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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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I gotta hand it Kellyanne tho: she can spin the fuck out of some bullshit. She was getting hit left and right but didn't let us see her sweat.

She'd be dangerous in the hands of an actual human candidate for president.
I still have this weird idea in my HEAD CANNON that Trump is going to drop out like 2 days before the election. He'll do some "It's rigged folks. It's rigged. And I am not going to have my name associated with a rigged system." It lets him explain away his loss (It was rigged and I wasn't even trying!)

I doubt it. He is a narcissistic whiny piece of shit. As we get closer to election day, I think he will become more and more unhinged.

This is why I'm going to watch the debate tonight. Because he thinks he'll be in his safe space at Fox News. And since it's the last debate he might pop off more than normal.
Personally, I think Clinton has been like a cat playing around with a mouse for entertainment for the last month.

I think tonight is going to be the kill

All the prepping does make me wonder. If she wrecks him tonight, he has no opportunity to recover. There were several moments in the previous debates where she easily could have made him look blatantly ignorant, yet seemed to choose not to. At the time it seemed like a missed opportunity, but maybe she was biding her time.


I gotta hand it Kellyanne tho: she can spin the fuck out of some bullshit. She was getting hit left and right but didn't let us see her sweat.

She'd be dangerous in the hands of an actual human candidate for president.

Given her past working with Cruz, Todd Akin and Michelle Bachmann, I can't tell if she's a true believer of morons or just likes a challenge.
It does sound like the Murdochs are expanding the news side of Fox News in a big way, and doing little or nothing new with the opinion side.

Hannity is contracted with Fox until 2020. O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly's contracts expire next year. My guess is they get Kelly to re-up, and O'Reilly retires.

Hannity is tricky I suppose. Fox can try to keep him to have at least one slot dedicated to alt-right and still singing the praise of Trump. Or, they want to do a full forced jettison of everything Trump, and negotiate a release of him to Trump TV. I just can't imagine how Hannity walks back being the mouth piece of Donald. Then again, Fox News runs on hypocrisy so I am sure it is just another Monday for them.


Donald Trump's "rigged election" talk is changing Democrats' minds
Donald Trump’s relentless messaging about a “rigged election” is having an effect on Americans’ confidence that their votes will be counted accurately. But it’s not the effect you think.

On Monday, Morning Consult release a poll about confidence in the vote count. I asked almost exactly the same question before the 2012 election. The comparison is striking.

The percentage of respondents who say that they are “very confident” that their own votes will be counted accurately is virtually unchanged from 2012. Confidence that votes nationwide will be counted accurately has, if anything, increased since 2012 — although the trend since 2001 is still down.

This is distinctly contrary to the conventional wisdom. What’s going on here?

First, Trump’s rhetoric appears not to have reduced Republican confidence in the accuracy of the vote count over the past four years. Instead, it has increased the confidence of Democrats. In other words, the parties have polarized but it is Democrats who are moving.
I gotta hand it Kellyanne tho: she can spin the fuck out of some bullshit. She was getting hit left and right but didn't let us see her sweat.

She'd be dangerous in the hands of an actual human candidate for president.

I've figured her out. She just starts speaking a lot faster to pivot away from something. I've yet to see her speak at a normal speed about something she doesn't want to talk about.


I gotta hand it Kellyanne tho: she can spin the fuck out of some bullshit. She was getting hit left and right but didn't let us see her sweat.

She'd be dangerous in the hands of an actual human candidate for president.

The only time I ever saw her unable to keep up the spin was the night of the first debate. Shee looked rattled.


I gotta hand it Kellyanne tho: she can spin the fuck out of some bullshit. She was getting hit left and right but didn't let us see her sweat.

She'd be dangerous in the hands of an actual human candidate for president.

This is why I don't even remotely feel bad for her. She's not some victim here.

Anyway I wonder how much Trump will whine tonight considering he's been doing that recently and did a decent amount of it in the last debate.
Democrats are smart enough to realize that the election isn't rigged in any way. They aren't ruled by fear, thankfully.

this isn't intellegence this is partisianship.

Rebublicans take the view voting may be rigged, dems increase the other way.

This is the same thing with Obama being a muslim, is the economy doing better, etc. Every thing is purely "what is my sides position"

Not healthy going forward


This isn't all good. He's now made peoples confidence in vote integrity a partisan issue.


It's only going to be the base of deplorables who believe the thing is totally rigged. The more reasonable republicans will just keep their standard "need voter ID laws to protect the integrity of the election (and suppress brown people votes)"


this isn't intellegence this is partisianship.

Rebublicans take the view voting may be rigged, dems increase the other way.

This is the same thing with Obama being a muslim, is the economy doing better, etc. Every thing is purely "what is my sides position"

Not healthy going forward

From a moral perspective, I 100% agree with you. It's objectively terrible. But I just don't see the non-fringe totally buying this. If anything, I think this just further widens the divide between Republicans with and without a college degree. And at the risk of being grossly elitist, the undereducated will have to be totally lost in the short term to allow Dems to start strengthening the widening base.

Edit: on quick reflection I'm having a hard time totally defending this position, so I'm totally open to being wrong and too crass on this one.


Rubio being more reasonable than a lot of his own party and the media on the emails? I think the media has a lot to answer for essentially doing Russias bidding the last few months.


I hope tonight is just a deep dive into Trump's plans and show how thin they all are. Do that and this will be a night to remember.

Who was it that did it in the primaries, did number crunching on Trump's program cuts and the numbers wouldn't add up in the slightest?


As happy as I am that Hillary is widening her margin, I think there is a definite strategy behind a lot of these "we've never seen numbers like this" comments. Her margins in some places are remarkable (often due to Trump's grossness), but I think these comments also serve to help reinforce her base's confidence in her to drive turnout and help make this a positive voter experience. I think it's also helping to drive her favorables up to decent margins.

They need to and will keep pushing that this is gonna be a huge win for her to help give her as much of a public mandate as possible and not just a referendum on the orange monster.
Boo this man!

Seriously, though, they're disgusting. What kind of hellish existence did you have to live as a child to appreciate the soft rice crispies texture and synthetic banana flavor of those things? I protest! Bigly!
You have to let them sit out and get a little stale, though. They're soooo good.
Rubio being more reasonable than a lot of his own party and the media on the emails? I think the media has a lot to answer for essentially doing Russias bidding the last few months.

Our media is structurally weak to the kind of attack on it by the leaked information-you can not cover it , doing all the proper vetting of the source and their motivations and the content itself, but then you get scooped and get no hits, viewers, or traffic if you miss the story.

So even when it's almost certainly a nothingburger, you have to cover it before you can review it, which in turn means that you have to say 'there might be something there!', which in turn means you incriminate the parties whose stuff got stolen.

The only way out is for these thefts and releases to be so common as to not get any attention unless they say something outrageous. Then main media outlets can only deal with the story when there's something immediately interesting in the emails and not John Podesta's risotto recipe or frequent traveler bus miles.
From a moral perspective, I 100% agree with you. It's objectively terrible. But I just don't see the non-fringe totally buying this. If anything, I think this just further widens the divide between Republicans with and without a college degree. And at the risk of being grossly elitist, the undereducated will have to be totally lost in the short term to allow Dems to start strengthening the widening base.

Edit: on quick reflection I'm having a hard time totally defending this position, so I'm totally open to being wrong and too crass on this one.

I don't see it being totally split down a reasonable republican vs. under-educated deplorable line.

The other issues aren't.

We've had the reasonable GOP harp on voter fraud for years (hell they have supreme court justices and have passed laws in many states!). The issue is partisian

There is a common pattern where these issues get raised by the far-right but then trickle down after they are attacked by liberals. They become proxies rather than real issues.


If she wins by 9 or more she will have the largest non-incumbent victory since Eisenhower in 1952. Largest Democratic Victory since LBJ.
Rubio being more reasonable than a lot of his own party and the media on the emails? I think the media has a lot to answer for essentially doing Russias bidding the last few months.

No this is rubio throwing a bone to Clinton supporters in Florida and signalling to the never Trump neo-cons he's still willing to be their lapdog. Rubio gains if Trump loses.

Its a totally feckless move. He doesn't believe a word of it because he's openly called for interfering on other countries elections

“What about when Iran had a fraudulent election in 2009 and the people of Iran took to the street in the famous Green Revolution. You know what the White House said? ‘We’re not going to comment on that election because we’re not going to interfere in the sovereignty of Iran.’ So they will comment on the elections of an ally [Israel], calling the rhetoric of the election divisive, but when Iran has a fraudulent election and kills people that protest against it, we can’t comment.”

–Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), statement on the Senate floor, March 19, 2015


I've got mixed feelings. On the one hand- Rubio is right about Wikileaks, Russia, and the discussion about hacked emails. On the other hand, AFAIK he still hasn't rescinded his endorsement of Trump.
You have to let them sit out and get a little stale, though. They're soooo good.

Imma let this one slide, because i've respected your insight and wit for years.

As an olive-branch, here is my favorite quick dish to make when the wife is away at conferences. Spaghetti and cucumber

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