I thought this was hilarious and on point on how Hillary dressed in these debates.
What the fuck do i even do with this.
What does this even mean!? How would this information be useful in any way?
Is 4 minutes enough time to send Russia into outer space?
God, these deplorables are incapable of rational thought.
What the fuck do i even do with this.
Our Nuclear Procedures Are Crazier Than Trump
U.S. presidents are currently given a four-minute window to decide whether or not to initiate an irreversible apocalypse. Sad!
Only because the wording is specifically crafted to exclude Truman.19 days:http://uspolitics.about.com/od/pres...ted-Two-Consecutive-Democratic-Presidents.htm
wow. 180 years guys and it's finally happening.
Republicans won the Presidency 6 consecutive times between 1860 and 1884, 4 consecutive times between 1896 and 1912, 3 consecutive times between 1920 and 1932.
In other words there was only 2 Democratic Presidents between 1860 and 1932. Wilson and Cleveland.
Jeff Flake being surprisingly honest on MTP Daily. Kinda refreshing not hearing the standard Republican spin on things.
Flake will go down in a 1-on-1 GOP primary in 2018.Jeff Flake being surprisingly honest on MTP Daily. Kinda refreshing not hearing the standard Republican spin on things.
I think this is a major tactical mistake. Would campaigning for Murphy in Florida cost more? Yes. But the smart move would be to drive a stake through Rubio's heart now so you don't have to deal with him again down the road. He's wounded right now. Go for the kill.I think the DSCC withdrawing their funds may have been more about game theory than an indication that they think the race is lost. Their dollars will go further in North Carolina and Missouri.
The real indicator will be if Priorities USA jumps in here, as they said they might.
I think this is a major tactical mistake. Would campaigning for Murphy in Florida cost more? Yes. But the smart move would be to drive a stake through Rubio's heart now so you don't have to deal with him again down the road. He's wounded right now. Go for the kill.
I think this is a major tactical mistake. Would campaigning for Murphy in Florida cost more? Yes. But the smart move would be to drive a stake through Rubio's heart now so you don't have to deal with him again down the road. He's wounded right now. Go for the kill.
Even Cruz can't bring himself to believe that people like Obama."I don't really agree with Trump on election rigging, but the real issue is Hillary accepting the Obama agenda."
Cruz, you're such a fucking loser and are gonna lose in 2018.
Bama knows whats up. He knows that if Murphy screws this up, as he is wont to do, Rubio 3.0 will be ready for 2020. He's going to adopt a lot of nativist bullshit from Trump and sugarcoat it with his nice rhetoric. Its in everyone's interest that Murphy makes it.Obama campaigning hard to get Little Marco out of his seat.
5 seat majority in the Senate and knock out a potential 2020 opponent for Hillary? 👏👏👏👏
Yes, but he also said Hillary will probably win Arizona, Russia is definitely behind the hacks, and that Republicans are partially to blame for the "rigged" line working because they were pushing that narrative in order to pass to voter ID laws.Hasn't he been consistently anti-Trump?
Like, I can completely disagree with people like Flake, Kasich and Portman, but I respect them for not completely selling out and standing on real principles.
Ryan, Rubio, Cruz are all sniveling twats.
Apologies for late reply, only just checked GAF. I guess my point is I have enough games that I like playing on my phone (both mobile specific stuff and games like KOTOR) that I don't miss a handheld.
I think this is a major tactical mistake. Would campaigning for Murphy in Florida cost more? Yes. But the smart move would be to drive a stake through Rubio's heart now so you don't have to deal with him again down the road. He's wounded right now. Go for the kill.
Bama knows whats up. He knows that if Murphy screws this up, as he is wont to do, Rubio 3.0 will be ready for 2020. He's going to adopt a lot of nativist bullshit from Trump and sugarcoat it with his nice rhetoric. Its in everyone's interest that Murphy makes it.
Bama knows whats up. He knows that if Murphy screws this up, as he is wont to do, Rubio 3.0 will be ready for 2020. He's going to adopt a lot of nativist bullshit from Trump and sugarcoat it with his nice rhetoric. Its in everyone's interest that Murphy makes it.
Switch, RDR 2 trailer. Probably something else too. Getting clogged up.Real talk what the hell is up with Gaf and me not being able to access it on my computer lol
Rubio is not a threat to Hilary in 2020. He will be to tainted by his presidential run this year and his support of trump.
What an embarrassment.As we wrote yesterday, Ernie Tedeschi, an economist and former Treasury Department official, took the data from the USC/Los Angeles Times "Daybreak" poll of the election and changed what pollsters call the "weighting."
Tedeschi's reweighted version shows Hillary Clinton leading for most of the summer and fall. As of today, his version shows Clinton ahead by 5.3 percentage points, while the official version of the poll shows Donald Trump with a tiny lead -- of 0.6 points, basically a tie.
Tedeschi's work highlights a crucial point about polling: The numbers that polls present almost always involve a series of decisions made by pollsters, and those decisions are always subjective. Pollsters make their best efforts to get the numbers right, but given the same data, different pollsters will often come up with different results.
Tedeschi's version produces results that closely parallel the Real Clear Politics average of polls. He didn't design his approach with that in mind, but it worked out that way.
I thought Barack Obama would be Hillary's best surrogate this year but it turned out to be Michelle.
If we had a surrogate for the world...someone to represent us, it would be her. 100% her. No one else comes close.
Wait, losing one time doesn't mean you're out of the game. Reagan and McCain both lost primaries and went on to become nominees later on.Rubio is one RPOF email surprise from being dead in the water. Florida Repubs hate eachother, they just rely on vast swathes of dedicated R voters.
The point being, after getting bodied by Trump, his national ambitions are all but finished. I forsee the Establishment running Niki Halley or the mute Black Senator from SC, while whatever is left of the Freedumb Caucus rallies around whoever gets the endorsement of Jeff Sessions
Rubio is not a threat to Hilary in 2020. He will be to tainted by his presidential run this year and his support of trump.
Everyone who cares already knows that fact, but that's not what makes the statement so dumb.
You WANT everyone to know as much as possible about the capabilities of your nuclear weapons.When everyone is working with full information, it creates a better understood mutual assured destruction scenario.
This is how deterrence works. I know in detail how much you'll wreck me and you know exactly how bad I'll wreck you. If something changes that balance (take for example, Jupiter missiles in Turkey and the response of missiles in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis) it's extremely destabilizing to the current order of things.
That's why smart people oppose anti-ballistic missile defense beyond the theater-level and oppose first strike weapons like low-flying cruise missiles w/ nuclear warheads. You're introducing a huge amount of instability and putting countries at a disadvantage destabilizes the balance of terror.
"I don't really agree with Trump on election rigging, but the real issue is Hillary accepting the Obama agenda."
Cruz, you're such a fucking loser and are gonna lose in 2018.
Michelle Obama has got to be the best first lady in history.
She and Eleanor Roosevelt are tied for best.
This is conspiracy driven nonsense the left shouldn't indulge in.Lol now Obamas emails to podesta also got leaked. There is no way Trump didn't have some involvement with that considering how mad Obama made him recently.
Is it weird that I never cared about the emails? I just assumed it was all mundane shit from the beginning.I just talked to someone that is convinced most liberals would let Hillary off with murder because we don't care about her emails.
Is it weird that I never cared about the emails? I just assumed it was all mundane shit from the beginning.