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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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2 points underlined in that thread.

1. Already said here, but Gloria Allred is not someone that messes around.
2. If this goes to litigation, the Apprentice tapes may become part of discovery.
"Discovery" is now the name of the massive monolithic shields of the lawyers that Trump can not strike past.

And they're gonna form into a phalanx


Hey guys, let's play a guessing game about how many tweets Jill Stein has made (a serial tweeter, just like Trump) about Trump's sexual predation, in the last few days, or ever. I'll give everyone a hint:


Past few days have been tweets shitting on Clinton, democrats, and Obama. Not a single outraged tweet about Trumps sexual assaults. Just in case someone thought this was actually a decent human being, and not someone with an agenda against a single party.

Jill Stein is closer to being an agent of Putin. Her foreign policy ideas are well in line with what the Kremlin wants from the US. In some ways I imagine the consider orange turd more unpredictable.
Hey guys, let's play a guessing game about how many tweets Jill Stein has made (a serial tweeter, just like Trump) about Trump's sexual predation, in the last few days, or ever. I'll give everyone a hint:


Past few days have been tweets shitting on Clinton, democrats, and Obama. Not a single outraged tweet about Trumps sexual assaults. Just in case someone thought this was actually a decent human being, and not someone with an agenda against a single party.

Not at all surprised. Their goal is to get 5% of the vote so they can obtain federal funding. Their base is essentially disaffected left-wing voters, so their strategy is to (cynically) play up how terrible the Democrats supposedly are while downplaying the harm the Republicans can do. The good news is that Stein can't pull this off with any grace at all because, quite frankly, if she were a skilled politician she wouldn't have anything to do with the Green Party.
The Access Hollywood tape was one week ago, right?

Jesus Christ has this snowballed fast.

I would like to see poll numbers from over the coming weekend.
So kellyanne canceled her future scheduled appearances

She given up?

Ben Carson trying to excuse all this away because there are big issues facing the country is something else. Sorry, man. This isn't political "silly season" stuff. Sexual predators shouldn't be president.
Do different areas provide different amounts of information to voters about state-level and lower candidates?

For example, I vote in Oklahoma. I can find out a little about some of the candidates. My sheriff hates Obama. One of the state supreme court justices was a dissenter on the 10 Commandments case last year. But for lots of the candidates there is at best a Facebook page - sometimes not even that - and it is often uninformative ("X is running because he cares about Oklahoma"). Why not have the county election board require that candidates provide a paragraph that the board can put on its website organized by race, and maybe even have on handouts at the polling places.

Otherwise I've got to figure that straight-ticket voting is what almost everybody is doing. And I think Oklahoma judges basically always get retained just because nobody knows who they are (though this wouldn't do much about that).

Illinois provides information about any proposed constitutional amendments, including the precise changes that would be made to the constitution, the language that will appear on the ballot, and arguments for and against the amendment.

When it comes to candidates, you're pretty much left with whatever answers they might give to questionnaires from newspapers, the League of Women Voters, etc. The worst part is for judges where there can easily be a dozen up on a single ballot. For those I lean heavily on bar association recommendations. For the primary there were so many races I had to take a piece of paper with me into the voting booth with a list of who I was going to vote for. Luckily you're allowed to do that in Illinois. Some states, including Indiana, do not allow that.

Oh, and this being Chicago, there's also the people from the machine handing out sample ballots with their suggestions of who to vote for, if for some strange reason you find that helpful.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Think any more bombs coming today?

If I were the Clinton campaign and I wanted to drop some oppo, I'd wait until Monday so that the networks have a big scoop for a couple days before the debate. Not do it the Friday before when the networks are just about to have a day off.
Republicans are up too. And they have narrowed Dem registration advantage plenty in FL. Don't really see the hopium in this?

1. The Republican ballot returns are also up, but not up by as much as the Dem returns are from 2012 -> 2016.

2. As has been stated many different times by many different people, the "narrowing" of party registration is sort of bullshit, because it's mostly from Democrats switching their party affiliation to Republican and people that have been voting Republican for years. These are not new voters. The vast majority of new voters and new registrations are Democrats.

C'mon guys.


If I were the Clinton campaign and I wanted to drop some oppo, I'd wait until Monday so that the networks have a big scoop for a couple days before the debate. Not do it the Friday before when the networks are just about to have a day off.

Agreed. I was just thinking that the bomb was dropped on a Friday two days before the debate and it worked well. They may be saving something for Monday was what I have been thinking as well.
I still cannot believe how much of the GOP still have their ships moored to this dumpster fire of a human being. He has lost his god damn mind. Which is saying a lot, because he hit the ground running at a 9 out of 10 for crazy.
Hey guys, let's play a guessing game about how many tweets Jill Stein has made (a serial tweeter, just like Trump) about Trump's sexual predation, in the last few days, or ever. I'll give everyone a hint:


Past few days have been tweets shitting on Clinton, democrats, and Obama. Not a single outraged tweet about Trumps sexual assaults. Just in case someone thought this was actually a decent human being, and not someone with an agenda against a single party.

She knows at best one additional voter would commit to voting for her candidacy. It's better politics to slam Clinton, Democrats, and Obama.


I just want to say that the fact that there are people still asking Ben Carson what he thinks about anything is just baffling to me.


The crazy thing about Trump the past 6 weeks is that with the conversation being about his sexual digressions and his public and private statements that would concern anyone is that the very people defending him are the same people that attacked Bill Clinton for those same transgressions.

Its kinda made me reflect on just how sad the political process has become. Its one side vs another side and to them it doesn't matter the things a candidate said. There's a clip of a Trump supporter on CNN trying to bush aside Trumps comments then talking about Roe V Wade and the "Oral Office".

Maybe those voters feel that its the choice between a rock or a hard place but its so odd to me to watch somebody who so blatenly does not represent what one party says they stand for become the leader of it.

Nothing about Trump at all should speak to traditional family values, religious tolerance, rural life and concerns of those that maybe a city politician would ignore yet.


I had to explain to my mom what the ((( ))) around words and names was today. Unfortunately, I did it in the car and she started driving aggressively. I had to change the subject she was so mad about Trump. "Hey mom, so uh... my pet mice did some funny stuff today... haha... mom?
We're not even Jewish.


So a new accuser comes forward. Details everything with a well known Attorney at a Press conference. More women will be coming forward.

At his rally you have Trump being the stupid fuck that he is. Pretty much calls the woman too ugly. As if that's a defense. Talks about some dude named Carlos Slim. Even a Trump supporter at the rally yelled for him to "Stick to the issues." Even though they are deplorable and that can't wait to vote for him I'm sure even some of his supporters know Trump focusing on his "distractions" just aren't helping him.

Also I think people have gotten to fiendish for "oppo dumps". I get it. Last Friday up until now has been entertaining. But I feel that's all some of us are waiting for each any every day. Also you don't need to drop Oppo when your opponent just today was talking about how ugly someone is and them not being his first choice and talking about conspiracy theories.

Also in regard to Kellyanne. Either she knows about a story that will be dropped soon. She's planning something with the campaign. Or she's sick.


Trump is supposedly about to call into Michael Savage's right wing radio show in ~5 min:


This is one of my number one most disliked right wing hosts.

EDIT: nope he chickened out


aka andydumi
I just want to say that the fact that there are people still asking Ben Carson what he thinks about anything is just baffling to me.

You would think at this point news organizations would simply stop accepting these ridiculous figureheads. Just blacklist them and report the news instead, don't grace the bigoted views with talking time.
CNN being fair and balanced by talking about the e-mails. It's still nothing.

Which chyron is worse?

"Apologies are her achilles heel" or "100th woman comes foreward, Trump calls her ugly."

The email hack is just inside baseball stuff. Of course there's concerns about how Clinton talks about the private server issue. Of course there's oppo research and focus testing.

It's like Tapper is acting like this stuff like is interesting just to appease the conservative audience.
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