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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Trump keep finding new floors. He's probably around 41, maybe 42% pull on election day at this point. Each week he seems to dig a little deeper.

Wonder if it is just people talking and sharing who they vote for. As more people say they will vote for Hillary, other people feel OK with that choice too.

Finally for all the "will X show up for Hilary???" , where X is young people/african americans/latinos/, no one is asking if no college education whites will actually turn out for Trump if he's clearly losing. It's amazing how there's been so much coverage and talk of who the Trump voter is, but so little analysis on if they will actually get out and vote.
How does this lead to legal trouble? How stupid is Joe.

I agree that someone else would have been able to take much better advantage of the leak information.

To be fair, I don't know how to reply when people say, if I did what Hillary Clinton did with the private emails and lying about them, I would be in jail. I just say she is horrible too, but not as bad as Trump.
One of the more interesting maps for the general election endgame is actually the GOP primary map:


States where Trump's support was always soft are the states that are breaking hard away from him. They never wanted him, and as soon as they felt that they didn't have to vote for him, Trump's standing in the state dropped like a rock.

Uh oh. Dem operatives incite violence at Trump rallies on tape.

I mean, what doesn't incite violence at a Trump rally. Trump's rhetoric whipes them up into a ffrenzy.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think you have to consider the effects of Bill Clintonghazi (coming tonight), trumps strong economic message (per joe Scarborough), quidproquoghazi and don't forget the new Okeefeghazi. Clinton could be up one or two.
A 9 point lead is more than enough to win us back the house, right?

At least, so sayeth the bard, Nate the Lesser.
Donald is a crazy candidate.

I know that we were all expecting him warring with the GOP to tear the GOP voter base in two, but I think that what's more likely to happen is that GOP voters will treat him as a freaking dumpster fire and just ignore him on the ballot. I think ticket splitting will actually be pretty common.

Really not feeling like the house is in play at all...


I don't think people are arguing that he wasn't always a dick on his own time, but that wasn't the focus of his public image while he was hosting his celebrity fueled charity show. And I'd imagine that change in public perception has had a rough impact on his wife.

I was along on the sympathy ride with her until she mentioned "Benghazi, Wikileaks and left wing media". I get why a wife would defend her husband, but when you go on the offense with conspiracies, you're part of the team. Same for Ivanka.
How quickly does someone like Paul Ryan turn on Trump publicly after Trump refuses to concede and starts trying to contest the election?



Watch the tape

Clinton isn't doomed but she needs a good answer for it tonight

It's some guys hired by a consultant firm hired by a Dem leaning PAC, so almost unconnected. And they incited violence by wearing Planned Parenthood shirts or saying Trump is a Nazi.

Meanwhile, dozens of people have been yelling "Bill is a rapist" in the last week and nobody got beat up. Also, some actual members of the Trump campaign have been on record repeatedly asking for Hillary to be shot for treason.

It's a James O'Keefe video. No one should need to comment on it. He will never release the raw footage.

I think you have to consider the effects of Bill Clintonghazi (coming tonight), trumps strong economic message (per joe Scarborough), quidproquoghazi and don't forget the new Okeefeghazi. Clinton could be up one or two.

I think we should also consider the prolonged affect of Donald essentially encouraging his own supporters to stay home by hammering on the "rigged election" talking point. He's straight up telling his own base that voting doesn't matter. It's maybe the most stupendous instance of Trump's ego getting in his own way that I've seen so far, and there's plenty of competition in that regard.

Obama's approval rating looking great...


Bloody hell, Rubio being reasonable and non-partisan? Either he's found some principles or he must have once confessed in an email that he is the real killer of Benjamin Ghazi.

The more likely scenario is he got a much needed OS upgrade.


So, if this is round 3 of the presidential wrestling match, Trump has now run past his opponent, Hillary, and started repeatedly kicking the announcer in the nuts, all while shouting I DID IT. I'M WINNING.

edit - He also ran out of the ring to do this, immediately disqualifying himself



Watch the tape

Clinton isn't doomed but she needs a good answer for it tonight

Putting aside the questionable nature of the video and what constitutes incitement, this isn't even hard. Disavow any and all political violence and incitement thereof, "be it from a candidate or volunteers on the ground," and pivot to positive message.


Donald is bringing Obama;s half brother.

Hillary is bringing Mark Cuban and that HP woman.

Donald surprises with
Bill's alleged son.

Hillary surprises with
all the ~15 or so women who have accused Donald of sexual assault.

Donald launches bombshell:
Monica Lewinsky
Hillary launches bombshell:
Tiffany Trump

This is quickly turning into a Yugi-Oh match.



Watch the tape

Clinton isn't doomed but she needs a good answer for it tonight

I think that's the O'Keefe video. He should have any relevance. If it does get brought up just keep it simple. " we reject violence and don't approve of it."

Can easily pivot it back to Trump when he called for his crowd to slap the hell out of protestors


Uh oh. Dem operatives incite violence at Trump rallies on tape.

1. It's O'Keefe.

2. You could literally swap out "Dem operatives" with anything other than "white men" and it'd be an accurate right wing headline for 90% of all Trump rallies.

3. It's O'Keefe.

4. Nobody outside the Breitbart / infowarz bubble will care. I think even Fox News understands at this point how O'Keefe footage is prone to blowback and might hesitate to give this much play. Then again, it's Fox, journalistic integrity is pretty low on the list. Could be 50 / 50, depends on the playability of the footage I guess.

5. Still O'Keefe.
The thing that gets me the most about he O'Keefe video is that the 'violence' part is really no worse than breitbart paying people to yell "Bill Clinton is a rapist," the difference is Clinton rallies aren't filled with deplorables
So what is beyond going, "Full Briebart?" Is Trump going to rollout some fresh new conspiracies tonight that his own internal team are cooking up? If he wants to launch his own alt-right brand, he will want to have a fresh new birther like movement to bang on over and over. I am sure he has already spitballed it at rallies but I cannot watch anymore of his fear mongering live. The debates are already hard enough to watch. I cannot wait to vote.
Yea, inciting violence is usually starting some type of physical incident, right?

Baiting a bunch of racists who dont know how to communicate in non violent manners is hardly inciting violence.

But what do I know.

I mean, do people get punched in the face for screaming Bill is a rapist at Clinton rallies?


So what is beyond going, "Full Briebart?" Is Trump going to rollout some fresh new conspiracies tonight that his own internal team are cooking up? If he wants to launch his own alt-right brand, he will want to have a fresh new birther like movement to bang on over and over. I am sure he has already spitballed it at rallies but I cannot watch anymore of his fear mongering live. The debates are already hard enough to watch. I cannot wait to vote.

Trump News Network's lead story is already built in for the first year: "How Hillary stole the election!" Alt-right nutjobs will say it's straight from the source and boycott Fox for being aligned with the stampede of "RINOs" trying to disavow Trump after he implodes. For not being extreme enough for them. After that first year it'll just be Bash Hillary 24/7. And it'll work, they'll eat that shit up.

Ignoring the crazy numbers, the most amusing thing to me was the bit about personal morality. Seems that white evangelicals have had a big change of heart, and now immoral actions shouldn't prevent you from holding office after all.

Bunch of fucking hypocrites.

Not even a tiny bit surprised by that, not after Pat Robertson amd Ralph Reed and such talking about democrats being termites and calling for a "Godly Fumigation" or saying shit about putting people in body bags. Evangelical Politics, of the Christian Coalition variety, has been about as un-Christian as it gets.
IF she wins AZ I can't wait to see how Fox and how they react

"After 8 years of terror under the heel of the Kenyan usurper, the GOP base reached for a flawed candidate who brought fresh new ideas and youthful energy to the party, but was savaged by the Dems who used tangential boy-room banter from a decade prior to leverage their control of the Liberal Media."

The recriminations from the fractured parts of the party, and screams of "back-stabber!" are where most of my joy will come from in the next 4 years.


I wonder if, at the debate tonight, Trump will bring up Hillary's 3 step comprehensive plan to force sex changes on half of the country

These are the important issues
To be fair, I don't know how to reply when people say, if I did what Hillary Clinton did with the private emails and lying about them, I would be in jail. I just say she is horrible too, but not as bad as Trump.

Tell them the FBI literally said that's not true. That the only way they could give Clinton special treatment is if they did put her in jail.
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