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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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There is not an ounce of authenticity in this picture. Fuck this family.


Scarborough's dementedness over the idea of Bill Clinton residing in the White House again is a good reflection of wider GOP sentiment. I've been saying.. it's going to eat at them to see this man and his Presidential spouse win after all of the effort they've put in to take them down. Especially when it ends-up being a big electoral victory.

There's a whole cottage industry devoted to taking the Clintons down. And it was all for nothing. Obama eats at their psyches in one way, but the Clintons winning is going to open-up some pretty deep scars.


The not accepting election results will get headlines but I felt like Hillary really wrecked him overall and its sad that some of that substance will be lost.


Jared and Tiffany have no clue what the rest of them are doing. Does anyone believe they've ever had a heart-felt family prayer before?

Donny has no clue what he's supposed to be doing, he's just aping something he saw on TV one time


Probably reflecting on this verse:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."


First tragedy, then farce.
I know why she can't tell these jokes in public, but I want to have some beers with Hillary after seeing stuff like this:


Lloyd is a pretty funny dude. Really liked him as CEO. I know everyone hates Goldman, but when he was diagnosed with cancer it legit shook the employees there. He's a really solid dude.


Scarborough's dementedness over the idea of Bill Clinton residing in the White House again is a good reflection of wider GOP sentiment. I've been saying.. it's going to eat at them to see this man and his Presidential spouse win after all of the effort they've put in to take them down. Especially when it ends-up being a big electoral victory.

There's a whole cottage industry devoted to taking the Clintons down. And it was all for nothing. Obama eats at their psyches in one way, but the Clintons winning is going to open-up some pretty deep scars.

It's gonna be glorious. 25+ years if smears wasn't enough to stop them.
Probably reflecting on this verse:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."

"And verily I say unto thee; forget not the pre-nup; always incorporate in Florida; and never tell your children they're not in the will, Amen"


Genuine question: Why do you guys watch Morning Joe

Literally every morning in this thread I see a dozen people talk about how awful Morning Joe is this morning and it just keeps happening day after day after day

They tend to have a regular panel of good/sane people, excluding the hosts.
Probably reflecting on this verse:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."

This is hysterical.

However, it should be pointed out that "truly I tell you" was the "believe me" of first century Judea.


Switch looks nice.

Watched the video once. Haven't been keeping up with my gaming side for a while now, but if Nintendo markets it smartly, they're gonna have a bigger hit than the Wii.

Gonna watch it again now...


Switch looks nice.

Watched the video once. Haven't been keeping up with my gaming side for a while now, but if Nintendo markets it smartly, they're gonna have a bigger hit than the Wii.

Gonna watch it again now...

"Mom I want a nintendo switch"

*mom looks at device*

"You already got a phone and a tablet"


Damn Nintendo slowing down my morning poligafing. I watched that video. Three minutes of beautiful people laughing and playing together. Actual use? Ugly bastards like myself unsnapping that thing so they can keep playing while they go to the can.

Missive from Bad (Hombre) Nate:

FiveThirtyEight ‏@FiveThirtyEight 6m6 minutes ago
Donald Trump could become the first Republican presidential nominee to lose Orange County, California, since 1936: ://53eig.ht/2dX5AlJ

And Donnie tweeted at 3AM again because of course he did.


There was one moment last night that proved Trump did actually listen to someone during whatever debate prep he did. When Hillary was hitting him over Putin, he almost said "He won't respect that woman" but he changed it to "that person."

I was like, "Here it comes!"
Oh well, nasty woman is way more useful.
Wow, Hillary has a great debate night and then Nintendo comes along and takes all the wind out of her sails by announcing the NX. Unfortunate timing in these last vital days of the campaign. Can she shift the narrative back to her?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Move the Nintendo Switch talk to the Gaming side, guys.

Unifying their console/handheld spaces is a smart move. 1 strong platform is better than 2 weaker platforms. Keeps them relevant because you have 1 pipeline for first party software. No more droughts. It might actually attract third parties again.


Jared and Tiffany have no clue what the rest of them are doing. Does anyone believe they've ever had a heart-felt family prayer before?

Donny has no clue what he's supposed to be doing, he's just aping something he saw on TV one time


Tiffany looks like she's thinking "you faker".


Drop the oppo now!!!! /cartoon_soldier

I love to imagine at Hillary HQ they have a big red OPPO DROP button gathering dust waiting for Donald to actually have a good day so they can use it. Might as well save it for after the election at this point just to embarrass the guy as much as possible.


The both sides are the same crowd is really annoying me with their reaction to last night's debate.

Hilary calls Trump a puppet of Russia after setting up a pretty clear case of all the time's Trump praised Russia and refused to criticize them for some clearly troubling stuff. But because Trump responds with the childlike "no you" interruption, apparently that means they're both acting like children and the whole thing's a disgrace to the country.

Show them that Vox video. Hillary expertly baited him into sabotaging himself. I'm surprised there are people who need this pointed out.


The Autumn Wind
Did CNN just have some random dumbass Trump supporter via Skype? Come on, CNN, you're just embarrassing yourselves even more than usual now.
Show them that Vox video. Hillary expertly baited him into sabotaging himself. I'm surprised there are people who need this pointed out.

I think the rejection of St. Reagan landmine will bear interesting fruit long after Donny scurries back to his gold-plated hidey-hole.

That clip is going to be repurposed in '18 &' 20 by Establishment-aligned candidates to attack Trump backers. The Civil War in the GOP ranks has just begun


I think the rejection of St. Reagan landmine will bear interesting fruit long after Donny scurries back to his gold-plated hidey-hole.

That clip is going to be repurposed in '18 &' 20 by Establishment-aligned candidates to attack Trump backers. The Civil War in the GOP ranks has just begun

Praising Russia and dissing Reagan in the same debate. Ronnie's corpse is probably spinning in his grave right now.
Genuine question: Why do you guys watch Morning Joe

Literally every morning in this thread I see a dozen people talk about how awful Morning Joe is this morning and it just keeps happening day after day after day

I asked myself the same question a couple weeks ago and have pretty much stopped altogether. The show is only decent when Joe isn't there to shout and create false equivalencies.
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