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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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If Hillary wins, and looks like she will, Obama should withdraw the Garland nomination.

I agree, but purely (and I'm almost ashamed to say it) due to his age. He may be slightly centrist but I don't think there are many issues where he'd vote very differently from Kagan, Sotomayor et al.
We need a balanced court. Adding a moderate to slight right leaning judge now means it will be easier to add a more liberal judge later (and there will be another one in the next four years)

Yes, giving the Republicans a compromise candidate now will make them more receptive to liberals moving forward. We've have decades of evidence that this approach works.


We need a balanced court. Adding a moderate to slight right leaning judge now means it will be easier to add a more liberal judge later (and there will be another one in the next four years)

edit - also it would be incredibly rude to Garland if the dem party just dumped him like a pawn the second Hillary gets in. That's bad optics all around.

We do not need a balanced court. It has been significantly more conservative than the country for years, it's ridiculous for Democrats to try and make it balanced when they have a chance to tilt it in their favor.


It is kind of said looking at the map of events. Hillary's squad is everywhere and Donald and Pence look so sad being the only ones in red
We need a balanced court. Adding a moderate to slight right leaning judge now means it will be easier to add a more liberal judge later (and there will be another one in the next four years)

edit - also it would be incredibly rude to Garland if the dem party just dumped him like a pawn the second Hillary gets in. That's bad optics all around.

There's only two ways Garland is withdrawn without it being politically suicidal IMO:

1. Have Garland himself voluntarily withdraw from consideration for "personal" reasons.

2. Have Clinton name him AG or chief counsel to the President or something to get him out of the way. Would be a big step down for him though.

No way Obama just withdraws his name IMO.


I don't think Obama playing politics with the Garland nomination would look especially good after spending nearly the whole year criticizing Republicans for playing politics with the Garland nomination.

Merrick Garland is a fine choice, and he's only 63. He's got a good 20 years of serving on the bench before we have to worry about age, health, retirement, etc. It's not like he's on his deathbed.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Obama isn't going to withdraw Garland, and I doubt the lame duck session will confirm him.

I also think Hillary withdrawing him to nominate her own justice isn't that big a deal, since it's her prerogative as president to nominate whomever she wants. Keeping him as the nominee isn't necessarily a bad move either though. I'm kind of up in the air on this one.


Dammit. That one put a lump in my throat.

It is kind of said looking at the map of events. Hillary's squad is everywhere and Donald and Pence look so sad being the only ones in red


And I'm comfortable with or without Garland. His history suggests he'd be a solid liberal (I still remember Kagan and Sotomayor being called "moderates" when they were nominated), so the voting difference between him and an uberliberal won't be much.
I don't think Obama playing politics with the Garland nomination would look especially good after spending nearly the whole year criticizing Republicans for playing politics with the Garland nomination.

Ask any Liberal or Democrat in 2012 if they would trade Scalia for a centrist and they would have obviously said yes. Let Garland have the seat, then replace RBG and Kennedy with actual Liberal jurists. That's incrementalism at work, and IMO, the smart move.

Edit: Not that RBG isn't Liberal. I want to see her seat remain a woman Justice, with a strong background in reproductive health.


We need a balanced court. Adding a moderate to slight right leaning judge now means it will be easier to add a more liberal judge later (and there will be another one in the next four years)

edit - also it would be incredibly rude to Garland if the dem party just dumped him like a pawn the second Hillary gets in. That's bad optics all around.

Fuck balance.
I don't think Obama playing politics with the Garland nomination would look especially good after spending nearly the whole year criticizing Republicans for playing politics with the Garland nomination.

Merrick Garland is a fine choice, and he's only 63. He's got a good 20 years of serving on the bench before we have to worry about age, health, retirement, etc. It's not like he's on his deathbed.
Yeah, I only see Garland not making it if he either willing withdraws, or if the GOP stick to their guns and have Hillary nominate someone else next year.

That said, I only see the latter happening if they manage to hold onto a slim majority/tie in the senate. If they can't, I expect them to approve Garland in a heart beat before the year is out.
If Hillary wins, Garland still won't get confirmed because of the GOP, anyway.

Two more years of 4 vs 4.
Depends on what happens in the Senate. If Democrats win it and Republicans still obstruct, they're going nuclear.

Also I think the Republicans would cave even with a majority. They're not going to leave the seat open for 2-4 years. I think even they realize how badly that would look after their excuse was "we should let the next president decide".
i'm looking at the HRC campaign's GOTV Performance lineups and girl hillary nobody in Philly wants to see Katy. Michelle needs to convince Bey to do a joint Atlanta GOTV rally so GA can turn blue in droves.


#PodestaEmails14 is trending. Surely this will be the #PodestaEmails hashtag that takes down Crooked Hillary once and for all.


Interesting - Chuck Todd said that Trump's ad buy in Virginia is basically an ad for his DC hotel. I wonder if that is on YouTube.
If Hillary wins, Garland still won't get confirmed because of the GOP, anyway.

Two more years of 4 vs 4.

Not if D wins the senate, which it's predicted to do. Even if they didn't, I find it hard to fathom the GOP would refuse to confirm after the election. They made it work for now, but only on the premise of "The people should decide based on the presidential election". If they keep refusing to confirm after, they look real bad and it would be the only talking point in the midterms.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I feel like even replacing Garland with some magical young super liberal is conceding ground to the Republican obstructionism. He needs a vote.
Not if D wins the senate, which it's predicted to do. Even if they didn't, I find it hard to fathom the GOP would refuse to confirm after the election. They made it work for now, but only on the premise of "The people should decide based on the presidential election". If they keep refusing to confirm after, they look real bad and it would be the only talking point in the midterms.

I'm not so confident... the senators won't care what the rest of the country thinks, only their base, and I imagine their base will want them to do everything in their power to keep the SCOTUS from swinging to the left. They'll just make up another excuse, or say they don't think Hillary is "qualified" to make the decision due to Benghazi, e-mails, etc.
Depends on what happens in the Senate. If Democrats win it and Republicans still obstruct, they're going nuclear.

Also I think the Republicans would cave even with a majority. They're not going to leave the seat open for 2-4 years. I think even they realize how badly that would look after their excuse was "we should let the next president decide".

I doubt republicans would cave. Shutting the government down looked bad too and nobody gave a shit after a couple months.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
We need a balanced court. Adding a moderate to slight right leaning judge now means it will be easier to add a more liberal judge later (and there will be another one in the next four years)

edit - also it would be incredibly rude to Garland if the dem party just dumped him like a pawn the second Hillary gets in. That's bad optics all around.

I used to feel this way, too.

No more.

Not after what republicans have done over the past 4 years. The whining. The taking their ball and going home. The refusal to even have a vote on Garland. Not a chance. If the democrats get the Senate, they need to say, "Nope. You had your chance. We tried for years, and you still acted like babies. We're done, and we're playing hardball."

And, if the GOP House still refuses to take a vote on SC justices for the next 2 years, blast that news repeatedly for the 2018 elections. Make America realize the republicans are holding up everything and refuse to work.


I feel like even replacing Garland with some magical young super liberal is conceding ground to the Republican obstructionism. He needs a vote.

His age may be un-ideal, but yes he needs a vote at the very least. It's absurd to have his appointment end with no vote

The GOP can even vote no! But to deny a vote and allow them to get away with it is absurd


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I think even they realize how badly that would look after their excuse was "we should let the next president decide".

They don't care. It was never about "the next president", it was always just in the hope the next president would be Republican. Their voters aren't going to turn on them over this, hell, they support it. Stick it to those fucking uppity liberals.


Garland strikes me as a terrific choice. Being liberal is not the goal, being a thoughtful judge with critical thinking, institutional and legal experience, and compassion is. Garland hits all those buckets.


I used to feel this way, too.

No more.

Not after what republicans have done over the past 4 years. The whining. The taking their ball and going home. The refusal to even have a vote on Garland. Not a chance. If the democrats get the Senate, they need to say, "Nope. You had your chance. We tried for years, and you still acted like babies. We're done, and we're playing hardball."

And, if the GOP House still refuses to take a vote on SC justices for the next 2 years, blast that news repeatedly for the 2018 elections. Make America realize the republicans are holding up everything and refuse to work.

Then Clinton will sneeze or another email will leak and that whole idea goes out the window.
I doubt republicans would cave. Shutting the government down looked bad too and nobody gave a shit after a couple months.

Clinton COULD go super-troll and just announce a court-packing plan in 2017 to increase SCOTUS to 11 Justices. She won't, but the collective jizzing from the Alt-Left might rip a hole in Space-Time.


Earlier in the thread I wondered out loud about whether Conway was in this for the challenge or because she's a true believer.

But after reading this, particularly the section about when she and Trump chatted about running for governor, it's clear she's just mainly in it for the money. Oh well.

Garland strikes me as a terrific choice. Being liberal is not the goal, being a thoughtful judge with critical thinking, institutional and legal experience, and compassion is. Garland hits all those buckets.

Exactly. No offense to PoliGAF, but I certainly appreciate Obama's reasoning for choosing Garland over the war cries of "pack the court with ultra liberals!!" from my peers.
Garland strikes me as a terrific choice. Being liberal is not the goal, being a thoughtful judge with critical thinking, institutional and legal experience, and compassion is. Garland hits all those buckets.

Garland is an excellent choice. And he's liberal enough and such a contrast from Scalia that it will dramatically change the tone of the SC.

Too bad Roberts isn't very old at all. It would have been nice to change the Chief Justice during the next 8 years. Although is Roberts even all that bad?
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