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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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There was never evidence, anecdotal or otherwise, saying Trump was going to be the nominee when he announced his candidacy

there was never evidence saying obama would a) be the nominee or 2) win by 7.5% in 2008 when he announced his candidacy, that doesn't mean there wasn't evidence he'd win by about that margin by late october

The far right is legitimately scary, the far left is just annoying. Let the far left have their hemp burgers in piece, the far right legitimately wants to turn minorities into burger.

Even if the Far Left isn't as blatantly anti-diversity as the far right, they seem to always ask for and say many of the same things as the far right:

- Brexit
- Isolationist trade policy
- Isolationist foreign policy
- "Burn down the establishment they are all corrupt"
- "You're all being too mean to Russia."
- "Hillary Clinton is worse than Donald Trump".
- "Fuck the NSA, but I love Wikileaks for hacking private emails."

The only reason they aren't as big a problem as the far right is because they don't have the same amount of people as the far right, but if there were as many far left people as there are currently far right people you can bet they would be just as big of a problem.


If anything, Trump's chance to pivot was the 2nd debate when Anderson Cooper asked Donald about his words in the Access Hollywood tape.

Instead of taking a moment to apologize to the American people for his words, he instead treats the entire subject as a joke and then hard pivots to ISIS fear mongering.

This man is barely able to form a complete sentence and has shown a proclivity to pivoting to his right rather than the center.
chris wallace will "ask questions" at the debate, clinton will give 1-minute answers that basically neutralize them for people who don't have raging hateboners for her, and trump will melt down again by debate's end

we've been through this twice and i was right both goddamn times
I might not have to. Chris Wallace will "ask questions" at the debate, then you can get mad at him.

and then it gets answered, and we move on for another 86 minutes of other stuff and everyone forgets about it, debate ends, after debate is about Clinton winning the final debate and Trump is done.

I'm sure there will be plenty of time to ask questions between now and the election.
Aah yes, we can only pray that electing Trump would be another Brexit! One third of our territory would vote to secede and the global economy would tank in 5 seconds if the US dollar lost 10-20% of its value overnight.
Was there evidence that he would win 20 days before the end of the primary?
I'm not sure there were many national polls run since he entered the race where he didn't lead. Were they any at all, ever?
I think Mika just wet herself in both senses of the phrase.

Guys, look back at 1 year ago and think. Trending 400 EV, taking the Senate and a chance (slim) at the House. Unbelievable.

Think what could have been with a GOOD candidate!
The one that took a honeymoon to the Soviet Union?


chris wallace will "ask questions" at the debate, clinton will give 1-minute answers that basically neutralize them for people who don't have raging hateboners for her, and trump will melt down again by debate's end

we've been through this twice and i was right both goddamn times


Trump hasn't been totally ineffective in his attacks against Hillary's experience and positions on trade. But those attacks collapse as soon as Hillary swats them away and she baits him with something.

Hope we get a repeat of the first debate. There are indeed dangers for Hillary, as Trump has nothing to lose and will attack relentlessly, but Hillary also knows this and I hope she has quick answers to everything from the Podesta emails to the stupid DOJ and State Department non-story, and pivots to throwing Trump off balance.

But it's not going to be "fun". It's going to be just as horrible or worse than Debate 2.
Oh yeah that reminds me. Anyone who is claiming that the far left isn't a problem, go look at the UK where part of the reason for the successful rise of the far right is the stupid purity politics of the far left there.

the Left being disjointed, disorganized and ideological is also the cause of Jeremy Corbyn being tepid and soft during the Remain campaign

some believe that Corbyn secretly wanted Leave to win because of his own Far-Left anti-trade beliefs
yeah, by no means is this debate going to be "fun" in any regard

my live posts on social media might be, but that's because i'm gonna be a river of snark

(this is gonna be closer to debate 1 than debate 2, though, just because the format's closer)
Sent my ballot off here today in Arizona.

+1 Hillary
+1 Kirkpatrick
+1 Heinz

Too bad Kirkpatrick and Heinz are most likely gonna lose. I really hate McCain and Mcsally.
I gotta say, I think the low point in terms of the pit in my stomach was when Trump did the press conference before debate 2. It can't get worse than that.


I gotta say, I think the low point in terms of the pit in my stomach was when Trump did the press conference before debate 2. It can't get worse than that.

"Barack's half brother has informed me that the President told him that he couldn't believe he got elected after being born in Kenya. This is all rigged. Also Hillary sexually assaulted Benjamin Ghazi."
Could someone explain why the House margins in 2008 were larger (D-53.2 R-42.6) than the President race(D-52.9 R-45.7) while in 2012 the House margins where tighter than the president race. (House: D-48.8 R-47.6) (President D-51.1 R-47.7)
Could someone explain why the House margins in 2008 were larger (D-53 R-43) than the President race(D-52 R-45.7) while in 2012 the House margins where tighter than the president race. (House: D-48 R-47) (President D-51 R-47)

Incumbency factor. House incumbents have a large advantage and there were a lot more Democratic incumbents in 2008.

Redistricting in 2011.
Redistricting doesn't change overall vote.
These types of comments make me wonder why people are liberals?

I understand frustration and anger at policies and actions but if it just becomes "well fuck them" then what is the defining philosophy? help everyone or just the people who helped me?

While I'm a staunch federalist, some things will forever belong to the states, and there's no fixing places like Kansas and Mississippi. Here in MS, we voted down a law that would force the govt to fund the schools!
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