So the first time Trump said "bigly", my wife and I (mainly me) laughed so hard that our neighbors heard us and felt compelled to join us for the rest of the debate. It didn't help that he said "bigly" again before they'd even knocked on our door. Which, no offense to them, was kind of a bummer, since my wife and I were both drinking and they're both in the program. Made things slightly awkward. Could've been worse; they could have been Trump voters.
When she called Trump "Putin's puppet" I literally (figuratively) shit myself laughing. Like, fuck it, bury him. That was solid gold. My wife missed it, as she was getting a book from our daughter's room, and she came back like "why did everyone just go 'ohhhhh'". Whoops.
Hillary did very well. Trump did just awful. Worse than the previous two. He was pale, his skin was less orange than Hillary's, his eyes were bloodshot; he looked sickly. And his answers were just nonsense that even Chris Wallace was willing to call out as bullshit. And I think Wallace did great as a moderator; didn't take shit from either candidate, cut them off, cut off the audience, and asked some pointed and interesting questions. All in all, I was dreading every second of it and I actually enjoyed watching it.