Gotta deep fry them first.
holy shit
Gotta deep fry them first.
Trump is the Eradicator:
Gotta deep fry them first.
American cuisine was a mistake.
Gotta deep fry them first.
Gotta deep fry them first.
So: Trump source tells me @SarahPalinUSA is an invited guest to tonight's #debate.
eradicating things like Chris Christie's approval rating
Gotta deep fry them first.
I mean, why the fuck not
Next Bill accuser confirmedI mean, why the fuck not
I fully expect to just see Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange in the audience.
Palin? Why? Some on Twitter are saying it is the precursor to the Trump network.
I see your deep fried oreos and raise you a milky bun with cookie monster ice cream with Oreo pieces.
If you're wondering, it's a freshly baked glazed donut stuffed with ice cream and a this case cookie monster and oreos.
And it is better than fried oreos. But then I have to run 3 miles after...still worth it.
See, for me, I'd sooner not see the GOP reform, because IMO it is just too far gone. I'd rather see the GOP shrivel up and die, and then have the Democrat party split into the new two-party system. TBH, I think that this is what's going to happen anyway, since Republican voters are a dying breed and millennials are dissatisfied with certain elements of the Democrat party.
What if Trump pivots
I dont think they can change. If you are a republican and you ditch all of their horrible social issues stances, then you get steam rolled in the primary by an alt right candidate. And if you are an alt right candidate you lose in the general.
What if Trump pivots
What if he pivots so fast he causes a whirlwind that knocks Clinton off the stage.What if Trump pivots
FUCKWhat if Trump pivots
The thought that the Republican party is just going to die is not based on any reality of the next few decades. They will be irrelevant in the presidential races but they will still be very relevant. Hell look at how gracefully some Republicans have danced around having a white nationalist at the top of the ticket.
For Khaleesi
"Grab em by the pussy"
Sarah Palin is a Trump guest?
HA! I don't even know what i was expecting anymore... can we put a fork in this campaign.
what are the chances that Wallace takes rubio's lead and doesn't bring up the hacked by russia wikileaks emails at all?