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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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As dumb as Trump is, I don't think he'd try to run again. That would be such a massive invitation for failure and to look like a major loser. His ego can't take it, and neither could his bank account. He'll be happy to portray himself as a victim of rigging and try to profit from his base's persecution complex.
He will if Trump news network needs some attention


I don't know if it was a tweet I read or a post in this thread, but I'm no longer afraid of the prospect of Trump TV. To believe it's going to be successful is to ignore how difficult it is to break a new television network, and how Donald Trump is an utter failure of a businessman.

I mean, look at OWN. Its taken 5 years from OWN to go from being a borderline failure to a minor success, and that's as a tiny cable network. And OWN is back by fucking Oprah -- billionaire and household name with millions of fans and decades worth of television experience. And a name good enough that all Oprah has to do is snap her fingers to get major sponsors.

What company is going to want to sponsor anything with the Trump stain at this point, with its openly racist audience? Who will be the minds behind it? Ailes, yeah...but Ailes alone can't launch a successful network from the ground up. Kushner? He's print. Bannon? LOL. Is Trump going to be able to hold out in the initial slow years when viewership is pathetic and the world is shitting on it daily. His ego won't be able to take

No wonder FOX isn't taking this seriously, the whole idea is a joke.


Duck Commander?

that's all I got.


I don't know if it was a tweet I read or a post in this thread, but I'm no longer afraid of the prospect of Trump TV. To believe it's going to be successful is to ignore how difficult it is to break a new television network, and how Donald Trump is an utter failure of a businessman.

I mean, look at OWN. Its taken 5 years from OWN to go from being a borderline failure to a minor success, and that's as a tiny cable network. And OWN is back by fucking Oprah -- billionaire and household name with millions of fans and decades worth of television experience. And a name good enough that all Oprah has to do is snap her fingers to get major sponsors.

What company is going to want to sponsor anything with the Trump stain at this point, with its openly racist audience? Who will be the minds behind it? Ailes, yeah...but Ailes alone can't launch a successful network from the ground up. Kushner? He's print. Bannon? LOL. Is Trump going to be able to hold out in the initial slow years when viewership is pathetic and the world is shitting on it daily. His ego won't be able to take

No wonder FOX isn't taking this seriously, the whole idea is a joke.

With those stories about his businesses having blowback, and then his standing with all of the banks, I think TNN is no longer in the cards. Kushner sounds like he's been going around trying, but no one will pick up the tab. Plus Trump would fight Ailes and Bannon on every minute detail of the thing, and it would fall apart quickly. Then there's cable providers looking at the package and wondering if they want to carry a 24 hour hate network.

Plus there's the biggie: how many of these followers are willing to watch a channel where Trump shows up maybe once or twice a week? They already have Fox News. They want Trump, not 2% of the time Trump!

But who knows. Stranger things have happened. Or maybe we're just putting way too much thought into this, more than Trump has into anything.


How do you guys think Chris Wallace will spin this debate? Fairly or make it a tough minefield?

I'm expecting tough questions on both sides. Wallace is a pretty solid journalist overall IMO. I'm expecting more on the recent nothing burger of an FBI/State Department email (especially since Clinton hasn't commented on it), probably some questions surrounding Benghazi, questions concerning Trump attacking the women who have accused him, more direct questioning on the lackof realism from Trump's plans all interspersed with the topics listed. Per his comments from before, I think he'll play a fairly neutral role sans a follow up or two.


I don't know if it was a tweet I read or a post in this thread, but I'm no longer afraid of the prospect of Trump TV. To believe it's going to be successful is to ignore how difficult it is to break a new television network, and how Donald Trump is an utter failure of a businessman.

I mean, look at OWN. Its taken 5 years from OWN to go from being a borderline failure to a minor success, and that's as a tiny cable network. And OWN is backed by fucking Oprah -- billionaire and household name with millions of fans and decades worth of television experience. And a name good enough that all Oprah has to do is snap her fingers to get major sponsors.

What company is going to want to sponsor anything with the Trump stain at this point, with its openly racist audience? Who will be the minds behind it? Ailes, yeah...but Ailes alone can't launch a successful network from the ground up. Kushner? He's print. Bannon? LOL. Is Trump going to be able to hold out in the initial slow years when viewership is pathetic and the world is shitting on it daily. His ego won't be able to take

No wonder FOX isn't taking this seriously, the whole idea is a joke.

IF he starts a media thing (and it's a big if) it'll likely be purely digital. There won't be a ton of big money in it but it'll be the new umbrella home for Breitbart, Drudge, Tomi Lahren and maybe Alex Jones-types. With the exception of Tomi (who, remember, gets MILLIONS of Facebook views), those places get rather low traffic, but with Trump they could potentially get more and have even larger influence on the grassroots.

If this is the plan, I definitely think it's more Bannon's plan than Trump's. Trump doesn't care as long as people say his name and he makes money. Bannon is the one looking for real places of influence.
Oh hey, even Trump knows his name is worth trash now. He's opening hotels under the name "Scion" now.




IF he starts a media thing (and it's a big if) it'll likely be purely digital. There won't be a ton of big money but it'll be the new umbrella home for Breitbart, Drudge, Tomi Lahren and maybe Alex Jones. With the exception of Tomi (who, remember, gets MILLIONS of Facebook views), those places get rather low traffic, but with Trump they could potentially get more and have even larger influence on the grassroots.

If this is the plan, I definitely think it's more Bannon's plan than Trump's. Trump doesn't care as long as people say his name and he makes money. Bannon is the one looking for real places of influence.

Hmmm... Trump Digital Publishing. Branching out into "objective" video game reviews to hoover-up the GG'ers who are still out there, and agitate across non-rightwing games sites like Kotaku, and social media generally. Body/slut/sex shaming, etc. Maybe Ebook publishing, as well.

It's actually a good strategy (and by that, I mean there's obvious power to be had by leveraging dumb-asses who thought GG was about ethics in games, and people afraid of empowered women and minorities). Scary, too... :(
Get on with it Rick Wilson. I'm tired of this teasing.

The way these guys keep saying "soon" is reminding me of how wikileaks would string along their audience by promising they had something that would indict hillary

It's kind of what I'm wondering. It could be three more weeks of nothing. Not that Hillary needs more oppo to drop, but it would be nice to see the GOP utterly ruined from the top down.

I'm thinking Wednesdayton... no Thursdayton, no Friday... believe.


I'm confused, how can Kellyanne admit that Obama is popular with over half the country, but at the same time say that America is sick and tired of whats going on in the country and who's in the office today?


I read a long part of those FBI interviews today with someone from DHS about how Hillary was a diva who regularly flaunted security protocol. Refusing to ride with ambassadors when she was visiting foreign countries, pushing them aside for her Secret Service detail at home, and some stuff about how working the Secretary of State's detail went from being an honor to something no one wanted. There was even a bit about how Huma was the real one driving all decisions behind the scenes.

I've read a little like that before, but never in an FBI deposition. Usually its that "my neighbor worked for the Secret Service and told me X" stories. I'm curious, was the guy just a Republican doing his bit to "save the country" or have there been enough of those stories out there to support her being a bit of a bitch to these guys? It seems nuts to me that anyone who worked security for the Secretary of State would say shit like that. "She was ignoring security protocols! Now let me tell you all of her inner secrets!" It seems like it would be a big no-no to complain to anyone outside the people you worked with. But then again, it also seems nuts to me that someone would just make up shit in an FBI deposition.
I'm confused, how can Kellyanne admit that Obama is popular with over half the country, but at the same time say that America is sick and tired of whats going on in the country and who's in the office today?
It's easy, you just need to have no principles or moral compass that allows you to go on TV and make intellectually bankrupt arguments
Oppo dumps and more down ticket spending as reported earlier in this thread would sure make me feel a little more warm and fuzzy about the senate


Corporate Apologist
I just looked up my ballot, apparently the Democrats aren't even running a candidate for my district's house seat.


Is this accurate? How has this not been reported over and over this year

Olbermann's anecdotes about right wing media figures are usually unverifiable. Conversations he had with them before he was well known as a liberal pundit. They would deny the conversations ever happened, so it's he said she said. Fine for his video blog thing, not going to result in a story in the mainstream press.

His general point in all of them is that the right wing media and many serving Republicans are acting in bad faith. Is it true? Very possibly for many of them. They would never admit so in public though.
Is this accurate? How has this not been reported over and over this year

Yeah. Bossie and Conway's past has been covered. I never knew why people keep giving Conway the benefit of the doubt. She has been knee deep in this shit for decades. People keep positioning her like she is the angel on Trump's shoulder when history suggests she is far from it.

Funny story about Bossie. He was working for a PAC during Clinton V Bush that was so heinous that Bush publicly decried it and begged Republican's not to give him any money.


I don't know if it was a tweet I read or a post in this thread, but I'm no longer afraid of the prospect of Trump TV. To believe it's going to be successful is to ignore how difficult it is to break a new television network, and how Donald Trump is an utter failure of a businessman.

I mean, look at OWN. Its taken 5 years from OWN to go from being a borderline failure to a minor success, and that's as a tiny cable network. And OWN is backed by fucking Oprah -- billionaire and household name with millions of fans and decades worth of television experience. And a name good enough that all Oprah has to do is snap her fingers to get major sponsors.

What company is going to want to sponsor anything with the Trump stain at this point, with its openly racist audience? Who will be the minds behind it? Ailes, yeah...but Ailes alone can't launch a successful network from the ground up. Kushner? He's print. Bannon? LOL. Is Trump going to be able to hold out in the initial slow years when viewership is pathetic and the world is shitting on it daily. His ego won't be able to take

No wonder FOX isn't taking this seriously, the whole idea is a joke.
That is what been saying, wouldn't be shocked if tnn is a subscription site on Lycos.
Trump arguing that he's getting his ass beat by a sickly old woman is so confused.

No one outside of Breitbart/InfoWars even understands a third of the Hillary health conspiracies so Trump is going to have to introduce a lot of ridiculous conspiracies to a general audience before using them to attack Hillary

This is so odd.


I watched the Melania interview and feel bad for her :(

She doesn't seem like a vile person like her husband and seems like she's just stuck in a mess of a support system as her family. Idk like he's probably stressful and embarrassing and just thinking about her day to day life lately as a mom married to Trump sounds like it has to have massive downsides that probably aren't easy to just drop everything and divorce out of. Like I bet her and Hillary had some cute greetings here and there before these campaigns happened. I bet Melania would get nice hugs from Michelle Obama if the Trump campaign weren't a screaming baby with feces leaking down its back from its diaper


get some go again
Trump arguing that he's getting his ass beat by a sickly old woman is so confused.

No one outside of Breitbart/InfoWars even understands a third of the Hillary health conspiracies so Trump is going to have to introduce a lot of ridiculous conspiracies to a general audience before using them to attack Hillary

This is so odd.
gonna be kinda funny seeing trump accuse hillary of being in bad health in the debate while he is sniffling away at the debate.


remember me
gonna be kinda funny seeing trump accuse hillary of being in bad health in the debate while he is sniffling away at the debate.

If he brings that shit up she really needs to have a comeback about his sniffles. Just something simple "You're so concerned about my health, Donald, but it sounds like you're the one who has the sniffles. Do you need a tissue?" Especially since they're going to be sitting right next to each other she can actually hand it to him.


I watched the Melania interview and feel bad for her :(

She doesn't seem like a vile person like her husband and seems like she's just stuck in a mess of a support system as her family. Idk like he's probably stressful and embarrassing and just thinking about her day to day life lately as a mom married to Trump sounds like it has to have massive downsides that probably aren't easy to just drop everything and divorce out of. Like I bet her and Hillary had some cute greetings here and there before these campaigns happened. I bet Melania would get nice hugs from Michelle Obama if the Trump campaign weren't a screaming baby with feces leaking down its back from its diaper
Maureen Dowd was on forum this week and mentioned she felt pretty bad for Melania. He's basically thrown away all of their/her friends and their social life.


I watched the Melania interview and feel bad for her :(

She doesn't seem like a vile person like her husband and seems like she's just stuck in a mess of a support system as her family. Idk like he's probably stressful and embarrassing and just thinking about her day to day life lately as a mom married to Trump sounds like it has to have massive downsides that probably aren't easy to just drop everything and divorce out of. Like I bet her and Hillary had some cute greetings here and there before these campaigns happened. I bet Melania would get nice hugs from Michelle Obama if the Trump campaign weren't a screaming baby with feces leaking down its back from its diaper

I'm kind of torn. It seems like a really awful situation to be in and I don't believe her to be evil like Trump, but on the other hand no sympathy for the enemy.


I watched the Melania interview and feel bad for her :(

She doesn't seem like a vile person like her husband and seems like she's just stuck in a mess of a support system as her family. Idk like he's probably stressful and embarrassing and just thinking about her day to day life lately as a mom married to Trump sounds like it has to have massive downsides that probably aren't easy to just drop everything and divorce out of. Like I bet her and Hillary had some cute greetings here and there before these campaigns happened. I bet Melania would get nice hugs from Michelle Obama if the Trump campaign weren't a screaming baby with feces leaking down its back from its diaper

Unless she was forced to marry Donald, I don't feel sorry for Melania whatsoever.

edit- at 70, Donald is the same person he was when they got married.


If he brings that shit up she really needs to have a comeback about his sniffles. Just something simple "You're so concerned about my health, Donald, but it sounds like you're the one who has the sniffles. Do you need a tissue?" Especially since they're going to be sitting right next to each other she can actually hand it to him.
Donald's response


you can't put a price on sparks
Unless she was forced to marry Donald, I don't feel sorry for Melania whatsoever.

thats where i'm at too. she can divorce him if she really wanted to.

obviously Trump isn't on this level, but its the same for Assad's wife, who was recently in the news. She had the choice to leave and didn't. She'll probably be prosecuted for war crimes one day
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