't tell you anything" which is true.

And it's more of a shame thing anyway. The goal should always be to shame racists. "Changing their views" is something people say when they live in liberal areas and don't know real Republicans.


I dunno I rolled through all of CA to Vegas and back driving.
There are A METRIC SHITTON of bible thumping black on white billboards along the central valley towards Nevada and back.

Either way I don't believe excusing ignorance for the sake of comfort to the already woefully ignorant is going to improve things anymore than the sign would supposedly hurt the current situation. I'd wager the same people who find this offensive would also find it equally offensive to have the same text in Spanish with Donald Trump being there or literally any other language.
You're scared for a racist reason, no differently than being scared of a black person in a hoodie. The association you have is bad.

That billboard does the opposite of reinforces that association! A billboard with Arabic on it that didn't look like that would reinforce it. "White text on black background means terrorist! Otherwise, okay" is not a good thing! Instead this billboard sends the message that "White Arabic on black background doesn't tell you anything" which is true.

And it's more of a shame thing anyway. The goal should always be to shame racists. "Changing their views" is something people say when they live in liberal areas and don't know real Republicans.

Why is it the responsibility of liberals to change the views of racists, and not the responsibility of racist republicans to have some degree of introspection and not be assholes?


Missouri and Indiana are going to have 2 Dem Senators and a Dem governor each in a few months despite being deep red.

Kind of funny to me.

Missouri is a strange state for sure. Republicans have a super majority in the state senate and house but we had a Dem governor since 2008. We already have one Dem senator. Many state positions can go Dem. If we had more pockets of democrat areas it would be a different state for sure


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
He is setting up for a 2020 Presidential run. All he needs to do is use this race to get a national profile. He gets to pick a big fight with one of the GOP base's top boogeymen. He doesn't need to win. He just needs to show and he will start raising decent money.

I have said it for 6 months now. Schilling is my pick for the 2020 nominee. He has all the elements needed to succeed.

"Curt Schilling can't even run a video game studio with a $75 million loan from the Rhode Island government. How can he run a country?"

The ads write themselves.
So this kids' election electoral map is interesting.

Hillary won in states where the youth vote is waaaaay more diverse than the 18+ vote - Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina. She also won in Utah and Idaho, two states with a huge Mormon population. And losing Iowa correlates with its propable loss as a swing state after this election.

Do you have a link to the map?
Hard this. Coddling racists will never change them. Shame them and move on.

I'm also a bit offended when people pull out the "they're racist because of economic hardship" line. I grew up eating donated food from churches, living below the poverty line in the poorest part of the poorest state in the nation. Fucking none of that pushed me to racism. Poor people are not backwater hicks that just don't know any better; we're just as understanding as anyone else with comparable education and yet there are racists. The two aren't related.

Not having read that cracked thread but I think there is a difference between seeking to understand how they think to better solve the problem vs. apologism.

Almost everything I see about the white working class is apologism and not an effort to solve racism in these communities even if its pretends it is.

That being said I think there is an issue with pretending racism is some chosen believe system and pretending people can be taught out of it


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Why did I not know that morning joe got destroyed by Russell brand 3 years ago

Edit: Texas closer than Nevada ok
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