Can anyone give me a link to explain why the gerrymander might backfire on the Republicans,especially in a wave election? I'd be interested to learn more.
at least he eats his pizza with his hands.
You know how Trump likes to project? What are the chances Russia rigs the election for Trump? Is that even possible nowadays?
Kasich's unfavorable ratings make him a wildcard for 2020. I still say if he runs as an independent, he wins.
Also, how in the world have 20% of people never heard of John Kasich?
If Clinton was petty enough, she could have found and invited all of the people who led day to day workings and financials of all of Trump's failed business ventures, hotels, and casinos to the debates. She could have stated something along the lines of "Trump has shown time and time again he is a flawed and terrible business person. People who he tired and trusted to run those now bankrupt and defunct business are sitting in our audience. Do you really want someone like Trump having a say with who sits on the supreme court or in cabinet positions?"
I can't wait until tomorrow and I start seeing nervous posts from you all lol .
I can't wait until tomorrow and I start seeing nervous posts from you all lol .
Personally, I don't care about this debate. Hilldawg could probably come out and drop a deuce on stage and she'd still win the debate and election.
Trump is a deranged idiot. He'll find a way to screw up everything.
Equador got hillary's back!
Here's the full list of Presidential Candidates in Colorado.
So will Assange's dead mans switch go into action before the debate and end Hillary's campaign once and for all?
I ran into a coworker this morning and we were riding the elevator up to start work. Sparked a conversation because he had entered the elevator behind me and I asked what floor not realizing it was him and that I knew his floor. I can't even recall the exact conversation but he had his heandphones plugged in his phone and I asked what he was listening to. He mentioned podcasts and listed like three of em (I remember an NPR one but not the title). I don't do podcasts but I just listened to the most recent Keepin' it 1600 yesterday (only had ever listened to them once previously when Tom Perez was on), I mentioned Keepin' it 1600 and he showed me his phone and KEEPIN IT 1600 WAS ON THE SCREEN!!! Shit blew my mind at 8AM.
I didn't even know he liked politics.
See Trump is playing 18 dimensional chess
I bet at least half the people vowing not to watch will still watch.
What'd they do?YouGov trolling HARD.
Nice try YouGov
I bet at least half the people vowing not to watch will still watch.
What'd they do?
el jebe the most somewhat favorably liked candidate
oh what could have been!
Wut.Kasich's unfavorable ratings make him a wildcard for 2020. I still say if he runs as an independent, he wins.
Also, how in the world have 20% of people never heard of John Kasich?
The debate might be entertaining, but it's not significant to the election. I might watch it, but I'm mostly just going to pay attention to the election when I have the stomach for it at this point. The only story at this point is just how far Trump is going to pull the country down with him.
This is only true if Barack is playing both parts.If a lifetime of my grandmother not allowing me to change the channel even when she has fallen asleep watching her soap operas has taught me anything, it's that somebody's evil half brother is a surprise you just can't plan for. Who knows what dastardly plan he will enact. He may try to steal away Michelle!
because he did terribly in the primaries? lolKasich's unfavorable ratings make him a wildcard for 2020. I still say if he runs as an independent, he wins.
Also, how in the world have 20% of people never heard of John Kasich?
Kasich's unfavorable ratings make him a wildcard for 2020.