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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Lol now Obamas emails to podesta also got leaked. There is no way Trump didn't have some involvement with that considering how mad Obama made him recently.

It's not a new hack or anything. Podesta was a counselor to Obama for a while. Makes sense he has emails from Obama.
Yes, field isn't important in the last 18 days or anything.


Jim Murphy, Donald Trump’s national political director, is no longer playing an active role on the campaign, according to three sources briefed on the move.

"I have not resigned but for personal reasons have had to take a step back from the campaign," Murphy said in a statement to POLITICO.

Since joining the Trump campaign in June, Murphy, a longtime party operative, has played a key role in setting up field programs in battleground states.

But the move comes at an inopportune time for the campaign, with little over two weeks remaining until Election Day. There are widespread concerns in Republican circles that Trump’s swing state infrastructure lags far behind Hillary Clinton’s – something that could have implications for the party up and down the ballot.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Trump thinks his big rallies are all he needs.

Also, Desktop neogaf is finally fixed.


I know I'm late as fuck. But in regards to Trump ripping up his notes and just the way he looked at the end of that debate.

I really believe Trump was going to try and use the benghazi mom and shit like that to attack Hillary. He just couldn't because she baited him so well.

Seriously that gif of him floating around has the look of a man who knows it's all fucking over.


Of course it's not. Do you not realize that his end game is trying to sue his way into the White House. Why bother. His utter disregard for running a sound campaign makes a lot more sense now

He can't and won't afford it. He just enjoys the attention.


Man GAF has been a wreck for me since this afternoon. I mean I know why (and Switch does look hype) but still :(

As an aside, here are some good articles on the bullshit Clinton has had to put up with and how its affected her political persona:

A) How Hilary became Hilary

B) 2016's Manifest Misogyny

BTW, I was thinking about this earlier.

Clinton attacked Trump's foundation..and Trump responded with something like

"Trump Foundation, small foundation."

What if Clinton interjected right then with:

"Everything about you is small, Donald."

He would have gone fucking insane beyond anything we've ever seen. I mean, there's so many layers to that kind of comment, too. It probably would have been a bad thing to say, but man oh man it would have been delicious.

Attacking Trump for having a small dick seems like a good way to lose that "staying above the fray" angle Clinton has been playing for.
Something else that I think the media fails to understand when covering Trump's refusal to concede isn't getting a lot of play. They're all covering how horrifying it is, sure, but there's an OPTICS thing they're missing out on.

My mom is literally livid and depressed over this. She and her best friend were talking (again women of a certain age) and they immediately go to the sexism angle. He won't accept that he got beaten by a girl. It's something a lot of women see. Men play by the "rules" until a woman beats them, then the whole thing is rigged against them.

I said it before, and I'll say it again, women are going to turn out bigly and make a huge difference in a lot of races.


Guys why aren't we polling the real battlegrounds like California and New York?



It'll be her birthday, and Wikileaks is way too douchey to resist an ironic birthday present in the form of leaks.

Yeah, which means it's nothing. There's been no evidence that any of the Podesta emails have had an impact on the race outside of an inconvenience. And there are no more debates, so the issue won't get much traction beyond cable news. Unless one of the emails proves Hillary murdered someone or called Bernie an idiot (which isn't in her character, judging by her Sec. of State emails).

They just Tweeted "we have a surprise for Tim Kaine and Donna Brazile". Yeah, ok.
"Your husband disagrees with you"

I haven't really seen anyone talking about this.

Trump said this on his interruption immediately following the "nasty woman" comment (Bill went off at a rally a bit about the flaws and shortcomings of Obamacare). The husband comment feels more like the dog whistle sexism a slightly smarter candidate would have dropped. I feel it is still a little blatant, but to me, this is code for "your husband disapproves and because he is the man and you are the woman, you should feel shame and change your opinion to be in agreement with him." I'm not saying that this was his intent by stating these words, because Trump isn't exactly a verbal jouster. But it is possible that some of the upstanding feminists in his inner circle have been whispering coded phrases like this in his ear since Bill went off on his Obamacare tangent.

That was another mistake of his, and he's really prone to it since he has problems with the same thing; dissent in the ranks.

Since all the GOP hates him, he wants all of the democrats to fight each other so he looks better. It's why his only attacks that seemed planned were when he tried to play Hillary against Obama, Bill, and Bernie. The problem is that she can respond with "And all of them have enthusiastically endorsed me and are stumping for me right now" and Trump can't say the same at all.


Yeah, which means it's nothing. There's been no evidence that any of the Podesta emails have had an impact on the race outside of an inconvenience. And there are no more debates, so the issue won't get much traction beyond cable news. Unless one of the emails proves Hillary murdered someone or called Bernie an idiot (which isn't in her character, judging by her Sec. of State emails).

They just Tweeted "we have a surprise for Tim Kaine and Donna Brazile". Yeah, ok.

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