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PoliGAF 2016 |OT13| For Queen and Country

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They are in a tough spot. I mean they did a post mortem detailing what they needed to do and they completely threw it out the window.

To be a viable party going forward the GOP will have to move to the center.
I don't believe they can or will. That shit gets their base hyped no other
Record turnout for day 1 in Clark County (heavily Democratic)

Just finished canvassing/phone banking here. Huge cheers when they announced this.
But did you Facebank?
Record turnout for day 1 in Clark County (heavily Democratic)

Just finished canvassing/phone banking here. Huge cheers when they announced this.

CONGRATS! Be proud of what you're a part of. Good job. Seriously, we need more folks to find an interest, and put effort into their own Democracy.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Visiting some family in SW Florida this weekend, and we went to a pumpkin festival out in a rural farm area. The amount of Trump signs, some large, professionally printed ones was a reminder that living in a blue-city leads to a bit of a 'bubble mentality'.

The rural-urban divide is real. The unnerving part is that shirts and truck screen-prints depicting AR-platforms, and some variant of "infidel" outnumbered Trump paraphernalia at least 2:1. Guns define their culture more than politics. The Nationalist religio-chauvanist sentiment is real, and just as scary when you recognize that Trump is a tool, they think he's a NYC elitist, but he grunts the words, and justifies their bias, so they're willing to overlook it. He isn't the authoritarian they want, but he'll do in a pinch

Edit: Did see an interesting sight today. Older woman and her husband at the pumpkin festival and a Hillary sticker on their car, with a printed piece of paper taped in the back window, reading "Ex-Republican, We're With Her" in 80pt font. Was a bit taken aback. Who knows if it's true, rather than psy-ops, but it put the rest of the Conservative paraphernalia in context.



So I have a question that might end up as a topic in the OT.

Are Democrat politicians, on average, more moral or atleast more normal than Republican policians?

We constantly hear story after story about not just trump, but how Republicans lie or else genuinely believe blatantly untrue conjecture for political advantage (Hillary Clinton's emails), they try to legislate on personal beliefs regardless of how others suffer (defunding planned parenthood or preventing gun legislation), and often come up holding racist beliefs.

Which is not to say that democrats are perfect, but they seem to have some sense of moral normalcy. A good example is the DNC bernie thing. They brought up the idea of attacking Bernie based on his religion, which is clearly a bad thing. Then they went "Well, that'd be kind of shitty, yeah?" so they didn't.

We can all agree that the GOP as a whole is just fucking poison. There is something deeply wrong there. But how does that work on an individual level?
National (?) anti-Hillary ad just now during the baseball game attacking the Clinton Foundation for taking money from extreme/anti-woman governments ("How can we trust them to fight for us..."). I'm in CA so I doubt it was targeted at our area.


Why did he post this? Even if he could read her mind and know her motivations, there's literally no upside to posting such a thing. What is wrong with him?

People like this don't think more than one step in front of them. They are reactionary. He's so quick to discredit her and defend Trump he made his first statement.

Now he knows it wasn't smart to do that so he'll walk it back as much as he can.


So I have a question that might end up as a topic in the OT.

Are Democrat politicians, on average, more moral or atleast more normal than Republican policians?

We constantly hear story after story about not just trump, but how Republicans lie or else genuinely believe blatantly untrue conjecture for political advantage (Hillary Clinton's emails), they try to legislate on personal beliefs regardless of how others suffer (defunding planned parenthood or preventing gun legislation), and often come up holding racist beliefs.

Which is not to say that democrats are perfect, but they seem to have some sense of moral normalcy. A good example is the DNC bernie thing. They brought up the idea of attacking Bernie based on his religion, which is clearly a bad thing. Then they went "Well, that'd be kind of shitty, yeah?" so they didn't.

We can all agree that the GOP as a whole is just fucking poison. There is something deeply wrong there. But how does that work on an individual level?

I don't know if morality is the right word to use but I would say its a function of two things:

A) The Democratic coalition is a more diverse coalition. Shitting on someone specifically because of their race, gender, gender identity, religion is going to be frowned upon in the only party that is a safe haven for minorities.The diversity of the Democratic coalition also has a moderating affecting on its politicians and policies. A more diverse coalition means more different/disparate priorities have to be considered and gradual, more secure change is preferred over radical change as its often minorities that have the most to lose if shit goes up a creek. It's not an accident that it was the Black and Hispanic vote that pushed Clinton to victory over Sanders. No such force exists on the Republican side. In fact I'd argue the Republican party is in a bit of a negative feedback loop. Republican social and policy stances (as well as their language) push away minorities which in turn means there are fewer of them to pull the Republican party to the center so you see the ever right-moving spiral of the current Republican party.

The election of a Black man to the Presidency really drove the Republican base up a wall.

B) Conservatism, as it is understood nowadays, has a very strong nostalgic vibe to it. Unless you are straight, white and male (and even then honestly) the World has never been better than it is right now. A "Return to the 1950s" is a step back for most Americans which is think its part of what makes the Republican message so hard to swallow for more and more people. This sentiment also informs both how Republican politicians act and more importantly how their base, who can vote them out at a moment's notice, act.


Is this the Feel good post of the day or what?


He tried holding a Trump Rally in Boston. His face says it all:


So I have a question that might end up as a topic in the OT.

Are Democrat politicians, on average, more moral or atleast more normal than Republican policians?

We constantly hear story after story about not just trump, but how Republicans lie or else genuinely believe blatantly untrue conjecture for political advantage (Hillary Clinton's emails), they try to legislate on personal beliefs regardless of how others suffer (defunding planned parenthood or preventing gun legislation), and often come up holding racist beliefs.

Which is not to say that democrats are perfect, but they seem to have some sense of moral normalcy. A good example is the DNC bernie thing. They brought up the idea of attacking Bernie based on his religion, which is clearly a bad thing. Then they went "Well, that'd be kind of shitty, yeah?" so they didn't.

We can all agree that the GOP as a whole is just fucking poison. There is something deeply wrong there. But how does that work on an individual level?

Republicans have designed their political strategy around appealing to the worst elements of society for so long that it was inevitable those people would eventually run for office and end up in positions of leadership.

Democratic coalitions tend to be constructed on slightly more solid foundations than "let's get bigots, racists, and gun nuts to vote for us."

@RalstonReports: @RandySF45 Dems lost 1 point. Still 14-point lead.

Still same % of similar voters as day 1 in 2012 (2.6%). Huge numbers for Democrats.

Washoe is a swing county where Republicans have a registration edge:

@RalstonReports: Huge day for Dems on first day in Washoe:
2012: 1,000 raw-vote difference, 10-point D edge
2016: 1,800 raw-vote difference, 19-point D edge

So, overall big day for Dems in Nevada.


Democrats also had an 1,800 vote lead in Washoe county after early voting today. 18 more votes today compared to 2012, and Republicans have a registration edge there. This probably means Republicans are not turning out in Nevada.


The increase in indies in Nevada probably corresponds to young people registering to vote. I'd worry about Nevada slowly becoming another California if I were a Republican.
jog my memory but when an amendment is ratify by the states do the legislatures ratify it with a simple majority in each body or joint session vote with 2/3 of each chamber?

Depends on each state's Legislative procedure. But it can be as simple as a 50+1 majority vote in each chamber.

Once the Federal amendment is passed, ratification by states who didn't pass it initially is a formality, since it's recognized by the Feds, and the Supremecy Clause becomes the controlling power.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I had to get my twin daughters car towed yesterday. Town truck guy made small conversation. Instantly thought I lived in Gary, Indiana. (I'm black and I dont) He openly offered and said he was leaning for trump. He also asked me if my twins were the same age..... Just saying.
She's about to get a luscious DC job either way.

After taking Huma's child under his wing in Hawaii, teaching him the ancient art of the Force, Obama guides Jordan into public service and eventually the office of NY Senator. After serving only one term, the young political prodigy runs a masterful POTUS campaign, ascending to the highest office in America when his true intentions become clear. The cybernetic Dick Cheney emerges from a man-sized safe in the Naval Observatory to reveal that, infact, he is the controlling mind behind the young prince, ushering in a 1000 years of darkness.


It'll be amazing if after 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Clinton, Michelle wins in 2024.

You'd need to alter her views—and, likely, her personality—at least a decade ago but probably more, the butterflies from that could change the timeline drastically.

She has made it incredibly clear that she wouldn't be interested, I respect that.


Anthony weiner sucks.

Huma deserves a king, not this whacko.
This documentary was almost physically painful to watch. I kept thinking to myself "this is what a Donald Trump who was intelligent would look like." Like all the narcissistic traits and inability to let a criticism of himself go even when he was self-evidently wrong. Just he was articulate about it.

It must have been torture for Huma. Judging by her faces and emotions during this documentary, she was being brutalized. I cant believe Weiner was one of my favorite politicians at one point.
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