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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Texas being a toss up state now apparently means my vote actually counts apparently. Maybe the polling is just off, I anticipate a lot of people here that usually dont vote to get out and vote for Trump, though, so maybe the LV/RV thing isn't accurate?


Apparently Michael Moore's Trumpland movie isn't about Trump but a pro-Hillary movie.


If the news that the documentarian Michael Moore was releasing a surprise film called “Michael Moore in TrumpLand” had you expecting a rollicking, full-force attack on Donald J. Trump, prepare to be disappointed. Mr. Moore, one of filmmaking’s best-known provocateurs, seems to be decidedly uninterested in provoking anyone with this new offering, which had its hastily arranged premiere Tuesday night at the IFC Center in Greenwich Village. The film is not an attack on Mr. Trump, but instead a paean to his opponent in the presidential contest, Hillary Clinton.

More at the link
Texas being a toss up state now apparently means my vote actually counts apparently. Maybe the polling is just off, I anticipate a lot of people here that usually dont vote to get out and vote for Trump, though, so maybe the LV/RV thing isn't accurate?

eh, if there's any "turnout that isn't showing up in LV/RV models" effect in Texas it's probably gonna be a wash between non-habitual GOP turnout and the usual voter apathy amongst Texas Dems

There is no evidence, anecdotal or otherwise, to suggest someone can claw back 7 points in 20 days based off a debate performance.

also, a) he needs to claw back more than 7 points anyway and 2) the largest single-debate effect ever (including this election) was only 6


My profs in Canada have been talking about the election, the debates, and Trump all election season in class. Pls don't blow up the world, Americans.
I know he's a piece of shit, but the stark contrast between the length and detail of these answers is unbelievable. Take this:


1. It is widely accepted scientific fact that climate change is real and potentially catastrophic. What specific action will you take in the next four years?

Hillary Clinton: Climate change is real, and we have a moral obligation to leave our children and grandchildren a better planet. I believe we can fight climate change and create millions of good-paying jobs at the same time.

Some nation is going to be the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. It’s either going to be Germany, China or us, and I want to make sure that it’s us. And we can do it in a way that means no one gets left out or left behind.

I’ve laid out specific plans to modernize our electric grid with enough renewable energy to power every home in America within a decade, including 500 million solar panels by the end of my first term. I want to launch a Clean Energy Challenge to partner with cities, states, and rural communities that are ready to lead on clean energy, clean transportation, and energy efficiency, and help them go further.

We’ll invest in resilient infrastructure that will protect communities like those in North Carolina, Iowa, and Louisiana that have seen terrible floods just this year. We know that low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately affected by pollution and by extreme weather, and climate change is only going to make that worse. So I will make environmental and climate justice a priority, including eliminating lead as a major public health threat within five years.

We’re already less dependent on foreign oil than we have been in decades, but we can go further, reduce oil consumption by a third, and do more to power America with home-grown wind, solar, and advanced biofuels.

And I have a real plan to invest in creating jobs and building stronger economies in coal country. America’s coal communities have kept our lights on and our factories running for generations, and I won’t let them be left in the dark.

Finally, I believe the United States needs to continue to lead the global effort to combat climate change. I will fulfill the pledge President Obama made in the Paris Climate Agreement and seek to go further by cutting emissions up to 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. We need to implement the breakthrough we achieved just last week in the Montreal Protocol to phase down super-polluting HFCs and avoid as much as half a degree of warming.

Not only does America need to lead, we need to do more to work with our neighbors. We trade more energy with Canada and Mexico than with the rest of the world combined. That’s why I want to negotiate a North American Climate Compact to cut emissions and accelerate the clean energy transition across the continent.

I won’t let the climate deniers stand in the way of progress, or let us give in to the climate defeatists who say this challenge is too big to solve. We can and will take on climate change, build a clean energy economy, and leave our kids and grandkids a safe and healthy world—because there is no Planet B.

Donald Trump: Unlike Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump does not believe global warming is the most serious threat we face as a nation. Hillary Clinton supports a climate plan that costs our economy $5 trillion, while China—the world’s largest polluter—actually continues to increase its emissions for at least 14 more years. Because of policies like hers, our country has lost countless jobs to China, Mexico, and other nations. From an environmental standpoint, it is much better to manufacture products here in the U.S. where we care about the environment, as opposed to countries like China where environmental standards are very low.


I'm going to miss this guy so much



I can't even comprehend how anti semitism exists.
Funny, I said the same thing to my little sister few days ago.
What if Donald pulls off a complete about turn in the debate tonight...

-all day the media is talking about the controversial guests he's inviting.
-then it turns out that none of them are present at the debate
-donald acts like a perfect gentleman, no personal attacks, polite, measured, focused

Here comes the pivot guys.
Any moment now...
Apologize to Benghazi mom is going to be a thing? That's actually easy. "I'm sorry your son died that night, he died honorably..." Fin. How is that supposed to be a "gotcha" moment?


Texas being a toss up state now apparently means my vote actually counts apparently. Maybe the polling is just off, I anticipate a lot of people here that usually dont vote to get out and vote for Trump, though, so maybe the LV/RV thing isn't accurate?

There are large, concentrated pockets of educated voters and, of course, a large Hispanic population.

You would be surprised.

Because we can't let the Red Deplorables cause us to ignore the problems of the Green Deplorables.


The far right is legitimately scary, the far left is just annoying. Let the far left have their hemp burgers in piece, the far right legitimately wants to turn minorities into burger.
All I have ever really heard about him is he thinks Barack is terrible etc.

I think the main bullet points are:
-Doesn't care much for his brother
-Solidarity with Trump/Republican platform mostly based on opposition to gay marriage
-Had up to 12 wives at some point


What if Donald pulls off a complete about turn in the debate tonight...

-all day the media is talking about the controversial guests he's inviting.
-then it turns out that none of them are present at the debate
-donald acts like a perfect gentleman, no personal attacks, polite, measured, focused

This election is over.

Hillary Clinton will be the next President.

I can't even comprehend how anti semitism exists.

I don't get it either.

Like I WISH that me and my people controlled everything including the media, but I can't even control my sleep cycle 100%.

Maybe at some point we can make something like the Dave Chappelle show, but about all the antisemitic stereotypes. It would require deplorable stereotypes put in there too though just so that people understood that the show is sarcastic.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oh man, you know I recently learned Boris Epshteyn was two years ahead of me in high school... some old friends/acquaintances were just sharing some stories on Facebook and one mentioned having two sexual assault incidents with him. How fitting that he's with Trump.


Apologize to Benghazi mom is going to be a thing? That's actually easy. "I'm sorry your son died that night, he died honorably..." Fin. How is that supposed to be a "gotcha" moment?
That's not going to be a thing. Nobody's going to care about who happens to be in the audience, and Trump trying to make it into a thing isn't going to work.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage


What if Donald pulls off a complete about turn in the debate tonight...

-all day the media is talking about the controversial guests he's inviting.
-then it turns out that none of them are present at the debate
-donald acts like a perfect gentleman, no personal attacks, polite, measured, focused

Alex, what are three words that have never been used to describe Donald Trump?
What if Donald pulls off a complete about turn in the debate tonight...

-all day the media is talking about the controversial guests he's inviting.
-then it turns out that none of them are present at the debate
-donald acts like a perfect gentleman, no personal attacks, polite, measured, focused

What if Jesus descends onto the stage and blesses Trump?


I think Mika just wet herself in both senses of the phrase.

Guys, look back at 1 year ago and think. Trending 400 EV, taking the Senate and a chance (slim) at the House. Unbelievable.

Think what could have been with a GOOD candidate!

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