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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Does it matter? I mean, for me, it's an instant turn-off. Someone like Tomi Lahrer looks attractive, but just 5 minutes into one of her rants I'm nope-ing.

Quick, before the gays come back!

We're all gay down here.

EDIT: I see we are now running ads targeting republicans on election night.



♪ Raise a glass to freedom ♪


Yeah, Nate Silver was going on about how third party support was extremely strong this year and might stay that way, as recently as two months ago

I suspect that third parties would be higher at this point if Trump hadn't cemented himself so firmly as someone people need to vote against.


The, "Your uniform is your face" shit immediately tells me homeboy is mixed up in White Supremecist militia BS. I used to hear this shit growing up in Miami, when my Dad's whisky-tango friends would get drunk and talk about Black folks always being on the verge of rioting, and how "they've got a surprise waiting for them, if they ever tried"

Dad was married to a Cuban, but Mom was "one of the good ones"


Not quite the same spelling, but that's an unfortunate surname to have in this context.


It would be an interesting strategy for the CIA to attempt to redirect the problem of terrorism and extremist Muslims in the Middle East away from the US and Western Europe and towards Russia, no?


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced a separation from the U.S. in a speech before a Beijing economic forum on Thursday, as the Philippines and China agreed to resume talks on their dispute over the South China Sea.

"Your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States … both in military and economics also,” Duterte said, according to the Associated Press.

Polls looks kinda bad. 9% of LV are undecided? 22% of LV will not vote one of the two candidates? Good thing is that Hillary's numbers have been steady for the past weeks.
Please tell me you're joking. I just can't tell anymore.
These are Morning Consult numbers, I'm pretty sure 6 points is the largest lead anyone haws had this cycle.
Not quite the same spelling, but that's an unfortunate surname to have in this context.

The best part is the picture of this douche. You can tell his idea of combat training is some double-smothered hashbrowns at Waffle house before him and the boys go play grab ass in a deer blind. Sad!

So my prediction is that we start getting a trickle of unendorsements by this evening, and more to follow tomorrow. Has anyone started to see Goopers heading for the door since the Beatdown in Neon-Town?


Should we be expecting a lot of post debate polls today?

Naw. I expect the reputable ones need more time for them to bake after an event like a debate, so I am guessing Monday. If that turns out to be the case, don't expect much movement. Weekend polls tend to favor Trump this cycle.

[bed-wetting intensifies]

Hold me...


Please tell me you're joking. I just can't tell anymore.
These are Morning Consult numbers, I'm pretty sure 6 points is the largest lead anyone haws had this cycle.

Not bad as in panic. Bad as in incompetent in the methods.
The poll history is looking really good for H, she's been stable throughout.
Are things so slow today that there wasn't even a Morning Joe update? Don't worry, I got you covered!

It seemed to be Sensible Republican / The Race Is Over Friday. There was a quick minute where Joe held up an article about Podesta and whoever the guest was noted how everyone always wanted to see all of these "how the sausage gets made" inner dealings, and they finally get this Wikileaks treasure trove and it's basically nothing interesting.

Joe and Mika nodded sagely in agreement. Just like they've been saying all along.


New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan says there were "touching moments" between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at a charity dinner that was otherwise marked by barbed remarks by the presidential candidates.

Dolan told NBC's "Today show" Friday that at one point at the dinner, Trump leaned in and told Clinton: "You are one tough and talented woman."

According to Dolan, Clinton responded by saying: "Whatever happens, we need to work together afterward."

As if Donald is going to stick around in any political capacity.
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