Sometimes I'm amazed at Trump surrogates on CNN how they can just lie about the same thing over and over only to get slapped down every time. One of them just yet again claimed the polls showed Trump losing the primaries only for him to win. Do they not know the other panelists just spent months analyzing the primaries not too long ago? They remember what the polls said, and they're going to call you on it every single time. You've got to tell your bald-faced lie about something more obscure or older.
I get frustrated with these awful surrogates as well. The other day, I came across
this video which puts these surrogates in a light I would never have thought of myself.. I just thought they were all TERRIBLE pundits.
The point of the video is that the surrogates are basically there to grind every segment to a halt so no one can make a valid point. If that is the reason they are there, then they are doing a fantastic job.
The video also has one of my favorite Van Jones reactions ever when Jeffery Lord says he doesn't think Trump mentions race much.