My wife is a registered Republican. Can confirm there is a Clinton voter inside of least twice a week

My wife is a registered Republican. Can confirm there is a Clinton voter inside of least twice a week
My wife is a registered Republican. Can confirm there is a Clinton voter inside of least twice a week
Garland knew this was a part of the game. His feelings won't be hurt. If Hillary wins I would hope that Obama withdraws his name. The temptation of having three SC judges appointed during his presidency will be great, and obviously it's Obama's right to appoint this judge...but I prefer the "fuck you" message it would send by withdrawing him. Especially since democrats will take the senate.
Voters have not punished republicans for their obstruction and this WH didn't either (when it had the chance). There should be consequences, and in this case it should be a liberal judge in his/her 40s or 50s.
I couldn't be married to someone who was a Republican. Politics are too important in my life, I talk about it way too much to everyone I know.
My wife is a registered Republican. Can confirm there is a Clinton voter inside of least twice a week
you sound very open minded
My wife is a registered Republican. Can confirm there is a Clinton voter inside of least twice a week
Nick RiccardiVerified account
Trump now going off on Michelle Obama
ooh, what did he say? York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan says there were "touching moments" between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at a charity dinner that was otherwise marked by barbed remarks by the presidential candidates.
Dolan told NBC's "Today show" Friday that at one point at the dinner, Trump leaned in and told Clinton: "You are one tough and talented woman."
According to Dolan, Clinton responded by saying: "Whatever happens, we need to work together afterward."
As if Donald is going to stick around in any political capacity.
CNN just played part, where he mentioned that Michelle said, "if you can't take care of your home, right? You can't take care of the White House." Something to that effect.
CNN just played part, where he mentioned that Michelle said, "if you can't take care of your home, right? You can't take care of the White House." Something to that effect.
CNN just played part, where he mentioned that Michelle said, "if you can't take care of your home, right? You can't take care of the White House." Something to that effect.
We need a balanced court. Adding a moderate to slight right leaning judge now means it will be easier to add a more liberal judge later (and there will be another one in the next four years)
edit - also it would be incredibly rude to Garland if the dem party just dumped him like a pawn the second Hillary gets in. That's bad optics all around.
CNN just played part, where he mentioned that Michelle said, "if you can't take care of your home, right? You can't take care of the White House." Something to that effect.
I think it was meant that Michelle said it about Hillary back in '08. But even still, it's a hit on both of them, and it's not a smart move.
What does that even mean?
ooh, what did he say?
Some of you guys on this forum would do a great job being Trump surrogates with this "what I think he meant was" shit that happens in virtually every Trump thread.
Hillary can't satisfy her husband so she can't satisfy America
CNN just played part, where he mentioned that Michelle said, "if you can't take care of your home, right? You can't take care of the White House." Something to that effect.
her answer during Debate 3 on the SC segment hints to it (indirectly)Didn't Hillary's camp already hint they'd keep the Garland nomination?®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
WTF was donald doing in VA??
edit- also look at the massive romney spread in the link
Some of you guys on this forum would do a great job being Trump surrogates with this "what I think he meant was" shit that happens in virtually every Trump thread.
that's a direct quote of what michelle said back in 08 though LOL.Some of you guys on this forum would do a great job being Trump surrogates with this "what I think he meant was" shit that happens in virtually every Trump thread.
Hillary +12 VA per Watson Center for Public Policy poll from Oct. 16 to 19.
Last poll she was +15, this movement could be evidence of a tie by election day.
Hillary +12 VA per Watson Center for Public Policy poll from Oct. 16 to 19.
Last poll she was +15, this movement could be evidence of a tie by election day.
This post has given me life for the day. Thank you sir.My wife is a registered Republican. Can confirm there is a Clinton voter inside of least twice a week®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
WTF was donald doing in VA??
edit- also look at the massive romney spread in the link
Is twitter down?
Considering +15 seemed unrealistic, this is probably closer to the actual margin.
Also stumbled upon a new H2H poll from American Research Group (Phone Survey, 10/17-10/19)
Clinton: 49
Trump: 42