Voting is already going on.
The majority of the people will be voting on election day. It's best to save anything big till early november so trump can't gain back anything he has lost in the polls in the last couple of weeks or so.
Voting is already going on.
Holy fuck, he's really doing it. The too ugly defense.
"She would not be my first choice, believe me"
It's official: Trump's going birtherism on the New York Times. Points out it's owned in part by Mexican Carlos Slim
Trump going thru all the allegations, blasting accuser, telling people to check her FB page, attacking media. This is it: Closing elxn pitch
Holy lord. Trump: Clinton walks in front of me during the debate. Walks in front of me. "Believe me, I wasn't impressed
He went there. I'm surprised he hasn't gone there yet for Clinton.
Trump is getting close.
Fuck him up, Hill.
Unwanted kissing/groping
just curious b/c i'm not a lawyer, what kind of stuff do they need in court to prove these accusations occurred?
He's not-so-subtly telling people to make false accusations against Obama. Seriously disgusting.He asked "why doesn't some woman come out and accuse Obama?"
I don't know, Donald. Maybe because he doesn't go around sexually assaulting women?
Pretty sure at this point everyone with a voice and a sense of reason should just burn his entire campaign down and salt the earth it was built on.
He's not-so-subtly telling people to make false accusations against Obama. Seriously disgusting.
He went there. I'm surprised he hasn't gone there yet for Clinton.
He's telling women to falsely accuse the CURRENT PRESIDENT of the same things he's being accused of. Not only is he diminishing sexual assault, he is, in a certain light, attacking the President. End this, please.
He's not-so-subtly telling people to make false accusations against Obama. Seriously disgusting.
Pretty sure at this point everyone with a voice and a sense of reason should just burn his entire campaign down and salt the earth it was built on.
It'd be hard to prove because of the he said/she said unless there were witnesses. What makes Trump unique is the video tape of him bragging about doing this stuff. It'd be hard cases to bring up either way.
Today's update focuses on New Hampshire, which is maybe the most vulnerable state in Clinton's firewall.
Election Update: Watch New Hampshire For Signs Of A Trump Comeback
Donald Trump hasn’t had a lot of good polling news lately. Very few swing-state polls have shown him with a lead since the first presidential debate, and those few leads have mostly been in states like Ohio and Iowa that aren’t part of Hillary Clinton’s path of least resistance to 270 electoral votes. To find good polls for Trump in states that could be part of Clinton’s firewall, you have to cherry-pick a bit — and you have to accept the fact that “good” in this context means trailing by a little instead of by a lot.
With that stipulated, some of Trump’s better numbers have come in New Hampshire. A MassINC poll released on Friday morning showed Trump trailing by only 3 percentage points there. And a Suffolk University poll last week — conducted before the release of the 2005 “Access Hollywood” videotape — had him down only 2 points in New Hampshire.
As I warned, that required a bit of cherry-picking. Several other polls of New Hampshire have been released since the first debate, and they have Clinton ahead by margins ranging from 6 to 11 percentage points — a safer margin than the MassINC or Suffolk polls show. New Hampshire is also one of the few swing states where Trump has spent more on advertising than Clinton — a deficit that the Clinton campaign could counteract if it feels as if the state is in jeopardy.
He's telling women to falsely accuse the CURRENT PRESIDENT of the same things he's being accused of. Not only is he diminishing sexual assault, he is, in a certain light, attacking the President. End this, please.
It is an Apprentice Candidate alleging sexual abuse.
Watching press conference live:
Accosted by Donald Trump at the Beverly Hills hotel while discussing employment opportunities.
Kissing, touching breasts, leading into bedroom when she went for job interview.
In 2007, contacted Mr. Trump for lunch, was asked to meet him in office. Kissed on lips, thought "maybe it was his way of greeting..."
This is going a bit slow due to crying. She was upset by Trump's kiss, called her friends and called her parents [corroboration].
Met at the Beverly Hills hotel for dinner, assumed they were going to a restaurant, and instead were taken to a private Bungalow.
Walked into Bungalow. Trump was not in the room, but she could see his suit was laid out on the bed and trump was not visible, she sat down in the living room and waited, he emerged minutes later in the suit, i.e. he was waiting for her naked when she arrived.
Trump started kissing her immedeately, she moved away, told him to "get real," he responded "get real" in a suggestive way. He grabbed her shoulder and began kissing aggressively, he placed hand on breast. She walked away. He grabbed her and pulled her into bedroom.
She tried to leave, pushed him away, began "thrusting genitals" at her.
asked her to hide while waiter delivered dinner. She tried to talk business and job offers. Gave her debt advice on dealing with her home mortgage, told her to default.
she left after dinner.
lots of crying.
spoke to father [corroboration].
Trump got her a job at golf course for half the salary she requested. When she called trump, he gave her the runaround.
Trump told her that she should never call him again.
Q: Do you have corroborating information?
A: Witnesses she shared the experiences with Trump with.
Q: Do you support any political party?
A: She is a Republican.
No intention of litigation at this time
Q: What does she hope comes out of this?
A: (Victim, not Allred) I want to be able to sleep when I am seventy at night.
Q: More women?
A: Allred says she has been contacted by many more women
that's the end.
At some point the demographics will have shifted enough against the GOP for them to lose midterms. It could be even faster if redistricting and citizens united get sorted out in the next 4 years.
Yep, Fox News of all places said as much yesterday. The fact that Trump is on-tape gleefully admitting that he has sexually assaulted women because he's rich and famous means that any attempt he makes at denying the allegations are practically worthless at this point.
Trust me when i say I'm not getting complacent, but it looks like that video really was the silver bullet for Trump's campaign. It's actually kind of poetic, the only person who could successfully take down Trump...was Trump.
If I wasn't at work I would have laughed out loud.
He kind of did in Lakeland the other day. He said people accused him of invading her personal space and "that's the last place I'd want to invade, believe me."
Vice News sent an FOIA request to the FCC to see how many people complained about networks showing the pussygate tape.
Fuck Trump
Will Trump explicitly use ((( ))) on Twitter before the end of the election?