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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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Kills Photobucket


For NC and Georgia for early voting. Can you just go vote early or do you have to have a valid reason to vote early?

It's awful here in Missouri, you can only vote early or absentee if you have a valid reason. Traveling, disability, or a religion reason. Quite annoying, I could lie but won't just on principal.
Ultimately, the insurgent left might be stronger in that case because Obama is the face of TPP. I know a lot of them still feign a like for Obama, but that would be harder to do if it was voting for the one Democrat who's really pushing TPP hard.

But certainly, fewer people have a visceral hatred of Obama than do Hillary. And the balance would probably end up working out in his favor. I think anyone voting Johnson in this election, past the usual 1% of actual libertarians, would go Obama.

no one gives a shit about TPP.

The most recent polling on the TPP conducted by Morning Consult (MC) revealed a slight increase in support for the TPP and a slight increase in voters' knowledge of it, although 62 percent still said that they know "not much" or "nothing at all" about the 12-nation agreement, a 10 percent decrease from MC's March 2016 poll. Similarly, a February/March 2016 Caddell & Associates poll found that 51 percent of those surveyed did not know enough to have an opinion about the TPP.[1][2][3]


It's a talking point for those whose minds were already made up around other issues. The vast majority of voters don't know enough about it to even form an opinion.

As for johnson, his numbers have been steadily dropping the closer we get to actual election day- which is what always happens with third party candidates. He'll end up better than he did in 2012, but these were never votes that were going democratic, those are frustrated republicans. If Obama was running they'd still be going johnson.


For NC and Georgia for early voting. Can you just go vote early or do you have to have a valid reason to vote early?

It's awful here in Missouri, you can only vote early or absentee if you have a valid reason. Traveling, disability, or a religion reason. Quite annoying, I could lie but won't just on principal.
You don't need a reason to vote early in person. That sounds really stupid.


Gop Strategist from reddit

Trump has been winging it since day one. The game plan is to get as much free media coverage as possible and to build his personal brand. He has not invested in the three things that he will need to win on Election Day:
1- data operation 2- field operation 3- get out the vote operation
If anything, the polls you see now are about 2-3 points more favorable for Trump than reality, as these three aspects he lacks will account for his underperforming the polls

Yep. been saying this for weeks. Polls cannot account for the vast discrepancy in GOTV effort, or the "long tail" of unlikely voters that exist on the democratic side.

2-3 points is probably underselling it though- everything we've seen from early voting has participation WAY over 2012 levels, more on par with 2008- and those aren't republicans.

He said that in order for the republican party to win agian they need to appeal to urban people and millennials.He also said that he's very worried about the alt right.

Here's the deal with this- it isn't possible. The GOP isn't one party. (neither are democrats, but that's not important right now.)

it's several different loose coalitions that happen to vote together around a handful of wedge issues. Appealing to "urban people" (read: minorities) and millienials (who don't look favorably on antigay and antiabortion language) won't go over well.

These people won't sulk and stay home- they'll simply primary any moderate republican that isn't "conservative enough." This is what the tea party does, this is what evangelicals do, this is what white nationalists do.

You can't kick them out of the party or steer it in another direction, because moderates don't vote in primaries and extremists do.


Ralston sez over 37k people have voted early so far in Clark with two more hours to go. First day in 2012 had 33k people vote.
What the fuck gun rights have been chipped away at all in this country? Guns are easy to get and virtually impossible to regulate. The NRA is the fucking worst. The insane propaganda they send is down right dangerous. Obama was going to take away their precious guns according to the NRA and so the wackjobs stockpiled guns and ammunition his entire Presidency. They know how to serve their real masters, the gun and ammo manufacturers. They play the gun owners like a fiddle.
Ben Ghazi commercial during NLCS game. (Northern VA if it was regional)

I.....understand what they may be trying to get across, but, it's also the result of a group who has 1000 chefs in the kitchen and they're all batshit crazy.
you could also view it as "be the republican party prior to the GWB administration" which isn't that far off.

H.W. Bush would probably be running as a democrat in the current environment- the party went HARD right after clinton beat him in 1992.

Bush ran a "Family Values" campaign in 92 and he was staunchly pro 2nd amendment and against the Brady Bill. He ran a social-conservative campaign to run away from his economic record


no one gives a shit about TPP.


It's a talking point for those whose minds were already made up around other issues. The vast majority of voters don't know enough about it to even form an opinion.

I find these types of counterarguments very weird, because we're clearly talking about a specific 5-10% of the electorate and what they would do. Yes, most people don't care, myself included. But the 9% 'strongly oppose' do mean something, and Stein's 2% might be higher if the Dem candidate was the head cheerleader for TPP.

As for johnson, his numbers have been steadily dropping the closer we get to actual election day- which is what always happens with third party candidates. He'll end up better than he did in 2012, but these were never votes that were going democratic, those are frustrated republicans. If Obama was running they'd still be going johnson.

Obama is more palatable to a certain kind of centrist, especially people who see themselves as business-friendly, independent and really hate 'the establishment'.

Certainly a lot of them are just holding their nose to vote Hillary, and would simply be happier with their vote if it was for Obama. But I know a lot of these Bloomberg-types that have been very pro-Johnson this cycle. Maybe Trump Terror will make them vote Hillary anyway, or maybe the Aleppo moments are making them come to their senses, but they would have been all in for Obama months ago.
The Trump cultists are getting reallllly angry. Good!

I was near newtown pa (literally saw my first Trump yard sign on October 21st! Living in NYC is good) where Trump was yesterday and supposedly there was a "kill hillary" sign.

I actually think these signs are a sign of fatigue and desperation. But I fear some idiot takes them seriously
really? It's from "Full metal jacket." Easily the most famous "Who the fuck said that" scene in the history of cinema.

No, no, I know it's from Full Metal Jacket. I just didn't recall what was happening in this particular scene. I get it now.

The weird thing was that, seconds before I refreshed the page, I was thinking about the barracks of Full Metal Jacket and R. Lee Ermey shouting obscenities. It was like an electrical connection. The switch flipped in my brain and sent the image to my phone in the form of your post.

Just very weird little episode of ESP.
It's not a bad strategy for America TBH, as long as the current democrats move left.


ImOkayWithThis .jpg

If the GOP became the current Democrats and the Democrats moved further left, that'd be awesome. I'd actually have to make choices between pragmatic, but slower progress, and more aggressive, but riskier liberal policies.


Ultimately, the insurgent left might be stronger in that case because Obama is the face of TPP. I know a lot of them still feign a like for Obama, but that would be harder to do if it was voting for the one Democrat who's really pushing TPP hard.

I think this is exactly wrong. I think if Obama were running TPP would be popular instead of unpopular. Keep in mind that most people know nothing about TPP, that they support free trade in a vacuum, and that Hillary saying she doesn't support TPP -- even in hacked emails! -- has made zero impact on people thinking she wants to pass it. Basically TPP is a pure proxy for "I don't trust Hillary."
I think this is exactly wrong. I think if Obama were running TPP would be popular instead of unpopular. Keep in mind that most people know nothing about TPP, that they support free trade in a vacuum, and that Hillary saying she doesn't support TPP -- even in hacked emails! -- has made zero impact on people thinking she wants to pass it. Basically TPP is a pure proxy for "I don't trust Hillary."
Leftists love to over sell their popularity.

They always demonstrate it on random polls or vague moods of the population which never pan out.


Man Huma is a saint. What did she see in this dumbass?

Real talk. If dude kept it in his pants and didn't do all that sexting bullshit. He could have probably ran for President one day.

But real talk. He probably was good to her at some point. After the first scandal she probably tried to make it work. But after the revelation of the most recent one I assume they weren't even talking and she was planning on leaving him anyway seeing as she announced the separation immediately after it came to light.


I was near newtown pa (literally saw my first Trump yard sign on October 21st! Living in NYC is good) where Trump was yesterday and supposedly there was a "kill hillary" sign.

I actually think these signs are a sign of fatigue and desperation. But I fear some idiot takes them seriously

At my parents place in MS right now, and I have yet to see a Hillary sign lol. A sea of trump/pence, crooked Hillary signs.

Even when I'm at the gym its nothing but people wearing trump t-shirts. I'm contemplating getting a yaas queen shirt and wearing it around town to see if i get a reaction or not.
I was near newtown pa (literally saw my first Trump yard sign on October 21st! Living in NYC is good) where Trump was yesterday and supposedly there was a "kill hillary" sign.

I actually think these signs are a sign of fatigue and desperation. But I fear some idiot takes them seriously

Visiting some family in SW Florida this weekend, and we went to a pumpkin festival out in a rural farm area. The amount of Trump signs, some large, professionally printed ones was a reminder that living in a blue-city leads to a bit of a 'bubble mentality'.

The rural-urban divide is real. The unnerving part is that shirts and truck screen-prints depicting AR-platforms, and some variant of "infidel" outnumbered Trump paraphernalia at least 2:1. Guns define their culture more than politics. The Nationalist religio-chauvanist sentiment is real, and just as scary when you recognize that Trump is a tool, they think he's a NYC elitist, but he grunts the words, and justifies their bias, so they're willing to overlook it. He isn't the authoritarian they want, but he'll do in a pinch

Edit: Did see an interesting sight today. Older woman and her husband at the pumpkin festival and a Hillary sticker on their car, with a printed piece of paper taped in the back window, reading "Ex-Republican, We're With Her" in 80pt font. Was a bit taken aback. Who knows if it's true, rather than psy-ops, but it put the rest of the Conservative paraphernalia in context.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
that dude's strategy is "be the democratic party"

if they moved ever so slightly to the center and didn't nominate a trash asshole, they'd have a great chance if they would just be the DNC, yes. they dominate at the state level. it would be a thing if they just had a competent candidate organizing.
if they moved ever so slightly to the center and didn't nominate a trash asshole, they'd have a great chance if they would just be the DNC, yes. they dominate at the state level. it would be a thing if they just had a competent candidate organizing.

Will they ever let go of the part of the platform for restricting minority/women/lgbtq rights, tho?


Will they ever let go of the part of the platform for restricting minority/women/lgbtq rights, tho?

They are in a tough spot. I mean they did a post mortem detailing what they needed to do and they completely threw it out the window.

To be a viable party going forward the GOP will have to move to the center.
Record turnout for day 1 in Clark County (heavily Democratic)

@RalstonReports: Record turnout in Clark for first day of early voting: 37,138 as of 6 PM. 33,000 in 2012 was previous record.

Just finished canvassing/phone banking here. Huge cheers when they announced this.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm watching Weiner. holy shit this guy. Just learn to say you're fucking sorry.

Oh wow the douche made a racial slur????
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