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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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To me, it's pretty obvious that Trump is jealous of Hillary's squad of surrogates. She gets to do debate prep while her all-star team continues hopping around the map on her behalf.
Random thought, would Rick Perry as a replacement for Romney have cost more votes for being crazy than he might have picked up for being soft on immigration?
The lady at my early voting location today was beyond excited because there was a "line" of 4 people at our local library. Gave the feeling of "going to rush to facebook after work and post about how there was a line for early voting at the library" and be all gossipy. I'll allow it.
The last thread broke GAF.

Crooked Kev was careless. CrooKEV!
Soooooooo not my fault that no one created a new thread. I feel like the mods were waiting and laughing to sneak in a quick lock of the old one as quickly as possible.

OMG did Trump just tell people to go to the facebook page of the latest accuser? Holy shit.
This is a really poor way to phrase this as the Latino vote is noway even a threat of becoming more important than the white vote that is ~70% of the electorate.

OK, yes, obviously white people are the biggest voting bloc in the country. But you're only swaying the white vote about 5-10% in any given election; Republicans aren't getting 90% of the white vote the way Democrats have been getting the black vote, for example. What does matter is that the small gains you might see with white people appealing to things like "immigration reform" or "tough on crime" (coded language for racist policies) are going to be overshadowed by your losses with minorities. This election is demonstrating that you can't lose blacks and Latinos by 50+ points and expect to make up the difference with white voters like you could in the 1980s. And this is especially troubling for Republicans given that Texas is far-and-away their largest stronghold; they can't risk it becoming a swing state because they continue to vilify the increasingly-Latino population.
AZ is symbolic in a sense in that it will consolidate the new Dem gains out West. AZ is also growing faster than the Midwest and will ensure the gains in NM, CO and NV are safe-guarded.

It will also be sweet sweet justice because AZ is following the same path as CA back in the 90s: Republicans overshot with their anti-immigrant rhetoric and actions. CA is the way it is today because CA Republicans did the same things the AZ GOP is doing today.


AZ is also symbolic in a sense in that it will consolidate the new Dem gains out West. AZ is also growing faster than the Midwest and will ensure the gains in NM, CO and NV are safe-guarded.

It will also be sweet sweet justice because AZ is following the same path as CA: Republicans overshot with their anti-immigrant rhetoric and actions. CA is the way it is today because CA republicans are doing the same things the AZ GOP is doing.

Lots of tech companies coming out here too which helps increase growth. It's been inevitable to me for awhile that AZ would be going blue, 2028 at the latest. Didn't expect it to happen this year. The next couple elections will be pretty bumpy for us.


I think this would be perfect time for the new oppo to drop

That's why you're not working on the campaign.

A new oppo drump now either suppresses the stories of sexual assault allegations made by a dozen other women, or it just gets lost in the noise and you've wasted it.


Watching this Trump rally, he's going on as always about it being rigged against him, with the allegations being highlighted. He's saying it's making the country sick.

Fuck you Trump, you're making this country even sicker, along with your deplorables.


"These sick people back there, they're ruining our country."

This has really gotten beyond the point of absurd. He's fomenting division, us vs them, and hate.

No he's basically saying why doesn't some women say about Obama what they say about me? They could just say it about anyone.

This has really gone to far.



The Hill said:
Summer Zervos, a contestant on the fifth season of “The Apprentice,” sat next to her attorney Gloria Allred at a press conference in Los Angeles on Friday, as the pair detailed claims that Trump grabbed her and forcibly kissed her during a business meeting at a Beverly Hills hotel in 2007.

“Donald, before you can become president of the United State, you must first learn how to treat women with respect. Your words alone are disgraceful,” Allred said.

“The White House is not a locker room and the American people deserve better than a president who feels entitled to grope, grab and assault women at his pleasure. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

According to Allred, Trump was aggressively kissing Zervos, grabbing her breasts and trying to lead her into his bedroom.


My favorite part is watching his surrogates spin this. It's always amazing when they ask isn't Trump attacking these woman the same as what he is alleging Bill and Hilary were doing. It's the best.
just curious b/c i'm not a lawyer, what kind of stuff do they need in court to prove these accusations occurred? and how does that compare to what these new allegations have been presenting?
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