I haven't actually seen them shout over everyone else and thrust the panel into such chaos that often. It's usually Corey Lewandowski when it happens. He's the master of throwing 20 different accusations back at a time and uncontrollably yelling over others. He is just horribly annoying. To me, if it stays civil, it doesn't usually get frustrating when the surrogates clearly have no defense and resort to desperate pivots and deflections, it gets comical. Take the Van Jones reaction you mentioned. I posted the segment that's from a number of times. It was amazing to me how Jeffrey Lord gets utterly demolished toward the end of that video, and it was a pretty calm discussion with everyone given their time to speak.I get frustrated with these awful surrogates as well. The other day, I came across this video which puts these surrogates in a light I would never have thought of myself.. I just thought they were all TERRIBLE pundits.
The point of the video is that the surrogates are basically there to grind every segment to a halt so no one can make a valid point. If that is the reason they are there, then they are doing a fantastic job.
The video also has one of my favorite Van Jones reactions ever when Jeffery Lord says he doesn't think Trump mentions race much.
Yes, it does get frustrating when the panel does descend into shouting, but if the panel is given enough time, and has good moderation, it's fine. For me, anyway.