Does this mean Trump is going to buy a wrestling company?He wants to be Ted Turner?
Does this mean Trump is going to buy a wrestling company?He wants to be Ted Turner?
Trump isn't interested in owning anything. He just likes his name on things and taking credit.
Tax payers are going to be the one eating this Trump failure since he won the contract from the GSA.
Do one each nightIf I were in charge I would do two things in the week before the election. I would hold a major rally with every popular Dem with Clinton that includes Barack, Michelle, Joe, Bill and Al Gore. Like a mini-DNC in a pivotal state that needs a final push like NC or Ohio. Secondly I would do what Obama did in 2008 with the infomercial and dedicate it entirely to what positive measures Clinton wants to push.
Elizabeth Warren was in Missouri a few days agoI would focus more on helping the down ballot. Hillary herself wouldn't help much in red states, but dispatch Michelle and Bernie to places like Missouri.
I think they should and it's not misplaced. Go ahead and shut it down. If they use it too then they have no right to complain and it's hypocritical.
It sounds lame but it's what separates right and wrong. You don't fight fire with fire, you fight fire with water.
in NBC/WSJ poll, Obama job rating among those saying they voted early: 68% approve, 29% disapprove
Why would Bernie or Michelle Obama help in red states...
This certainly seems like a good sign:
Why would Bernie or Michelle Obama help in red states...
in NBC/WSJ poll, Obama job rating overall: 53% approve, 44% disapprove. among whites in union households, 44%-53%
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 44m44 minutes ago
in NBC/WSJ poll, groups giving Obama sub-40% job approval: white men, white Southern, white Catholic, rural
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 30m30 minutes ago
in NBC/WSJ poll, Obama job rating among those saying they voted early: 68% approve, 29% disapprove
There is no value in playing by a set of imaginary rules that can substantially handicap your side's ability to win.
Crowd overflowed at Bernie event in Arizona universityWhy would Bernie or Michelle Obama help in red states...
Why would Bernie or Michelle Obama help in red states...
Close races in places where they hate Hillary aren't going to be helped much by the black first lady and a socialist Jew. They really just want that Clinton campaign cash.
Did they do another poll?
Personally I don't believe democrats are serious about gerrymander reform anymore than republicans are serious about term limits.
My aunt is a rich white lady in a deep red state. She and her husband are loaded. They were 100% in for every Republican ever. She told my mom today they're both voting for Hillary. My mom almost died. These are not winnable people. I 'm legit shocked.
Trump's numbers collapse in Red States means he's bleeding hard-Rs at this point.My aunt is a rich white lady in a deep red state. She and her husband are loaded. They were 100% in for every Republican ever. She told my mom today they're both voting for Hillary. My mom almost died. These are not winnable people. I 'm legit shocked.
My aunt is a rich white lady in a deep red state. She and her husband are loaded. They were 100% in for every Republican ever. She told my mom today they're both voting for Hillary. My mom almost died. These are not winnable people. I 'm legit shocked.
I got a Trump campaign flyer in the mail today. No images of Trump on it. Only Ivanka. This is PA.
Crowd overflowed at Bernie event in Arizona university
Reminds me of when we didn't have Internet when I was a kid, and those magical days when my Mom's Frederick's of Hollywood catalogs would show up.
There is whatever value on the rules that you place on them. They can care about it or not, but I don't want to see them pretend to care and then just do the same thing.
Personally I don't believe democrats are serious about gerrymander reform anymore than republicans are serious about term limits.
They can only be shown to not care if they have the ability to either put an end to it forever or gerrymander the map in their favor for the next ten years and they choose the latter. I don't like the designated hitter rule in baseball, but I sure as shit don't want the Astros to take a moral stand and send the pitcher up to bat because of their principles.
I'm all for both sides disarming, but this is important and people's lives, rights, and futures are on the line. I don't want to play for the principled team that loses every game.
This is my mom this election. She despises Hillary and when she said she was voting for her I nearly fell down.
What sent her over the edge is the disrespect to the disabled reporter, as kind of the big shocking moment (also the hate towards immigrants). My mom works as a Special Education teacher for a school with a high migrant population (mostly farm field workers), so it really hit home with her this time around. First time I think she has ever voted for a Democrat.
Gerrymandering reform is gonna come from Republican states (Constitutional Amendments and court decisions) not one side disarming.
Your mom is a freak in the bedroom? This has potential!
FL did it via amendment a couple elections ago.
Between my parents' divorce and re-marriage, Mom wasn't doing crochet on weekends, if you know what I mean...
Red Dead Redemption 2 being announced is the biggest and best story of the year. Trump can go win the election, I dont care. I'll be playing this game for the next 4 years!!
Trump's numbers collapse in Red States means he's bleeding hard-Rs at this point.