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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Are any of you planning your post-election conversations with your Trump-supporting family members who were or still are 100% certain of a landslide victory for their favorite fascist?

An uncle if mine called my dad panicked by the fact that their sister is voting for Hillary. I asked my mom why he even cared since they're voting in Minnesota it's not like it will really matter. She responded, "well they're taking about voting for president."

"But they're voting for president in Minnesota. Trump is not going to win Minnesota."

"Oh, he might. You don't know that." Was the reply I got.

I considered going into if how no one is even bothering to poll Minnesota because there's basically no way Hillary doesn't win the state, or the fact that if Trumo was even competitive in Minnesota then it wouldn't matter either because he'd be doing well enough to have won enough other states to win the presidency but figured at that point it really wasn't worth talking about anymore.
An uncle if mine called my dad panicked by the fact that their sister is voting for Hillary. I asked my mom why he even cared since they're voting in Minnesota it's not like it will really matter. She responded, "well they're taking about voting for president."

"But they're voting for president in Minnesota. Trump is not going to win Minnesota."

"Oh, he might. You don't know that." Was the reply I got.

I considered going into if how no one is even bothering to poll Minnesota because there's basically no way Hillary doesn't win the state, or the fact that if Trumo was even competitive in Minnesota then it wouldn't matter either because he'd be doing well enough to have won enough other states to win the presidency but figured at that point it really wasn't worth talking about anymore.

facts are pointless when talking to people who make decisions based on "gut feeling", which is where just about all Trump voters are right now.

just smile and nod and enjoy the Landslide on november 8th.


I considered going into if how no one is even bothering to poll Minnesota because there's basically no way Hillary doesn't win the state, or the fact that if Trumo was even competitive in Minnesota then it wouldn't matter either because he'd be doing well enough to have won enough other states to win the presidency but figured at that point it really wasn't worth talking about anymore.

Minnesota is a toss up at RCP.
There's going to be a LOT of people surprised when these rarely polled red states start falling like dominoes.

Indiana had the same RCP margin as TEXAS.

The GOP is Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fucked

Yep, Indiana might be the Secret State that no one talks about. But we're not going to get a lot of polls from Indiana, but it might make sense to pump some resources there.

Gotta wait tomorrow for Texas.
Please proceed former governor.

Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer: Hispanic Dems ‘Don’t Get Out And Vote’



Minnesota is a toss up at RCP.

Decided to check and sure enough no October polling, 2 local and one national polls in September. People seem dying to know how things look in this toss up state.
Decided to check and sure enough no October polling, 2 local and one national polls in September. People seem dying to know how things look in this toss up state.

No polling in clinton heavy states is whatever.

No polling in states that were assumed to go Trump is going to bite a lot of people in the ass.


Hurray, local news!

Peanut butter vandal mistakes gathering for Trump rally
WSAW-TV reports (http://bit.ly/2ed1plv ) that investigators say the Monday night conservation group meeting in Amherst had nothing to do with politics.

Authorities say the 32-year-old woman was drunk when she entered the meeting and began yelling about how she hates Trump. She departed when asked to leave, but authorities say she then used peanut butter to draw phallic symbols and write profanities on vehicles outside. An incident report said the woman's blood-alcohol content was 0.218, about 2 1/2 times the state's legal limit for driving.


There's going to be a LOT of people surprised when these rarely polled red states start falling like dominoes.

Indiana had the same RCP margin as TEXAS.

The GOP is Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fucked

Its really had for me to see how the GOP House survives a scenario where Trump loses by 10 points, Indiana an MO go blue, and Texas is within 5. Given the turnout gap, Trump's weakness in suburbia, and the types of margins we're looking at, that's all still on the table.


Just mailed out my vote. Feels good to have that done with.

Don't let me down NH!
I couldn't convince my siblings to fill out an absentee ballot. If the worst happens blame me.
If Texas went blue......Omg I'm hard just thinking about it.

would be a tough pickup.

Polling there is abysmal- it's all over the place. everywhere from Trump +2 to Trump +25 in the last month or so. We're probably not going to get anything resembling legitimate polling out of there before the election hits.

Trump has been weaker than Romney pretty much everywhere, and Texas has been getting bluer gradually. I think McCain's 2008 number is probably his high mark there and that's being optimistic.

McCain won texas by 12 points in 2008. Romney won it by 15.

If Clinton has over a 10 point margin nationally, that would put Texas in play, due to demographic shifts.

Its really had for me to see how the GOP House survives a scenario where Trump loses by 10 points, Indiana an MO go blue, and Texas is within 5. Given the turnout gap, Trump's weakness in suburbia, and the types of margins we're looking at, that's all still on the table.

It can't. I've been saying the house is GONE for weeks now- this has been obvious since the first debate polls started rolling in.

Gerrymandering has absolutely destroyed the GOP and they never saw this coming. They have right now 55 districts that lean R+4 or less. None of those are going to survive a scenario where clinton is +9, +10, +11 nationally.
would be a tough pickup.

Polling there is abysmal- it's all over the place. everywhere from Trump +2 to Trump +25 in the last month or so. We're probably not going to get anything resembling legitimate polling out of there before the election hits.

You're getting a CBS/YouGov Texas poll tomorrow.
You're getting a CBS/YouGov Texas poll tomorrow.

that's only one poll, no matter who is doing it.

we'd need consistent polling from a number of legitimate pollsters before I'd say "ok, yeah this is where texas is."

there simply isn't time to get that kind of investment in texas going before november 8th.
So Jill Stein wants to dissolve NATO as well? The question specifically asked if Russia used the same justification for Ukraine to invade Estonia, a NATO country. Jill dodged the question and then made the argument that NATO needs to be dissolved.


this is new in American politics but not so new in fringe parties in Europe.

Putin has managed to extend his Chaos of funding fringe parties/ candidates (doesn't matter if they are Left or Right, as long as they are EU skeptic and anti-NATO) across the Atlantic into USA (Trump + Stein)
would be a tough pickup.

Polling there is abysmal- it's all over the place. everywhere from Trump +2 to Trump +25 in the last month or so. We're probably not going to get anything resembling legitimate polling out of there before the election hits.

Trump has been weaker than Romney pretty much everywhere, and Texas has been getting bluer gradually. I think McCain's 2008 number is probably his high mark there and that's being optimistic.

McCain won texas by 12 points in 2008. Romney won it by 15.

If Clinton has over a 10 point margin nationally, that would put Texas in play, due to demographic shifts.

It can't. I've been saying the house is GONE for weeks now- this has been obvious since the first debate polls started rolling in.

It'll also be interesting to see how states that had their maps changed through federal litigation will fare out. They're still gerrymandered, but not on the basis of race like they were previously. NC's infamous snake district is now defunct, and the districts don't look as bad as they previously did.
that's only one poll, no matter who is doing it.

we'd need consistent polling from a number of legitimate pollsters before I'd say "ok, yeah this is where texas is."

there simply isn't time to get that kind of investment in texas going before november 8th.

You'll see more polling if she's under 5.

Although I agree it's too late to setup a decent infrastructure.

He said non left leaninh
Wapo is not left leaning
These people...

Pennsylvania GOP Files Federal Lawsuit To Allow Out-Of-County Poll Watchers


this is a brilliant idea. Let's send racist white "poll watchers" into west philadelphia to harass black people on election day.

If those people come out of there with their skins intact I'd be amazed. There is absolutely NO tolerance for conservative bullshit around here.
You'll see more polling if she's under 5.

Although I agree it's too late to setup a decent infrastructure.

I doubt we'll see much polling. We have almost no polling of Iowa, and the quality of the polls we do have in traditional swing states are non-existent. Mainly because, like, this is pretty much over. I can't imagine a lot of people want to waste the money.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If the BLACKS are really living in Hell, then I'd love to see white people go into HELL and "watch" them vote. No one is signing up because they're afraid.
I doubt we'll see much polling. We have almost no polling of Iowa, and the quality of the polls we do have in traditional swing states are non-existent. Mainly because, like, this is pretty much over. I can't imagine a lot of people want to waste the money.

Because it's 6 EV. Texas is 38. If it's close, you'll see more polls.
I doubt we'll see much polling. We have almost no polling of Iowa, and the quality of the polls we do have in traditional swing states are non-existent. Mainly because, like, this is pretty much over. I can't imagine a lot of people want to waste the money.

the presidential is, but you may see a lot more discussion about where the house is going to end up if hillary's margin is high enough.

up to this point the narrative has been "democrats can't win that, it's out of play" but that isn't true, and the MSM will catch on to this eventually.

state by state polling will give you the best idea of who is actually vulnerable in the house and who isn't- house races virtually always track within the national margin by a couple of points- ticket splitting for house races largely doesn't exist.
PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
haha we've actually done 94 polls in the last week but that just doesn't leave a lot of time for public polling...

And, according to them, these 94 polls would be a 7-8 on the Dem Happiness Scale


PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
haha we've actually done 94 polls in the last week but that just doesn't leave a lot of time for public polling...

And, according to them, these 94 polls would be a 7-8 on the Dem Happiness Scale

what does that tweet mean :\
what does that tweet mean :\
They've been paid by campaigns/organizations to do polls. That means they won't release results, only the campaigns or groups they did the polls for. They've done 94 of them over the last few weeks, so they haven't had time to do public polls to just release for the lols. And, if we could see these polls, they'd be a 7-8 out of 10 on the Dem Happiness Scale
Hey guys.

I got my 'Fuck That Orange Baboon' ballot in the mail today up in Washington.

My state is solid blue but I am pulling the by mail lever for Hillary, regardless.

It's actually a vote for Diamond Joe/ Elizabeth Warren in my heart.


They're doing internals. And the results are good for us.

They've been paid by campaigns/organizations to do polls. That means they won't release results, only the campaigns or groups they did the polls for. They've done 94 of them over the last few weeks, so they haven't had time to do public polls to just release for the lols. And, if we could see these polls, they'd be a 7-8 out of 10 on the Dem Happiness Scale

If Trump supporters are watching the polls, then they aren't voting.

they probably voted already (like very early in the morning) or plan to late in the day. Rural polling places are rarely busy and very much in-and-out.

it's probably more accurate to say if they're poll watching, they aren't engaged in any useful GOTV efforts that might drive participation, in favor of trying to depress democratic turnout using methods that will get them a punch in the gut, at best.
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