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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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So Hillary must be feeling good about Arizona. They emailed my fiance personally to ask him for money.
I'm not allowed to give anymore
@yottapoint guy went off on a tweetstorm again, this time debunking the EMAILZSZZSZ nontroversy. Few tweets

T. R. Ramachandran @yottapoint

6) HRC was portrayed as a liar for saying she was “allowed” to use a personal email server & that there were no laws prohibiting it
T. R. Ramachandran @yottapoint

9) However, HRC was ACCURATE in saying that, back in 2009, she was in fact LEGALLY ALLOWED to do what she did http://electionado.com/canvas/1471731044335 …
T. R. Ramachandran @yottapoint

11) That HRC’s arrangement was legally ALLOWED was also confirmed by the FBI - citing Bureau of Info Sec Mgmt http://electionado.com/canvas/1471731044335 …
12) IOW, the media, in their haste to indict HRC, ignored/downplayed what was legally allowed, to focus solely on opinion of State IG
Read the whole thing.

This is like...

Mr. Trump’s aides are preparing him with a sharp escalation in attacks on Mrs. Clinton’s character and a focus on her health, according to a senior campaign adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

On Sunday, in a debate prep session at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., Mr. Trump sparred with Gov. Chris Christie, who informally played the role of Mrs. Clinton, according to a second senior adviser, who also requested anonymity to share details of internal campaign activities.

Mr. Christie helped sharpen Mr. Trump for his last debate performance, helping him to more aggressively and coherently attack Mrs. Clinton over her use of a private email server, the adviser said. This time, Mr. Trump’s advisers are preparing lines related to Mrs. Clinton’s health, which Mr. Trump has sought to make an issue of after her bout of pneumonia in September.

Not real debate prep. Also, insane.
Like why? Of all things? This?

This is Bannon and Bossie laying groundwork for a series of "investigative reports" that will have a book tie-in. I am sure Regenery Press has contracts ready to sign Nov. 9 at midnight.

It's all a scam to fleece the outraged marks over the next 4+ years. Drudge built an Empire of Slime off rumors of a Blue Dress. They figure they can do better with less.
He's gone full Breitbart. He's still gotta play up to all those nutters so he can launch TrumpTV after he loses bigly. He's going to trot out every conspiracy you've ever heard of tomorrow - maybe even reptilians to give Alex Jones a boner.

Probably. He's likely going to go absolutely wild for this last debate to pump up his supporters.
Is poligaf slacking or did I miss this? Miami Herald endorses...Murphy

Beyond the political differences, there are issues of sincerity and character for voters to consider. First, he reneged on his unequivocal pledge not to run for re-election for a position he once openly disdained — but only after he lost his bid for the Republican presidential nomination to his nemesis, Donald Trump. Then he endorsed Mr. Trump, whom he called a con man during the campaign. And still at this late date, he continues to stand by that endorsement, even as the Republican candidate stumbles from gaffe to insult to outrage.

Mr. Trump’s candidacy is a test of character, and Sen. Rubio is failing that test. How can voters believe he’s sincere when he says he does not share Mr. Trump’s awful views on Mexicans, immigrants, Muslims, women, etc., yet — at the same time — stands by his endorsement of the New York billionaire? His act is unconvincing. It reeks of political convenience rather than political conviction.
There really isn't any plausible scenario where Hillary falls short of 270 (sans Utah) but wins Utah to get above it. Her vote share would have long collapsed in Utah if she ends up losing states like North Carolina and New Hampshire.

I agree, but really this is saying that Utah is meaningless to the outcome. Which is true. If one wishes to vote McMuffin in hopes of simply embarrassing Trump I think that's fine, with the caveat that I'd still wait and see what the situation looks like as we approach election day. It's just that people have argued for voting McMuffin on the basis that there's a strategic value to denying Trump electoral votes when there isn't. There are basically two categories of votes: Clinton and not-Clinton.

I do find it amusing that, of all people, McMuffin could very well be the first third-party candidate in 48 years to carry a state. Hardly anybody has heard of him, he's rarely discussed outside of places like PoliGAF (even the John Oliver segment on third-party candidates didn't even mention him), and yet he has a legit shot at pulling it off. Perot couldn't. Anderson couldn't. Nader couldn't. For all the attention they get, Stein and Johnson aren't close to doing it. But this guy might.


I agree, but really this is saying that Utah is meaningless to the outcome. Which is true. If one wishes to vote McMuffin in hopes of simply embarrassing Trump I think that's fine, with the caveat that I'd still wait and see what the situation looks like as we approach election day. It's just that people have argued for voting McMuffin on the basis that there's a strategic value to denying Trump electoral votes when there isn't. There are basically two categories of votes: Clinton and not-Clinton.

I do find it amusing that, of all people, McMuffin could very well be the first third-party candidate in 48 years to carry a state. Hardly anybody has heard of him, he's rarely discussed outside of places like PoliGAF (even the John Oliver segment on third-party candidates didn't even mention him), and yet he has a legit shot at pulling it off. Perot couldn't. Anderson couldn't. Nader couldn't. For all the attention they get, Stein and Johnson aren't close to doing it. But this guy might.

Isn't he Mormon? That's why.
A vote for McMullin does nothing to help Hillary if Republicans have the majorities of states in the House. I feel like we keep talking about this and it's the same reasoning.

There is literally no scenario in which Hillary wins the election by the virtue of Utah's electoral votes. If she can't hit 270 without Utah, she's not hitting 270 period, and a vote for McMullin changes nothing. If she's competitive in Utah, it's because she's blowing Trump out on the National stage, so Utah's electoral votes are the difference between winning by 172 or 178. You guys are spending way too much effort worrying about a third-party spoiler in Utah while forgetting that Hillary has never, ever been projected to win those votes, and she's still safely past 270 in almost every scenario. If it were something like Florida then I could see the concern, but McMullin is not going to be responsible for no one winning a majority of the Electoral College.


RE: Responses on the last page about McMullin in Utah...

I am certainly not voting for McMullin for any "strategic" reasons as one poster may have suggested. I have no hardline party affiliation. I recognize Utah's fairly inconsequential position in the electoral math, especially considering its history as a solid red state. (as well as Hillary's current standing in the polls, the electoral map in general, and her chances of winning) I also am drawn to a principled, conservative candidate that is distanced from the horrible baggage of the Republican party. (though there are, of course, a few areas I disagree with him on... this is politics after all) Finally, I do recognize that this is in many ways a "protest vote" – however, this protest vote comes in a state that has the highest chance of going 3rd party in decades, with the opportunity to send a message, albeit likely and ultimately inconsequential, about the choices offered in this election and the future of many conservative principles that have been hijacked by a truly dangerous candidate. (this certainly won't be the last time we see McMullin, in my opinion) That opportunity is exciting to me, and is why I feel more comfortable putting my name behind a 3rd party candidate in Utah as opposed to another state in which their odds would be even longer. (or the chances of spoiling would be higher)

I would also love to see Utah go not-Red as a big middle finger to Trump.

At the end of the day, it's a choice I have put a lot of thought into over the past few weeks and is something that I am energized about – something I was not expecting earlier in the year.


Yeah I think Trump would start some sort of media arm, and would try to run again in four years if Hillary. The goal would be to have a network solely dedicated to attacking Hillary and also other people in the Republican party, to prepare the field for 2020.
Yeah I think Trump would start some sort of media arm, and would try to run again in four years if Hillary. The goal would be to have a network solely dedicated to attacking Hillary and also other people in the Republican party, to prepare the field for 2020.

Hillary and the Clintons have been attacked for decades now. Not sure what another four years will do, unless she just is a terrible president on the merits. But a Trump news network wouldn't be required to point that out I guess.


I think I just saw a preview of the Hillary on drugs conspiracy they seem to be planning to trot out tomorrow night too. Trump is not going to debate so I'm not sure why they are even having it.


I'm putting up the debate thread now because I'm going to bed soon and I won't be back from work tomorrow until an hour before it starts. It's my first one ever so I hope it's good.


Yeah I think Trump would start some sort of media arm, and would try to run again in four years if Hillary. The goal would be to have a network solely dedicated to attacking Hillary and also other people in the Republican party, to prepare the field for 2020.
I don't think he wants to run again. It's not where the big bucks are and what's the point of elections are rigged? I think it's interesting that Trump might start a Good Ol' Boys Network while Fox News will be targeting the Megyn Kelly and Shep Smith Conservatives.
There is literally no scenario in which Hillary wins the election by the virtue of Utah's electoral votes. If she can't hit 270 without Utah, she's not hitting 270 period, and a vote for McMullin changes nothing. If she's competitive in Utah, it's because she's blowing Trump out on the National stage, so Utah's electoral votes are the difference between winning by 172 or 178. You guys are spending way too much effort worrying about a third-party spoiler in Utah while forgetting that Hillary has never, ever been projected to win those votes, and she's still safely past 270 in almost every scenario. If it were something like Florida then I could see the concern, but McMullin is not going to be responsible for no one winning a majority of the Electoral College.

I don't think anybody is concerned that he'll play spoiler and cost Clinton the election. I'm just saying he won't cost Trump the election either. One may have any number of reasons to vote for him (including genuinely supporting the guy) but it's not really in the realm of a strategic vote.


Also, Trump performs exceptionally poorly among Mormons for a Republican candidate.

Oh yeah, they hate him.

Yep, this is also important to keep in mind. Utah was Trump's worst state, I think he only netted like 17%* 14% of the vote or something. Similarly, Hillary got boat-raced by Bernie in Utah. By and large, Utah has rejected the major party candidates in this race, which is likely why so many are feeling galvanized by McMullin.

* Kasich got 17%.
RE: Responses on the last page about McMullin in Utah...

I am certainly not voting for McMullin for any "strategic" reasons as one poster may have suggested. I have no hardline party affiliation. I recognize Utah's fairly inconsequential position in the electoral math, especially considering its history as a solid red state. (as well as Hillary's current standing in the polls, the electoral map in general, and her chances of winning) I also am drawn to a principled, conservative candidate that is distanced from the horrible baggage of the Republican party. (though there are, of course, a few areas I disagree with him on... this is politics after all) Finally, I do recognize that this is in many ways a "protest vote" – however, this protest vote comes in a state that has the highest chance of going 3rd party in decades, with the opportunity to send a message, albeit likely and ultimately inconsequential, about the choices offered in this election and the future of many conservative principles that have been hijacked by a truly dangerous candidate. (this certainly won't be the last time we see McMullin, in my opinion) That opportunity is exciting to me, and is why I feel more comfortable putting my name behind a 3rd party candidate in Utah as opposed to another state in which their odds would be even longer. (or the chances of spoiling would be higher)

I would also love to see Utah go not-Red as a big middle finger to Trump.

At the end of the day, it's a choice I have put a lot of thought into over the past few weeks and is something that I am energized about – something I was not expecting earlier in the year.

Okay, I respect this a lot then.


Sidhe / PikPok
Yeah I think Trump would start some sort of media arm, and would try to run again in four years if Hillary. The goal would be to have a network solely dedicated to attacking Hillary and also other people in the Republican party, to prepare the field for 2020.

Fox News attacked Obama and the Democrats for the last 8 years and it didn't stop Obama from being elected then re-elected, though probably at least helped get conservatives out to vote for the midterms. Not to mention Fox News turned to attacking Hillary Clinton as soon as the second the 2008 election was done, and she is still winning at this point.

Setting up a media outlet to attack Hillary, by extension the Democrats, AND Republicans doesn't give you much space to build a platform nor many demographics you aren't slamming on a regular basis. It wouldn't lay the groundwork for a successful candidacy.

All you'd have is a rabid fanbase is a strong bubble you can sell a lot of pharmaceuticals, gold, merchandise and book to. You could milk that for years*.

* assuming you could get enough mainstream advertisers not scared of the association to make it sustainable in the first place.
I don't see what new audience Trump tv opens up that Fox News doesn't reach. I mean maybe during the primaries there was tension but they've been shilling as hard as possible for Trump since he got the nomination.

He would have to secure a lot of talent and I don't know where he is getting the money to pull this off.

The young Breitbart readers don't watch cable anyway.
I don't see what new audience Trump tv opens up that Fox News doesn't reach. I mean maybe during the primaries there was tension but they've been shilling as hard as possible for Trump since he got the nomination.

He would have to secure a lot of talent and I don't know where he is getting the money to pull this off.

I think it's equal parts business and revenge. Ailes got his pay-out, but his legacy won't be building the #1 cable news network, it'll be as a lecherous douche who was shit-canned by Murdoch's less ideological kid. The lesser Murdoch now has something better than a job, he's got a rep as a stone-cold giant killer. That means a lot in the media business.

Bannon just wants to watch the world burn and suck up a ton of cash, so he can laugh on the ash-pile. The Trumps just see it as another opportunity to slap their name on something using other people's money


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
As dumb as Trump is, I don't think he'd try to run again. That would be such a massive invitation for failure and to look like a major loser. His ego can't take it, and neither could his bank account. He'll be happy to portray himself as a victim of rigging and try to profit from his base's persecution complex.


Is poligaf slacking or did I miss this? Miami Herald endorses...Murphy

That's a solid take down of Rubio over his political opportunism. They summed up the race nicely: Murphy is untested and basically a standard Democrat while Rubio is charismatic, but entirely politically craven and is failing on the greatest test of character in this election. If this really is a change election (lol), why not go with the new guy over the old sack of shit?

Anyways, kudos to the herald for making the right choice.


I'm still not entirely buying the idea Trump is going to show up to this thing. I won't believe it until he's out on the stage and answering questions.

He's going. He didn't get Pat Smith and Barry-O's half brother to come for nothing.
The Senate model since the first debate is striking. Also, this is pre-Bayh +6 poll to be added.


Wang and God Nate aren't quite as optimistic unfortunately ... I'm trying not to pick and choose my models so I'm still kinda nervous about the senate


How do you guys think Chris Wallace will spin this debate? Fairly or make it a tough minefield?

Trump has invited Wayne Newton. I'm not sure who that is supposed to irritate.

The American people who have to remember Wayne Newton exists.

Apparently he will also sing at Trump's inauguration, so we have that to look forward to.


Trump has invited Wayne Newton. I'm not sure who that is supposed to irritate.

Seems like it's just for emotional support?

What does inviting Barack Obama's half-brother do? It seems like it's a case of Trump thinking "If I were Hillary, this would annoy me", right?


I don't know if it was a tweet I read or a post in this thread, but I'm no longer afraid of the prospect of Trump TV. To believe it's going to be successful is to ignore how difficult it is to break a new television network, and how Donald Trump is an utter failure of a businessman.

I mean, look at OWN. Its taken 5 years from OWN to go from being a borderline failure to a minor success, and that's as a tiny cable network. And OWN is backed by fucking Oprah -- billionaire and household name with millions of fans and decades worth of television experience. And a name good enough that all Oprah has to do is snap her fingers to get major sponsors.

What company is going to want to sponsor anything with the Trump stain at this point, with its openly racist audience? Who will be the minds behind it? Ailes, yeah...but Ailes alone can't launch a successful network from the ground up. Kushner? He's print. Bannon? LOL. Is Trump going to be able to hold out in the initial slow years when viewership is pathetic and the world is shitting on it daily. His ego won't be able to take

No wonder FOX isn't taking this seriously, the whole idea is a joke.
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