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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Scarborough is horrified that after everything he and his ilk tried in the 90s and after how badly (or bigly) the agenda-setting Morning Joe program threw shit at Clinton, Bill Clinton is still going to be sleeping in the white house bed with his various prostitutes and ladies of ill repute while Hillary works late configuring city plumbing systems in Arizona and that EATS HIM ALIVE
Seriously, what...
She immediately — when she heard this, I questioned it, and I questioned NATO. Why aren’t the NATO questioned — why aren’t they paying? Because they weren’t paying.

Since I did this — this was a year ago — all of a sudden, they’re paying. And I’ve been given a lot — a lot of credit for it. All of a sudden, they’re starting to pay up. They have to pay up. We’re protecting people, they have to pay up. And I’m a big fan of NATO. But they have to pay up.

She comes out and said, we love our allies, we think our allies are great. Well, it’s awfully hard to get them to pay up when you have somebody saying we think how great they are.

We have to tell Japan in a very nice way, we have to tell Germany, all of these countries, South Korea, we have to say, you have to help us out. We have, during his regime, during President Obama’s regime, we’ve doubled our national debt. We’re up to $20 trillion.

So my plan — we’re going to renegotiate trade deals. We’re going to have a lot of free trade. We’re going to have free trade, more free trade than we have right now. But we have horrible deals. Our jobs are being taken out by the deal that her husband signed, NAFTA, one of the worst deals ever. Our jobs are being sucked out of our economy.

You look at all of the places that I just left, you go to Pennsylvania, you go to Ohio, you go to Florida, you go to any of them. You go upstate New York. Our jobs have fled to Mexico and other places. We’re bringing our jobs back.

I am going to renegotiate NAFTA. And if I can’t make a great deal — then we’re going to terminate NAFTA and we’re going to create new deals. We’re going to have trade, but we’re going — we’re going to terminate it, we’re going to make a great trade deal.

And if we can’t, we’re going to do it — we’re going to go a separate way, because it has been a disaster. We are going to cut taxes massively. We’re going to cut business taxes massively. They’re going to start hiring people. We’re going to bring the $2.5 trillion…


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Woke up with a huge smile on my face this morning. Cannot wait to vote.


This Bill Kristol segment is amazing

omg. This is awesome.



So the main story will him refusing to concede and a new accuser is coming forward.

Donald really didn't recover from that first debate at all


Seriously, what...

I think it should be obvious now that Trump is like a mean, ill-educated drunk. He interrupts, cross-talks, sulks and insults when you don't agree with him or argue against him. This might (might) be excusable if he were intelligent, and could put his point across - but he cannot even do that. It is literally gibberish. How anyone can read what he says (or, worse, listen to him) and not think he lacks both knowledge and the basic ability to talk to someone, I do not know.


Laura Ingraham
Laura Ingraham‏ @IngrahamAngle

He should have said he would accept the results of the election. There is no other option unless we're in a recount again.
Oct 19, 2016, 10:23 PM
Even Laura Ingraham won't stand for this lol


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think it should be obvious now that Trump is like a mean, ill-educated drunk. He interrupts, cross-talks, sulks and insults when you don't agree with him or argue against him. This might (might) be excusable if he were intelligent, and could put his point across - but he cannot even do that. It is literally gibberish. How anyone can read what he says (or, worse, listen to him) and not think he lacks both knowledge and the basic ability to talk to someone, I do not know.

The biggest question now is will the GOP voters elect someone like this again for 2020? I don't think they will.
The biggest question now is will the GOP voters elect someone like this again for 2020? I don't think they will.

There's no way around the numbers. There aren't enough Republicans (there will be even less in four years) to counteract the Trump stable of voters. They will keep nominating Trumps until they're rendered irrelevant.


The biggest question now is will the GOP voters elect someone like this again for 2020? I don't think they will.

Isn't this the same GOP that wasted tax payer dollars investigating Clinton for Benghazi 9 times, despite finding no evidence of wrongdoing each time?
Right now, only Bill Mitchell's twitter feed matters:

Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 9h9 hours ago
The "cleaner" went to Hillary's podium again and removed things.

Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 9h9 hours ago
Hillary was looking at that white light and reading all night long.

Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 9h9 hours ago
I don't think this debate will move the needle either way. Trump is surging and will continue to. This is an outsider election. He wins.

Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 8h8 hours ago
Trump will own the final 3 weeks of this election.

Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 8h8 hours ago
Looks like the Hillbots hit the Breitbart poll hard. Trump is winning all the other online polls easily.

Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 7h7 hours ago
Trump is losing the Breitbart poll but killing in about 15 others. Hillbots just attacked that one. Good for them.

Bill Mitchell ‏@mitchellvii 7h7 hours ago
Why should Trump pledge to accept the results? We just saw video of Hillary cheating. He will test the results and make sure.

Mitchell is quickly replacing Rassssss as my morning bliss.
There's no way around the numbers. There aren't enough Republicans (there will be even less in four years) to counteract the Trump stable of voters. They will keep nominating Trumps until they're rendered irrelevant.

That's my feeling as well. Just like McCain and Romney were too moderate according to the primary voters. Along comes Trump and he pushes the right buttons for their extremism. After this election they'll say the message was alright it was just another flawed messenger.


The biggest question now is will the GOP voters elect someone like this again for 2020? I don't think they will.

Have you been paying attention?

Donald Trump was never the One True Scottsman. He was a charlatan! Maybe even a liberal plant from Billary!

They await their new One True Scottsman!
Very happy to see Kaine already laying a foundation for a campaign to earn a mandate. The next few weeks should see some explicit overtures to voters to ensure that there's no doubt in the results.

That works for me.


The biggest question now is will the GOP voters elect someone like this again for 2020? I don't think they will.

Their primary system still favors the early frontrunner, which is almost certainly going to be a populist rabble rouser. When people get their heads screwed on straight and realize in horror at what they've done (again) it will be too late for someone sensible to win.

They changed the setup and schedule after 2012 because it dragged on too long without a clear leader for the party to rally around. I bet they're regretting that shit now. That dragging on is how you separate the wheat from the chaff, without it you get Trump 2.0 in 2020. Louder, oranger, bigly-er.

They've been saying since Obama won that they need to stop, look at what they did wrong and fix it; demographic changes, moving even a sliver to center on social issues, etc., then the primary starts and a few weeks go by and they throw all that out to drive deep right to secure the tea party / fringe groups. The irony is that the one election they really need the gift of hindsight to win will be 2020.
Btw did anybody else also feel last night when Trump mentioned the Mexican President that if asked what his name was right then he would have completely blanked? He had that look about him.


What was with Trump saying "We raised an American Flag" in response to the attack on his foundation donating money to Pam Bondi?

Such a weird thing to say.


You know what Trump didn't say?

"I'll accept the results of the election."

Joe and Mika trying to explaining it away as okay is just ridiculous.
What was with Trump saying "We raised an American Flag" in response to the attack on his foundation donating money to Pam Bondi?

Such a weird thing to say.

No he was talking about how he had to pay a fine for his flag and he used charity money to do it. Technically he paid the fine to a charity but I'm not sure if that's legal

Joe and Mika are obviously getting payed by Trump or he had dirt on them because they have been fucking awful for a while now. At leaSt they seemed to have some integrity for a bit.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You know what Trump didn't say?

"I'll accept the results of the election."

Joe and Mika trying to explaining it away as okay is just ridiculous.
Joe gets off on pretending he's an outlier in the media.

Hillary had so many good daggers yesterday. Great job, Leslie.
Okay. That was pretty hilarious.

I think that as much as the tape just made clear how much of a shit he is, these debates would probably have been enough to tank him.

4.5 hours of his incoherent gibberish.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nicole Wallace needs to take over the show and bring on Chris Wallace and have a mega power shownof beautiful and successful people.

Edit: no kellyanne tho


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump reminds me of a March Madness Cinderella team.

Starts in the primaries as a double-digit seed, but gets put in a weak bracket against overrated teams. Pulls together enough team support to make it through to the finals, surprising all but a select few.

Then he runs into North Carolina, the team where all 5 freshmen starters will be in the NBA next year, in the championship game.
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