Murphy isn't winning the Latino vote with the same margin as Clinton. So it will be very difficult for him.
The latino vote isn't monolithic.
i have no doubt that florida cubans are more positively predisposed to rubio than murphy is.
Puerto ricans though? absolutely not. They vote along the same lines as most other latinos do nationally, with no particular love for Rubio.
But one million Hispanics have come to this state since 2012, most of them Puerto Ricans. Many have settled in the Orlando area — home to Disney World and other theme parks.
Since 2012 there's been a million more latinos moving to Florida. mostly from puerto rico. Few to none of these voters will show up in polling, since by definition they aren't likely voters (never having voted before) and many either speak english as a second language or not at all.
I'm not confident that polling in florida accurately represents latino support because of this- and "ground game" goes pretty far in reaching these voters and turning them out. The DNC is certainly putting the work in to drive out the vote for hillary, running quite a bit in spanish language tv and radio.
It doesn't matter if they're promoting murphy specifically or not, he'll benefit.
1. so why did DCCC cancel all their ads? 2. Priorities have yet to go and 3. Cesare has informed us he is toast.
4. Murphy isnt winning the Hispanic vote large enough like Hillary.
1.) promoting murphy specifically isn't a good use of funds. You want to drive unlikely voters to the polls, they're not going to get there to vote for a senate candidate. This is all about Trump, Hillary, and the presidential race- and you count on those voters not to ticket split. The democratic senatorial committee is better off spending their money in other races where raising the profile of a stronger senate candidate will make a difference, like NC or PA.
2.) see the above re: latino polling. I have no confidence that traditional polling especially if its english only is capturing any significant portion of the PR vote there.